
#' featurespace
#' @title Plot method for \code{trainOcc} object
#' @description Plot the decision values of a \code{\link{trainOcc}} object in its two dimensional feature space.
#' @details This function is an adaptation of \code{plot.ksvm} from the \code{kernlab} package.
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{trainOcc}}.
#' @param thresholds a scalar or numeric vector used to plot additional contour lines.   
#' @param x.tr data to be plotted. must have a column y with labels.
#' @param positive the class of interest in \code{x.tr$y}
#' @param borders names list (x, y) with two vectors of length two specifiying the 
#' borders of the feature space in horizontal/x- and vertical/y- directions.
#' @param nCells number of cells in horizontal/x- and vertical/y- directions.
#' @param main character string for the plot title
#' @param column select a column in case the model \code{x} is not a \code{\link{trainOcc}} object and 
#' returns more then one column, default is \code{1}. 
#' @param expandColors if the predictive values are not positive and negative numbers (as in case of the ocsvm and biasedsvm) set this argument to \code{FALSE}  
#' @param ... other arguments that can be passed to \code{\link{predict}}.
#' @return a plot of the feature space
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(bananas)
#' tr <- bananas$tr
#' ### underfitted model
#' oc <- trainOcc ( x = tr[, -1], y = tr[, 1], 
#'                  tuneGrid=expand.grid(sigma=0.1, 
#'                                       cNeg=.1, 
#'                                       cMultiplier=100))
#' featurespace(oc, th=0) 
#' ### overfitted model
#' oc <- trainOcc ( x = tr[, -1], y = tr[, 1], 
#'                  tuneGrid=expand.grid(sigma=10, 
#'                                       cNeg=.1, 
#'                                       cMultiplier=100))
#' featurespace(oc, th=0) 
#' }
#' @export
featurespace <- function (x, thresholds=NULL, x.tr=NULL, positive=NULL, 
                          borders=NULL, nCells=c(100, 100), main=NULL, column=NULL, 
                          expandColors=TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(thresholds))
  grid <- nCells
  if ((class(x)[1]=='trainOcc' | class(x)[1]=='ensemble') & is.null(x.tr)) {
    sub <- as.matrix(x$trainingData[, -3])
    y <- as.matrix(x$trainingData[, 3])
  } else if (!is.null(x.tr)) {
    yCol <- colnames(x.tr)=='y'
    sub <- as.matrix(x.tr[, !yCol])
    if (any(yCol)) {
      y <- as.matrix(x.tr[, 'y'])
    } else {
      y <- rep('pos', nrow(x.tr))
  if (is.null(borders)) {
    yr <- seq(min(sub[, 2]), max(sub[, 2]), length = grid[2]) # plots on y-axis
    xr <- seq(min(sub[, 1]), max(sub[, 1]), length = grid[1]) # plots on x-axis
  } else {
    yr <- seq(min(borders$y), max(borders$y), length = grid[2]) # plots on y-axis
    xr <- seq(min(borders$x), max(borders$x), length = grid[1]) # plots on y-axis
  sc <- 0
  slice = list()
  new <- expand.grid(xr, yr)
  colnames(new) <- xylb <- colnames(sub)
  if (class(x)[1]=='trainOcc') {
    preds <- predict(x, new, type = "prob", ...)
    if (is.null(main))
      if (is.null(main))
        main <- x$modelInfo$label
  } else if (class(x)[1]=='ensemble') {
    if (is.null(main))
      main <- x$modelInfo$label
    preds <- predict(x, new, ...)$committee
    if (any(colnames(preds)=='pos'))
      preds <- data.frame(pos=preds[, 'pos', drop=FALSE])
  } else {
    preds <- predict(x, new, ...)
  if (length(dim(preds))>1)
    if (ncol(preds)>1)
      if (is.null(column)) {
        preds <- preds[,1]
      } else {
        preds <- preds[,column]
  lvl <- 37
  mymax <- max(abs(preds))

  if (!expandColors) {
    mymin <- min(abs(preds))
    mylevels <- pretty(c(mymin, mymax), 30)
    nl <- (length(mylevels)/2+1) - 2
    mycols <- c(hcl(0, 100 * (nl:0/nl)^1.3, 90 - 40 * 
                      (nl:0/nl)^1.3), rev(hcl(260, 100 * (nl:0/nl)^1.3, 
                                              90 - 40 * (nl:0/nl)^1.3)))
  } else {
    mylevels <- pretty(c(0, mymax), 15)
    nl <- length(mylevels) - 2
    mycols <- c(hcl(0, 100 * (nl:0/nl)^1.3, 90 - 40 * 
                      (nl:0/nl)^1.3), rev(hcl(260, 100 * (nl:0/nl)^1.3, 
                                              90 - 40 * (nl:0/nl)^1.3)))
    mylevels <- c(-rev(mylevels[-1]), mylevels)
  index <- max(which(mylevels <= min(preds))):min(which(mylevels >= 
                                                          max(preds) ) )
  if (length(index==1))
    index <- 1:length(mylevels)
  mycols <- mycols[index]
  mylevels <- mylevels[index]
  # ymat <- ymatrix(x)
  # ymean <- mean(unique(ymat))
  if (class(x)[1]=='trainOcc' | class(x)[1]=='ensemble')
    filled.contour(xr, yr, matrix(as.numeric(unlist(preds)), 
                                  nrow = length(xr), byrow = FALSE), col = mycols, 
                   levels = mylevels, nlevels = lvl, 
                   plot.title = title(main = main, 
                                      xlab = xylb[1], ylab = xylb[2]), 
                   plot.axes = {
                     points(sub[y=='un' , 1], sub[y=='un' , 2], 
                            pch = 4,
                            cex = 0.5) 
                     points(sub[y=='pos' , 1], sub[y=='pos' , 2], 
                            pch = 16, xpd=TRUE) 
                     if (!is.null(thresholds))
                       contour(xr, yr, matrix(as.numeric(unlist(preds)), 
                                              nrow = length(xr), byrow = FALSE), 
                               levels = thresholds, lwd=2, add=TRUE)
                     if (class(x)[1]=='ensemble') {
                       for (m in 1:length(x$ensembleModels)) {
                         preds <- predict(x$ensembleModels[[m]], new)
                         contour(xr, yr, matrix(as.numeric(unlist(preds)), 
                                                nrow = length(xr), byrow = FALSE), add=TRUE, 
  } else {
    uy <- unique(y)
    filled.contour(xr, yr, matrix(as.numeric(unlist(preds)), 
                                  nrow = length(xr), byrow = FALSE), col = mycols, 
                   levels = mylevels, nlevels = lvl, 
                   plot.title = title(main = main, 
                                      xlab = xylb[1], ylab = xylb[2]), 
                   plot.axes = {
                     points(sub[y==uy[2] , 1], sub[y==uy[2] , 2], 
                            pch = 4,
                            cex = 0.5) 
                     points(sub[y==uy[1] , 1], sub[y==uy[1] , 2], 
                            pch = 16, xpd=TRUE) 
                     if (!is.null(thresholds))
                       contour(xr, yr, matrix(as.numeric(unlist(preds)), 
                                              nrow = length(xr), byrow = FALSE), 
                               levels = thresholds, lwd=2, add=TRUE)
  invisible(list(colors=mycols, levels=mylevels))
benmack/oneClass documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 7:38 p.m.