
#' Plot the top five hot and cold topics in the archive
#' @description Generates plots and data frames of the top five hot and cold topics. Hot topics are topics with a positive correlation to year of publication, cold topics have a negative correlation. For use with JSTOR's Data for Research datasets (http://dfr.jstor.org/).
#' @param lda the object returned by the function JSTOR_lda.
#' @param pval p-value of the correlation cutoff for topics to include in the top 5 negative/positive list (ie. only topics where p<0.01 or 0.001?). Default is 0.05.
#' @param ma moving average interval, default is five years.
#' @param size size of the text in the legend (the topic keywords). Default is 12.
#' @return Returns a plot of the hot topics and plot of the cold topics and a list of dataframes of the topic proportions per year. Years as rows, topics as columns and posterior probabilities as cell values. Uses a five year moving average to smooth the plots a bit.
#' @examples 
#' ## hotncold <- JSTOR_lda_hotncoldtopics(lda = lda150, ma = 10) 
#' @import ggplot2

JSTOR_lda_hotncoldtopics <- function(lda, pval=0.05, ma=5, size=12){
  # unpack output from JSTOR_lda
  topic.props <- lda[[1]]
  topic.props.agg <- aggregate(formula = . ~ year, data = topic.props[, !(colnames(topic.props) %in% c("ID"))], FUN = mean)
  # make a n-year moving average to smooth things out a bit (from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4862334/1036500)
  # only looking back: a trailing moving average         
  topic.props.agg <- data.frame(na.omit(apply(topic.props.agg, 2, function(x){filter(x,rep(1/ma,ma), sides=1)})))  
  # get pearson correlation between topic and year
  year_cors <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(1:(ncol(topic.props.agg[,!(colnames(topic.props.agg) %in% "year")])), function(i) cor(as.numeric(topic.props.agg$year), 
                                                                                                                              topic.props.agg[,!(colnames(topic.props.agg) %in% "year")][,i]))))
  # get p-value for pearson correlation
  year_cor.pval <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(1:(ncol(topic.props.agg[,!(colnames(topic.props.agg) %in% "year")])), function(i) cor.test(as.numeric(topic.props.agg$year), 
                                                                                                                                       topic.props.agg[,!(colnames(topic.props.agg) %in% "year")][,i])$p.value)))
  # get five top-ranked words for each topic to use when plotting (exclude year)
  topic_string <- colnames(topic.props.agg)[2:ncol(topic.props.agg)]
  # make a df of correlations, p-values, topic names and numbers
  years_cor_comb <- data.frame(cor = year_cors, pval = year_cor.pval, topic = topic_string, topicnum = seq(1,length(topic_string),1))
  # subset for only topics with p<0.xx
  years_cor_comb <- years_cor_comb[years_cor_comb$pval <= pval, ]
  # sort the subset
  years_cor_comb <- years_cor_comb[with(years_cor_comb, order(-cor)),]
  # get top 5 -ve correlations
  neg <- tail(years_cor_comb[years_cor_comb$cor < 0, ],5)
  # get top 5 -ve correlations
  pos <- head(years_cor_comb[years_cor_comb$cor > 0, ],5)
  # plot top five +ve
  top5_positive_df <- data.frame(year = topic.props.agg$year, topic.props.agg[names(topic.props.agg) %in% pos$topic])

  dat.m.pos <- melt(top5_positive_df, id.vars='year')

  print(ggplot(dat.m.pos , aes(year, value, group=variable)) + 
          geom_line(aes(colour=variable)) +
          theme(legend.text = element_text( size = size)))
  # plot top five -ve
  top5_negative_df <- data.frame(year = topic.props.agg$year, topic.props.agg[names(topic.props.agg) %in% neg$topic])
  dat.m.neg <- melt(top5_negative_df, id.vars='year')
  print(ggplot(dat.m.neg , aes(year, value, group=variable)) + 
          geom_line(aes(colour=variable)) +
          theme(legend.text = element_text( size = size)))
  return(list("top5_positive" = top5_positive_df, "top5_negative" = top5_negative_df, "top5_pos_cor" = pos, "top5_neg_cor" = neg))
benmarwick/JSTORr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 12:59 p.m.