
Defines functions create_compendium

Documented in create_compendium

#' @name create_compendium
#' @title Quickly create a basic research compendium by combining several rrtools functions into one.
#' @description In one step, this will create an R package in an empty, git initialized directory, attach the MIT license to it, add the rrtools' README to it, create the 'analysis' directory structure, and populate it with an R Markdown file and bib file. This function will not create a GitHub repository for the compendium, a Dockerfile, a Travis config file, or any package tests. Those require some interaction outside of R and are left to the user.
#' @param pkgname path to an empty, git initialized directory. The last component of the path will be used as the package name. Default is the current directory name.
#' @param data_in_git should git track the files in the data directory? Default is TRUE
#' @param rstudio create an RStudio project file? (with \code{usethis::use_rstudio})
#' @param open if TRUE and in RStudio, the new project is opened in a new instance.
#' If TRUE and not in RStudio, the working directory is set to the new project
#' @param simple if TRUE, the default, the R/ directory is not created, because it's not necessary for many if not most research repositories
#' @importFrom usethis use_mit_license use_git
#' @export

create_compendium <- function(
  pkgname = getwd(),
  data_in_git = TRUE,
  rstudio = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
  open = TRUE,
  simple = TRUE
) {

  if (!dir.exists(pkgname)) {
    message("The directory ", pkgname, " has been created.")
  } else {
    message("Creating the compendium in the current directory: ", pkgname)

  # initialize the new project with useful features
  if (rstudio & open) {

    fileConn <- file(file.path(pkgname, ".Rprofile"))
        # run additional commands
        paste0("usethis::use_mit_license(copyright_holder = '", get_git_config('user.name', global = TRUE), "')"),
        "rrtools::use_readme_qmd(render_readme = FALSE)",
        paste0("rrtools::use_analysis(data_in_git = ", data_in_git, ")"),
        # print welcome message
        "cat(crayon::bold('\nThis project was set up by rrtools.\n'))",
        "cat('\nYou can start working now or apply some more basic configuration.\n')",
        "cat('Check out ')",
        "cat(' for an explanation of all the project configuration functions of rrtools.\n')",

    # create new project
      rstudio = rstudio,
      open = open,
      simple = simple,
      welcome_message = FALSE

  } else {

    # create new project
      rstudio = rstudio,
      open = open,
      simple = simple,
      welcome_message = TRUE

    # switch to new dir

    # run additional commands
    usethis::use_mit_license(copyright_holder = get_git_config('user.name', global = TRUE))
    rrtools::use_readme_qmd(render_readme = FALSE)
    rrtools::use_analysis(data_in_git = data_in_git)

    usethis::ui_done("The working directory is now {getwd()}")


benmarwick/rrtools documentation built on June 7, 2024, 8:19 p.m.