
Defines functions tweak.model tweak.inits tweak.init tweak as.inits.inits .as.init.character .initRelComment .parseBlock as.inits.character .initLineNum .initEstimateNum .initdata .initcomments `fixed<-.inits` fixed.inits `$<-.init` `$.init` as.inits.numeric .explicit .space2comma .comments print.inits format.inits prettycom.character prettycom comwidthOne.character comwidthOne maxWidths.list maxWidths comwidth.character comwidth comwidth.inits comwidth.items as.character.items as.character.inits as.inits.list as.inits `fixed<-.init` fixed.init `fixed<-` fixed print.init format.init as.character.init as.init.numeric as.init.init as.init

Documented in as.character.init as.character.inits as.character.items as.init as.init.init as.init.numeric as.inits as.inits.character as.inits.inits as.inits.list as.inits.numeric comwidth comwidth.character comwidth.inits comwidth.items comwidthOne comwidthOne.character fixed fixed.init fixed.inits format.init format.inits maxWidths maxWidths.list prettycom prettycom.character print.init print.inits tweak tweak.init tweak.inits tweak.model

#' Coerce to init
#' Coerces to init
#' @param x object
#' @param ... dots
#' @export
#' @family as.init
#' @keywords internal
as.init <- function(x,...)UseMethod('as.init')
#' Coerce init to init
#' Coerces init to init
#' @param x init
#' @param fixed logical
#' @param comment character
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return init
#' @family as.init
#' @export
as.init.init <- function(x=numeric(0),fixed=FALSE,comment=character(0),...)as.init.numeric(x=x,fixed=fixed,comment=comment,...)

#' Coerces numeric to init
#' @param x numeric
#' @param fixed logical
#' @param comment character
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return init
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family as.init
as.init.numeric <- function(x=numeric(0),fixed=FALSE,comment=character(0),...){
    #x may be one,two, or three values
	#init, low/init, or low/init/up
	y <- c(-Inf,NA,Inf)
	names(y) <- c('low','init','up')
	class(y) <- c('init',class(y))
	if(length(x)==1)y['init'] <- x
	if(length(x)==2)y[c('low','init')] <- x
	if(length(x)==3)y[c('low','init','up')] <- x
	if(is.na(y['low']))y['low'] <- -Inf
	if(is.na(y['up']))y['up'] <- Inf
  if(y['low'] > y['up']) stop('lower bound must not be greater than upper bound')
  if(!is.na(y['init']))stopifnot(y['low'] <= y['init'],y['init'] <= y['up'])
  if(fixed & is.na(y['init']))stop('initial cannot be fixed if missing')
  # if(!fixed & !is.na(y['init']) & y['init'] == 0)warning('initial should be fixed if zero\n')
	if(fixed) y[c('low','init','up')] <- y['init']
  if(length(comment))comment(y) <- comment

#' Coerce init to character
#' Coerces init to character.
#' @param x init
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family as.character
#' @keywords internal
as.character.init <- function(x,...){
  fixed <- x['low']==x['init'] & x['init']==x['up']
  com <- comment(x)
  if(is.na(fixed))fixed <- FALSE
  if(!is.na(x['init']) & all(is.infinite(x[c('low','up')]))) x <- x['init']
  if(!is.na(x['init']) & is.infinite(x['up'])) x <- x[c('low','init')]
  x[] <- sapply(x,toupper)
  x[is.na(x)] <- ''
  if(fixed) x <- x['init']
  len <- length(x)
  y <- paste(x,collapse=',')
  if(len>1) y <- parens(y)
  if(fixed) y <- paste(y,'FIXED')
  if(!is.null(com)) {
    com <- as.character(com)
    if(length(com)==1)y <- paste(y,com, sep='; ')
      com <- paste('; ',com)
      y <- c(y,com)
#' Format init
#' Formats init.
#' @param x init
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family format
#' @keywords internal
format.init <-function(x,...)as.character(x,...)
#' Print init
#' Prints init.
#' @param x init
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family print
#' @keywords internal
print.init <-function(x,...)print(format(x,...))

#' Check if something is fixed
#' Checks if something is fixed
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family fixed
#' @keywords internal
fixed <- function(x,...)UseMethod('fixed')

#' Set value of fixed attribute
#' Sets value of fixed attribute.
#' @param x object
#' @param value value to set
#' @export
#' @family fixed
#' @keywords internal
`fixed<-` <- function(x,value)UseMethod('fixed<-')

#' Check if init is fixed
#' Checks if init is fixed.
#' @param x init
#' @return logical
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @family fixed
fixed.init <- function(x,...)!any(is.na(x)) & length(unique(x)) == 1

#' Set fixed init value
#' Sets fixed init value.
#' @param x object
#' @param value value to
#' @return init
#' @export
#' @family fixed
#' @keywords internal
`fixed<-.init` <- function(x,value){
  if(is.na(value))stop('NA found where logical required')
  if(is.na(x['init']))stop("cannot alter 'fixed' for a missing value")
  if(value)x[c('low','init','up')] <- x['init']
    #user has requested 'not fixed' on something that is 'fixed'
    x['low'] <- -Inf
    x['up'] <- Inf
#' Coerce to inits
#' Coerces to inits.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... dots
#' @export
#' @family as.inits
#' @keywords internal
as.inits <- function(x,...)UseMethod('as.inits')

#' Coerce list to inits
#' Coerces list to inits.
#' @param x list
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @param comment character
#' @return inits
#' @export
#' @family as.inits
as.inits.list <- function(x,comment=character(0),...){
  is.init <- sapply(x,inherits,'init') ## test?
  class(x) <- c('inits',class(x))
   comment(x) <- if(length(comment))comment else '' # NA_character_
#' Coerce inits to character
#' Coerces inits to character.
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family as.character
#' @keywords internal
as.character.inits <- function(x,pretty = TRUE, sep = ';', delim = ' ; ', widths = comwidth(x), ...){
  block <- attr(x, 'block')
  com <- comment(x)
  padded <- attr(x,'padded')
  if(is.null(padded)) padded <- FALSE
  if(!is.null(com))if(!is.na(com))if(com != '') com <- paste(sep,com)
  y <- c(com,unlist(lapply(x,as.character)))
  if(padded) y <- c(y,rep('',padded))
  if(!is.null(block))if(block) y[[1]] <- paste(y[[1]], paste0('BLOCK',parens(block)))
  if(pretty) y <- sapply(y,prettycom, widths, sep = sep, delim = delim, ...)

#' Coerce Items to Character
#' Coerces items to character.
#' @param x items
#' @param pretty logical
#' @param sep input delimiter
#' @param delim output delimiter
#' @param widths desired widths
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return character
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family as.character
as.character.items <- function(x,pretty = TRUE, sep = ';', delim = ' ; ', widths = comwidth(x), ...){
  y <- attr(x,'text')
  if(pretty) y <- sapply(y,prettycom, widths, sep = sep, delim = delim, ...)

#' Calculate Comment Widths for Items
#' Calculates comment widths for items
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family comwidth
#' @keywords internal
comwidth.items <- function(x, ...){
  y <- attr(x,'text')
  z <- comwidth(y)

#' Calculate Comment Widths for Inits
#' Calculates comment widths for inits
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family comwidth
#' @keywords internal
comwidth.inits <- function(x, ...){
  com <- comment(x)
  y <- c(com,unlist(lapply(x,as.character)))
  z <- comwidth(y)

#' Calculate Comment Widths
#' Calculates comment widths.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family comwidth
#' @keywords internal
comwidth <- function(x,...)UseMethod('comwidth')

#' Calculate Comment Widths for Character
#' Calculates comment widths for character.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family comwidth
#' @keywords internal
comwidth.character <- function(x,...){
  y <- lapply(x,comwidthOne)
  w <- maxWidths(y,...)

#' Calculate Maximum Widths
#' Calculates maximum widths
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family maxWidths
#' @keywords internal
maxWidths <- function(x,...)UseMethod('maxWidths')

#' Calculate Maximum Widths for List
#' Calculates maximum widths for list
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family maxWidths
#' @keywords internal
maxWidths.list <- function(x,...){
  if(length(x) == 0) return(0)
  maxlen <- max(sapply(x,length))
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    len <- length(x[[i]])
    for(j in seq_len(maxlen - len)){
      x[[i]] <- c(x[[i]], 0)
  w <- do.call(cbind,x)
  w <- apply(w,1,max)

#' Calculate Comment Widths for One Element
#' Calculates comment widths for one element.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family comwidthOne
#' @keywords internal
comwidthOne <- function(x,...)UseMethod('comwidthOne')

#' Calculate Comment Widths for One Element of Character
#' Calculates Comment Widths for one element of character
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @param split comment separator
#' @export
#' @family comwidthOne
#' @keywords internal
comwidthOne.character <- function(x,split = ';', ...){
  if(!grepl(split, x)) return(0)
  y <- strsplit(x, split = split)[[1]]
  y <- sub('^\\s+', '', y)
  y <- sub('\\s+$', '', y)
  z <- sapply(y, nchar)
  z <- as.integer(z)

#' Pretty-print a Comment
#' Pretty-prints a comment.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family prettycom
#' @keywords internal
prettycom <- function(x, ...)UseMethod('prettycom')

#' Pretty-print a Comment for Character
#' Pretty-prints a comment for character.
#' @param x ... object
#' @param widths integer
#' @param sep input separator
#' @param delim output separator
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family prettycom
#' @keywords internal
prettycom.character <- function(x, widths, sep, delim, ...){
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  y <- strsplit(x, sep)[[1]]
  y <- sub('^\\s+', '', y)
  y <- sub('\\s+$', '', y)
  stopifnot(length(widths) >= length(y))
  for(i in seq_along(y)){
    have <- nchar(y[[i]])
    need <- widths[[i]]
    pad <- need - have
    pad <- max(pad, 0)
    tail <- rep(' ',pad)
    tail <- paste(tail, collapse = '')
    y[[i]] <- paste0(y[[i]], tail)
  z <- paste(y, collapse = delim)

#' Format inits
#' Formats inits.
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family format
#' @keywords internal
format.inits <-function(x,...)as.character(x,...)

#' Print inits
#' Prints inits.
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family print
#' @keywords internal
print.inits <-function(x,...)print(format(x,...))
.comments <- function(x)sub('^[^;]*;?(.*)$','\\1',x)
.space2comma <- function(x){
  x[[1]] <- gsub(' ',',',x[[1]])
.explicit <- function(x){
    halves <- strsplit(x,')',fixed=TRUE)
    halves <- lapply(halves,.space2comma)

#' Subset inits
#' Subsets inits.
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @param drop logical
#' @return inits
#' @export
#' @family inits
#' @keywords internal
`[.inits` <- function (x, ..., drop = TRUE){
  cl <- oldClass(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  val <- NextMethod("[")
  class(val) <- cl
#' Coerce numeric to inits
#' Coerces numeric to inits
#' @param x numeric
#' @param fixed logical
#' @param comment character
#' @return inits
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family as.inits
as.inits.numeric <- function(x,fixed=FALSE,comment=character(0),...){
  fixed <- rep(fixed,length.out=length(x))
  y <- lapply(
  y <- as.inits(y)
  if(length(comment)) comment(y) <- comment
#' Select init element
#' Selects init element.
#' @param x init
#' @param name character
#' @return numeric
#' @export
#' @family init
#' @keywords internal
`$.init` <- function(x,name)x[[name]]
#' Set init element
#' Sets init element.
#' @param x init
#' @param name character
#' @param value numeric
#' @return init
#' @export
#' @family init
#' @keywords internal
`$<-.init` <- function(x,name,value){
  if(!name %in% c('low','init','up'))stop('attempt to set an invalid init element')
  if(is.null(value))stop('attempt to delete a required init element')
  x[name] <- value

#' Check if inits is fixed
#' Checks if inits is fixed.
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return logical
#' @describeIn fixed inits method
#' @export
#' @family fixed
fixed.inits <- function(x,...)sapply(x,fixed)

#' Set fixed attribute of inits
#' Sets fixed attribute of inits.
#' @param x inits
#' @param value logical
#' @return inits
#' @export
#' @family fixed
#' @keywords internal
`fixed<-.inits` <- function(x,value){
  value <- rep(value,length.out=length(x))
  for(i in seq_along(value))fixed(x[[i]]) <- value[[i]]

.initcomments <- function(x)sub('^[^;]*;?(.*)$','\\1',x)
.initdata <- function(x)sub(';.*','',x)
.initEstimateNum <- function(x){
  # an estimate is initiated by a parenthesis, or by a qualifying character.
  # a qualifying character is a numeric or reserved char.
  # if initiated by parenthesis, it is closed by parenthesis, else by next
  # qualifying character
  # only 0123456789.-+eI( can initiate an estimate. For (, only ) can close it.
  # For the others, the first space or newline ends the numeric region.
  y <- numeric(0)
  openers <- c('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','.','-','+','(')
  closers <- c(' ','\n','\t') #or end of vector
  region <- 0
  parenthetical <- FALSE
  active <- FALSE
  for(i in x){
      if(i %in% openers){
        region <- region + 1
        active <- TRUE
        if(i==')') active <- FALSE
        if(i %in% closers) active <- FALSE
    if(i=='(')parenthetical <- TRUE
    if(i==')')parenthetical <- FALSE
    y <- append(y,region)

.initLineNum <- function(x){
  newline <- x=='\n'
  #I am the first character in a line if I follow a newline, or if I am the veryfirst character.
  frst <- lag(newline)
  frst[is.na(frst)] <- TRUE
  linenum <- cumsum(frst)
#' Coerce character to inits
#' Coerces character to inits.
#' @param x character
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return inits
#' @describeIn as.inits character method
#' @export
#' @family as.inits
as.inits.character <- function(x,...){
  # final empty line is scrubbed by collapse=\n
  # chomp all line endings, count and store final empties
  x <- sub('\\s+$','',x)
  y <- rev(x)
  z <- y == ''
  count = match(FALSE,z)
  padded <- count - 1
  x <- .parseBlock(x)
  block <- attr(x,'block')
  comments <- .initcomments(x)
  data <- .initdata(x)
  data <- sub('SAME','1',data)
  data <- paste(data,collapse='\n')
  z <- strsplit(data,NULL)[[1]]
  #classify each character in z as belonging to a particular line and particular estimate.
  est <- .initEstimateNum(z)
  line <- .initLineNum(z)
  inits <- split(z,est)
  inits <- lapply(inits,paste,collapse='')
  # those comments on lines before the start of estimates
  # globalcom <- comments[unique(line[est==0])]
  globalcom <- comments[setdiff(line,line[est > 0])]
  if(0 %in% est) inits <- inits[-1]
  inits <- lapply(
      x <- inits[[i]]
      com <- comments[.initRelComment(i,est,line)]
      com <- com[com!='']
      comment(x) <- com
  inits <- lapply(
      com <- comment(inits[[i]])
      if(is.null(com))com <- character(0)
      out <- .as.init.character(inits[[i]],comment=com)
  out <- as.inits(inits,comment=globalcom)
  attr(out,'block') <- block
  attr(out,'padded') <- padded
.parseBlock <- function(x){
  y <- c(x,'_terminus_')
  y <- paste(y,collapse='\n')
  block <- 0
  if(y %contains% '^ *BLOCK'){
    block <- text2decimal(y)
    y <- sub('BLOCK *\\([^)]+\\)','',y)
  y <- strsplit(y,'\n')[[1]]
  y <- y[y != '_terminus_']
    attr(y,'block') <- block
.initRelComment <- function(i,est,line){
  #need numbers for comment lines for any comment on my line, plus any trailing
  #comments, i.e. those after this line but before a new est is started
  #use comment groups: where runhead est coincides with runhead line
  #but if line starts with space, runhead est does not coincide with runhead line
  myLines <- line[est == i]
  theirLines <- line[ est > i] # note: not est == i because leading space "belongs" to i - 1
  myLines <- setdiff(myLines, theirLines)
  # groupstart <- runhead(est) & runhead(line)
  # group <- cumsum(groupstart)
  # mygroup <- unique(group[est==i])#probably only 1
  # mylines <- unique(line[group==mygroup])
.as.init.character <- function(x,comment=character(0),...){#limited utility
  fixed = FALSE
  if(x %contains% 'FIX|FIXED') fixed <- TRUE
  x <- gsub('FIXED','',x)
  x <- gsub('FIX','',x)
  x <- gsub('\n','',x)
  x <- gsub('\t','',x)
  x <- sub('(','',x,fixed=TRUE)
  x <- sub(')','',x,fixed=TRUE)
  x <- gsub(' +',' ',x)
  x <- sub('^ ','',x)
  x <- sub(' $','',x)
  x <- gsub(',? ',',',x)
  x <- strsplit(x,',')[[1]]
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  x <- as.init(x,fixed=fixed,comment=comment,...)
#' Coerce Inits to Inits
#' Coerces inits to inits
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return inits
#' @describeIn as.inits inits method
#' @export
#' @family as.inits
as.inits.inits <- function(x,...)x

#' Tweak Something
#' Tweaks something.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... dots
#' @export
#' @family tweak
#' @keywords internal
tweak <- function(x,...)UseMethod('tweak')

#' Tweak Init
#' Tweaks init.
#' @param x init
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @param sd numeric
#' @param digits integer
#' @return init
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family tweak
tweak.init <- function(x,sd=0.13,digits=3,...){
	scale <- stats::rnorm(1,mean=1,sd=sd)
	y <- x$init * scale
	y <- signif(y,digits=digits)
	if(y < x$low | y > x$up) return(tweak.init(x,sd=sd,digits=digits,...))
	x$init <- y
#' Tweak inits
#' Tweaks inits.
#' @param x inits
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @param sd numeric
#' @param digits integer
#' @return inits
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family tweak
tweak.inits <- function(x,sd=0.13,digits=3,...){
	x[!fixed(x)] <- lapply(x[!fixed(x)],tweak,sd=sd,digits=digits,...)
#' Tweak Model
#' Tweaks model.
#' @param x model
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @param sd numeric
#' @param digits integer
#' @return model
#' @export
#' @family tweak
#' @examples
#' # Create a working project.
#' source <- system.file(package = 'nonmemica','project')
#' target <- tempdir()
#' target <- gsub('\\\\','/',target) # for windows
#' source
#' target
#' file.copy(source,target,recursive = TRUE)
#' project <- file.path(target,'project','model')
#' # Point project option at working project
#' options(project = project)
#' library(magrittr)
#' # Make ten new models with slightly different initial estimates.
#' 1001 %>% tweak
tweak.model <- function(x,sd=0.13,digits=3,...){
	stopifnot('theta' %in% names(x))
	# x$theta <- as.inits(x$theta)
  x[names(x) == 'theta'] <- lapply(x[names(x) == 'theta'], as.inits)
	# x$theta <- tweak(x$theta,sd=sd,digits=digits,...)
  x[names(x) == 'theta'] <- lapply(x[names(x) == 'theta'], tweak, sd = sd, digits = digits,...)
bergsmat/nonmemica documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 9:22 a.m.