
Defines functions getTaskWeights getTaskFactorLevels changeData subsetTask getTaskCosts.CostSensTask getTaskCosts.Task getTaskCosts recodeY getTaskData getTaskTargets.CostSensTask getTaskTargets.UnsupervisedTask getTaskTargets.SupervisedTask getTaskTargets getTaskFormula getTaskSize getTaskNFeats getTaskFeatureNames.Task getTaskFeatureNames getTaskClassLevels.MultilabelTaskDesc getTaskClassLevels.ClassifTaskDesc getTaskClassLevels.MultilabelTask getTaskClassLevels.ClassifTask getTaskClassLevels getTaskTargetNames.UnsupervisedTaskDesc getTaskTargetNames.SupervisedTaskDesc getTaskTargetNames.Task getTaskTargetNames getTaskId getTaskType getTaskDescription getTaskDesc.TaskDesc getTaskDesc.default getTaskDesc

Documented in changeData getTaskClassLevels getTaskCosts getTaskData getTaskDesc getTaskDescription getTaskFeatureNames getTaskFormula getTaskId getTaskNFeats getTaskSize getTaskTargetNames getTaskTargets getTaskType subsetTask

#' @title Get a summarizing task description.
#' @description See title.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return ret_taskdesc
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskDesc = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskDesc.default = function(x) {
  # FIXME: would be much cleaner to specialize here

#' @export
getTaskDesc.TaskDesc = function(x) {

#' Deprecated, use [getTaskDesc] instead.
#' @inheritParams getTaskDesc
#' @export
getTaskDescription = function(x) {

#' @title Get the type of the task.
#' @description See title.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return (`character(1)`).
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskType = function(x) {

#' @title Get the id of the task.
#' @description See title.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return (`character(1)`).
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskId = function(x) {

#' @title Get the name(s) of the target column(s).
#' @description
#' NB: For multilabel, [getTaskTargetNames] and [getTaskClassLevels]
#' actually return the same thing.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return ([character]).
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskTargetNames = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskTargetNames.Task = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskTargetNames.SupervisedTaskDesc = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskTargetNames.UnsupervisedTaskDesc = function(x) {

#' @title Get the class levels for classification and multilabel tasks.
#' @description
#' NB: For multilabel, [getTaskTargetNames] and [getTaskClassLevels]
#' actually return the same thing.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return ([character]).
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskClassLevels = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskClassLevels.ClassifTask = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskClassLevels.MultilabelTask = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskClassLevels.ClassifTaskDesc = function(x) {

#' @export
getTaskClassLevels.MultilabelTaskDesc = function(x) {

#' Get feature names of task.
#' Target column name is not included.
#' @template arg_task
#' @return ([character]).
#' @family task
#' @export
getTaskFeatureNames = function(task) {

#' @export
getTaskFeatureNames.Task = function(task) {
  setdiff(names(task$env$data), getTaskDesc(task)$target)

#' @title Get number of features in task.
#' @description See title.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return (`integer(1)`).
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskNFeats = function(x) {

#' @title Get number of observations in task.
#' @description See title.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @return (`integer(1)`).
#' @export
#' @family task
getTaskSize = function(x) {

#' @title Get formula of a task.
#' @description
#' This is usually simply `<target> ~ `.
#' For multilabel it is `<target_1> + ... + <target_k> ~`.
#' @template arg_task_or_desc
#' @param target (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Left hand side of the formula.
#'   Default is defined by task `x`.
#' @param explicit.features (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Should the features (right hand side of the formula) be explicitly listed?
#'   Default is `FALSE`, i.e., they will be represented as `"."`.
#' @param env ([environment])\cr
#'   Environment of the formula.
#'   Default is `parent.frame()`.
#' @return ([formula]).
#' @family task
#' @export
getTaskFormula = function(x, target = getTaskTargetNames(x), explicit.features = FALSE, env = parent.frame()) {

  assertCharacter(target, any.missing = FALSE)
  td = getTaskDesc(x)
  type = td$type
  if (type == "surv") {
    target = sprintf("Surv(%s, %s, type = \"right\")", target[1L], target[2L])
  } else if (type == "multilabel") {
    target = collapse(target, "+")
  } else if (type == "costsens") {
    stop("There is no formula available for cost-sensitive learning.")
  } else if (type == "cluster") {
    stop("There is no formula available for clustering.")
  if (explicit.features) {
    if (!inherits(x, "Task")) {
      stopf("'explicit.features' can only be used when 'x' is of type 'Task'!")
    features = getTaskFeatureNames(x)
  } else {
    features = "."
  # FIXME in the future we might want to create formulas w/o an environment
  # currently this is impossible for survival because the namespace is not imported
  # properly in many packages -> survival::Surv not found
  as.formula(stri_paste(target, "~", stri_paste(features, collapse = " + ", sep = " "), sep = " "), env = env)

#' @title Get target data of task.
#' @description
#' Get target data of task.
#' @template arg_task
#' @inheritParams getTaskData
#' @return A `factor` for classification or a `numeric` for regression, a data.frame
#'   of logical columns for multilabel.
#' @family task
#' @export
#' @examples
#' task = makeClassifTask(data = iris, target = "Species")
#' getTaskTargets(task)
getTaskTargets = function(task, recode.target = "no") {

#' @export
getTaskTargets.SupervisedTask = function(task, recode.target = "no") {
  y = task$env$data[, task$task.desc$target, drop = TRUE]
  recodeY(y, recode.target, task$task.desc)

#' @export
getTaskTargets.UnsupervisedTask = function(task, recode.target = "no") {
  stop("There is no target available for unsupervised tasks.")

#' @export
getTaskTargets.CostSensTask = function(task, recode.target = "no") {
  stop("There is no target available for costsens tasks.")

#' @title Extract data in task.
#' @description
#' Useful in [trainLearner] when you add a learning machine to the package.
#' @template arg_task
#' @template arg_subset
#' @template arg_features
#' @param target.extra (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Should target vector be returned separately?
#'   If not, a single data.frame including the target columns is returned, otherwise a list
#'   with the input data.frame and an extra vector or data.frame for the targets.
#'   Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param recode.target (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Should target classes be recoded? Supported are binary and multilabel classification and survival.
#'   Possible values for binary classification are \dQuote{01}, \dQuote{-1+1} and \dQuote{drop.levels}.
#'   In the two latter cases the target vector is converted into a numeric vector.
#'   The positive class is coded as \dQuote{+1} and the negative class either as \dQuote{0} or \dQuote{-1}.
#'   \dQuote{drop.levels} will remove empty factor levels in the target column.
#'   In the multilabel case the logical targets can be converted to factors with \dQuote{multilabel.factor}.
#'   For survival, you may choose to recode the survival times to \dQuote{left}, \dQuote{right} or \dQuote{interval2} censored times
#'   using \dQuote{lcens}, \dQuote{rcens} or \dQuote{icens}, respectively.
#'   See [survival::Surv] for the format specification.
#'   Default for both binary classification and survival is \dQuote{no} (do nothing).
#' @param functionals.as (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   How to represents functional features?
#'   Option \dQuote{matrix}: Keep them as matrix columns in the data.frame.
#'   Option \dQuote{dfcols}: Convert them to individual numeric data.frame columns.
#'   Default is \dQuote{dfcols}.
#' @return Either a data.frame or a list with data.frame `data` and vector `target`.
#' @family task
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("mlbench")
#' data(BreastCancer)
#' df = BreastCancer
#' df$Id = NULL
#' task = makeClassifTask(id = "BreastCancer", data = df, target = "Class", positive = "malignant")
#' head(getTaskData)
#' head(getTaskData(task, features = c("Cell.size", "Cell.shape"), recode.target = "-1+1"))
#' head(getTaskData(task, subset = 1:100, recode.target = "01"))
getTaskData = function(task, subset = NULL, features, target.extra = FALSE, recode.target = "no",
  functionals.as = "dfcols") {

  checkTask(task, "Task")
  checkTaskSubset(subset, size = task$task.desc$size)
  assertChoice(functionals.as, choices = c("matrix", "dfcols"))

  task.features = getTaskFeatureNames(task)

  # if supplied check if the input is right and always convert 'features'
  # to character vec
  if (!missing(features)) {
      checkIntegerish(features, lower = 1L, upper = length(task.features)),
      checkLogical(features), checkCharacter(features)

    if (!is.character(features)) {
      features = task.features[features]

  tn = task$task.desc$target

  indexHelper = function(df, i, j, drop = TRUE, functionals.as) {
    df = switch(2L * is.null(i) + is.null(j) + 1L,
      df[i, j, drop = drop],
      df[i, , drop = drop],
      df[, j, drop = drop],
    # If we don't keep functionals and functionals are present, convert to numerics
    if (functionals.as == "dfcols" && hasFunctionalFeatures(task)) {
      df = functionalToNormalData(df)

  if (target.extra) {
    if (missing(features)) {
      features = task.features
    res = list(
      data = indexHelper(task$env$data, subset, setdiff(features, tn), drop = FALSE, functionals.as),
      # in the next line we should not rtouch functionals anyway (just Y), so let us keep them as matrix
      target = recodeY(indexHelper(task$env$data, subset, tn, functionals.as = "matrix"), type = recode.target, task$task.desc)
  } else {
    if (missing(features) || identical(features, task.features)) {
      features = NULL
    } else {
      features = union(features, tn)

    res = indexHelper(task$env$data, subset, features, drop = FALSE, functionals.as)
    if (recode.target %nin% c("no", "surv")) {
      res[, tn] = recodeY(res[, tn], type = recode.target, task$task.desc)

recodeY = function(y, type, td) {
  if (type == "no") {
  if (type == "drop.levels") {
  if (type == "01") {
    return(as.numeric(y == td$positive))
  if (type == "-1+1") {
    return(as.numeric(2L * (y == td$positive) - 1L))
  if (type == "surv") {
    return(Surv(y[, 1L], y[, 2L], type = "right"))
  if (type == "multilabel.factor") {
    return(lapply(y, function(x) factor(x, levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE"))))
  stopf("Unknown value for 'type': %s", type)

#' @title Extract costs in task.
#' @description
#' Returns \dQuote{NULL} if the task is not of type \dQuote{costsens}.
#' @param task ([CostSensTask])\cr
#'   The task.
#' @template arg_subset
#' @return (`matrix` | `NULL`).
#' @family task
#' @export
getTaskCosts = function(task, subset = NULL) {

#' @export
getTaskCosts.Task = function(task, subset = NULL) {

#' @export
getTaskCosts.CostSensTask = function(task, subset = NULL) {
  subset = checkTaskSubset(subset, size = getTaskDesc(task)$size)
  getTaskDesc(task)$costs[subset, , drop = FALSE]

#' @title Subset data in task.
#' @description See title.
#' @template arg_task
#' @template arg_subset
#' @template arg_features
#' @return ([Task]). Task with subsetted data.
#' @family task
#' @export
#' @examples
#' task = makeClassifTask(data = iris, target = "Species")
#' subsetTask(task, subset = 1:100)
subsetTask = function(task, subset = NULL, features) {
  # FIXME: we recompute the taskdesc for each subsetting. do we want that? speed?
  # FIXME: maybe we want this independent of changeData?
  # Keep functionals here as they are (matrix)
  task = changeData(task, getTaskData(task, subset, features, functionals.as = "matrix"), getTaskCosts(task, subset), task$weights)
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (task$task.desc$has.blocking) {
      task$blocking = task$blocking[subset]
    if (task$task.desc$has.weights) {
      task$weights = task$weights[subset]
    if (task$task.desc$has.coordinates) {
      task$coordinates = task$coordinates[subset, ]

# we create a new env, so the reference is not changed
#' Change Task Data
#' Mainly for internal use. Changes the data associated with a task, without modifying other task properties.
#' @template arg_task
#' @param data ([data.frame])\cr
#'   The new data to associate with the task. The names and types of the feature columns must match with the old data.
#' @param costs ([data.frame`\cr
#'   Optional: cost matrix.
#' @param weights ([numeric])\cr
#'   Optional: weight vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
changeData = function(task, data, costs, weights, coordinates) {

  if (missing(data)) {
    data = getTaskData(task)
  if (missing(costs)) {
    costs = getTaskCosts(task)
  if (missing(weights)) {
    weights = task$weights
  if (missing(coordinates)) {
    coordinates = task$coordinates
  task$env = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  task$env$data = data
  task["weights"] = list(weights) # so also 'NULL' gets set
  td = task$task.desc
  # FIXME: this is bad style but I see no other way right now
  task$task.desc = switch(td$type,
    "classif" = makeClassifTaskDesc(td$id, data, td$target, task$weights, task$blocking, td$positive, task$coordinates),
    "regr" = makeRegrTaskDesc(td$id, data, td$target, task$weights, task$blocking, task$coordinates),
    "cluster" = makeClusterTaskDesc(td$id, data, task$weights, task$blocking, task$coordinates),
    "surv" = makeSurvTaskDesc(td$id, data, td$target, task$weights, task$blocking, task$coordinates),
    "costsens" = makeCostSensTaskDesc(td$id, data, td$target, task$blocking, costs, task$coordinates),
    "multilabel" = makeMultilabelTaskDesc(td$id, data, td$target, task$weights, task$blocking, task$coordinates)


# returns factor levels of all factors in a task a named list of char vecs
# non chars do not occur in the output
getTaskFactorLevels = function(task) {
  cols = vlapply(task$env$data, is.factor)
  lapply(task$env$data[cols], levels)

getTaskWeights = function(task) {
berndbischl/mlr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 4:20 p.m.