test_that("performance", {
res = makeResampleDesc("Holdout")
lrn = makeLearner("classif.rpart")
rf = resample(lrn, task = binaryclass.task, resampling = res,
measures = list(acc))
expect_true(all(rf$aggr > 0))
res = makeResampleDesc("Bootstrap", iters = 3L)
rf = resample(lrn, task = binaryclass.task, resampling = res,
measures = list(acc))
expect_true(all(rf$aggr > 0))
m = setAggregation(acc, test.median)
rf = resample(lrn, task = binaryclass.task, resampling = res, measures = m)
expect_true(all(rf$aggr > 0))
# custom measure
res = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 3)
mymeasure = makeMeasure(id = "mym", minimize = TRUE,
properties = c("classif", "classif.multi", "predtype.response"),
fun = function(task, model, pred, feats, extra.args) {
# normal test error
e1 = mean(pred$data$truth != pred$data$response)
# we do this manually
id = pred$data$id
t2 = getTaskTargets(task)[id]
e2 = mean(t2 != pred$data$response)
expect_equal(e1, e2)
r = resample(lrn, task = binaryclass.task, resampling = res,
measures = mymeasure)
expect_true(r$aggr >= 0)
perf = performance(r$pred, measures = mymeasure, task = binaryclass.task)
expect_true(perf >= 0)
# multiple measures as list
res = performance(r$pred, measures = list(ber, acc, tp),
task = binaryclass.task)
expect_true(length(res) == 3)
expect_equal(names(res), c("ber", "acc", "tp"))
# custom measure
mymeasure = makeCustomResampledMeasure(measure.id = "mym",
aggregation.id = "train.mean",
properties = c("classif", "predtype.response"),
fun = function(task, group, pred, feats, extra.args) {
mean(pred$data$truth != pred$data$response)
rdesc = makeResampleDesc("Holdout")
r = resample(lrn, binaryclass.task, rdesc, measures = list(mmce, mymeasure))
expect_equal(as.numeric(r$aggr["mmce.test.mean"]), as.numeric(r$aggr["mym.train.mean"]))
test_that("performance is NA if 'on.measure.not.applicable' is not 'stop'", {
default = getMlrOption("on.measure.not.applicable")
vals = c("quiet", "warn", "stop")
for (i in vals) {
configureMlr(on.measure.not.applicable = i)
lrn = makeLearner("classif.qda", predict.type = "response")
mod = train(lrn, binaryclass.task)
pred = predict(mod, binaryclass.task)
if (i == "quiet") {
expect_equal(unname(performance(pred, auc)), NA_real_)
# does this also work with benchmark?
b = benchmark(lrn, binaryclass.task, measures = list(acc, auc),
resamplings = cv5)
} else if (i == "warn") {
expect_warning(expect_equal(unname(performance(pred, auc)), NA_real_))
# does this also work with benchmark?
b = benchmark(lrn, binaryclass.task, measures = list(acc, auc),
resamplings = cv5)
} else {
expect_error(performance(pred, auc))
# does this also work with benchmark?
expect_error(benchmark(lrn.list, binaryclass.task,
measures = list(acc, auc),
resamplings = cv3))
configureMlr(on.measure.not.applicable = default)
test_that("performance checks for missing truth col", {
lrn = makeLearner("classif.rpart", predict.type = "prob")
m = train(lrn, binaryclass.task)
test.x = getTaskData(binaryclass.task, target.extra = TRUE)$data
pred = predict(m, newdata = test.x)
expect_error(performance(pred, measures = mmce), "need to have a 'truth' col")
test_that("performance checks for req prob type", {
lrn = makeLearner("classif.rpart")
expect_error(holdout(lrn, binaryclass.task, measures = auc),
"predict type to be: 'prob'")
test_that("performance works with ResamplePrediction", {
lrn = makeLearner("classif.lda", predict.type = "prob")
res = makeResampleDesc("Bootstrap", iters = 5L, predict = "both")
rf = resample(lrn, task = binaryclass.task, resampling = res, mmce)
expect_true(rf$aggr > 0)
expect_true(rf$aggr < 1)
perf = performance(rf$pred)
expect_true(perf > 0)
expect_true(perf < 1)
# FIXME: names for measures are different for aggregated measures, which we
# currently don't do because it breaks other stuff
rf$aggr = setNames(rf$aggr, names(perf))
expect_equal(rf$aggr, perf)
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