
Defines functions numScore

Documented in numScore

#' numScore
#' \code{numScore} A function to score scatterplot using a weight matrix.
#' The scoring does not incorporate logical conditions such as "if xij < C ..."
#' @param aGrid A matrix of counts as computed by `calcFreqs` function
#' @param LShaped A boolean value indicating if this scatterplot can be seen as LShaped.
#' @param aWeightMifL A matrix of weights to score the previous counts if the scatterplot has been classified as L.
#' @param aWeightMifNonL A matrix of weights to score the previous counts if the scatterplot has been classified as non-L
#' @keywords scatterplot weights
#' @export numScore
#' @examples
#' # xVecT <- as.numeric(trueLMet[1,]); yVecT<- as.numeric(trueLExpr[1,])
#' # xVecF <- as.numeric(falseLMet[1,]); yVecF <- as.numeric(falseLExpr[1,])
#' # trueFreq <- calcFreqs(xMet=xVecT, yExp=yVecT, x1=1/3, x2=2/3)
#' # falseFreq <- calcFreqs(xMet=xVecF, yExp=yVecF, x1=1/3, x2=2/3)
#' # weightsIfL    <- matrix (c(2,-1,-99,1,0,-1,1,1,2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' # weightsIfNonL <- matrix (c(0,-1,-99,0,0,-1,0,0,0), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' # numScore (trueFreq, weights)
numScore <- function(aGrid, LShaped, aWeightMifL, aWeightMifNonL){
  if (!LShaped) {
    scoresM <- aGrid * aWeightMifNonL
    scoresM <- aGrid * aWeightMifL
bertamiro/lpattern documentation built on July 19, 2019, 12:56 p.m.