
Defines functions infoNcdfVars

Documented in infoNcdfVars

infoNcdfVars <- function(
  ### Display information about all variables in ncdf file
  file.con            ##<< a NetCDF object pointing to the respective ncdf file.
  , order.var = c('id', 'name')[2] ##<< character vector: 
  ##   Whether to sort the variables according to their name (default) or id.
  , info.ext = FALSE  ##<< logical: whether to compute ranges/means etc. for the variables.
  ##  Setting this to TRUE may take a while to compute with large files.
  , dimvars = FALSE   ##<< logical: whether to include the coordinate variables in the output. 
) {
  ##description<< This function returns different summary information about all variables
  ##              in a NCDF file.
  ##\code{\link{infoNcdfDims}}, \code{\link{infoNcdfAtts}}
  if (inherits(file.con,  'character')) {
    if (!file.exists(file.con))
      stop(paste('File ', file.con, ' not existent!'))
    file.con <- open.nc(file.con)
  } else if (!class(file.con) == 'NetCDF') {
      'file.con needs to be a connection to an open NetCDF file and of class'
      ,'NetCDF (library(RNetCDF))', sep = ''))
  #determine dim names and number of vars/dims
  fileInq <- file.inq.nc(file.con)
  n.vars    <- fileInq$nvars
  n.dims    <- fileInq$ndims
  dim.names <- character(length = n.dims)
  dim.ids   <-  0:(n.dims - 1)
  for (h in dim.ids)
    dim.names[h + 1] <- dim.inq.nc(file.con, h)$name
  #determine characteristics for each single variable
  dim.names.var <- matrix(NA, n.vars, n.dims)
  colnames(dim.names.var) <- paste(1:n.dims, '.dim', sep = '')
  varname.var   <- character(length = n.vars)
  n.dims.var    <- integer(length = n.vars)
  units.var     <- character(length = n.vars)
  dimids.var    <- matrix(NA, n.vars, n.dims)
  colnames(dimids.var) <- paste('dim.id.', 1:n.dims, sep = '')
  type.var      <- character(length = n.vars)
  n.values.var  <- integer(length = n.vars)
  range.var     <- character(length = n.vars)
  #loop through all variables
  for (i in 1:n.vars) {
    varInq <- var.inq.nc(file.con, i - 1)
    varname.var[i]       <- varInq$name
    n.dims.var[i]        <- varInq$ndims
    type.var[i]          <- varInq$type
    dimids.var[i, 1:varInq$ndims] <- varInq$dimids
    if (info.ext) {
      data.dummy       <- var.get.nc(file.con, i - 1)
      range.var[i]     <- paste(round(range(data.dummy, na.rm = TRUE),
                                      digits = 2), collapse = '-')
      n.values.var[i]  <- sum(!is.na(data.dummy))
    dims.cols            <- match(varInq$dimids, dim.ids)
    dim.names.var[i, dims.cols] <- dim.names[dims.cols]
    att.unit.id          <- grep('Unit', infoNcdfAtts(file.con, i - 1)[, 1]
                                 , ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (length(att.unit.id) == 1)
      units.var[i]     <- att.get.nc(file.con, i - 1, att.unit.id - 1)
  #compile info into 1 dataframe
  ## a dataframe with the different information in its columns and each 
  ## variable in one row.
  varinfo.out <- data.frame(
    id = 0:(n.vars - 1),
    name = varname.var,
    unit = units.var,
    n.dims = n.dims.var,
    type = type.var,
    n.values = n.values.var,
    range = range.var,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  varinfo.out   <- cbind(varinfo.out, dim.names.var, dimids.var)
  col.order     <- match(order.var, colnames(varinfo.out))
  varinfo.out   <- varinfo.out[order(varinfo.out[, col.order]), ]
  rowsCoordVars <- na.omit(match(dim.names, varinfo.out$name))
  if (length(rowsCoordVars) > 0 & !dimvars)
    varinfo.out   <- varinfo.out[-rowsCoordVars,]
bgctw/ncdfTools documentation built on Jan. 29, 2020, 1:16 p.m.