
#' Assign Sample Subtypes to an S4 Object
#' @param object An `S4` object containing a slot representing samples or patients.
#' @param subtypes A mapping to assign subtypes to the samples or patients in
#'   the object.
#' @param ... Allow new parameters to be defined for this generic.
#' @return object with subtypes assigned to the sample metadata and the
#'   isSubtyped metadata item set to TRUE.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleICGCmicro)
#' data(cohortSubtypeDFs)
#' cohortList <- assignSubtypes(sampleICGCmicro,
#'   subtypes=cohortSubtypeDFs$ICGCMICRO,
#'   sampleCol='sample_name',
#'   subtypeCol='subtype')
#' @md
#' @export
    function(object, subtypes, ...) standardGeneric('assignSubtypes'))
#' Assign Subtype Annotations to a SurvivalExperiment Object
#' @param object A `SurvivalExperiment` object where the subtype annotations
#'   will be added to the `colData` slot as the `subtype` column.
#' @param subtypes A `data.frame` with
#' @param ... Force subsequent arguments to be named. Not used.
#' @param sampleCol A `character` vector specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample names. These must match the colnames of the
#'   `SurvivalExperiment`. If the sample names are the rownames of the `subtypes`
#'   `data.frame` then set this parameter to 'rownames'. Defaults to 'sample_name'.
#' @param subtypeCol A `character` vector specifying the name of the subtype
#'   column in the `subtypes` `data.frame` object. Defaults to 'subtype'.
#' @return The `SurvivalExperiment` with the subtypes in the `subtypes` column
#'   of the colData slot and a metadata item, `hasSubtypes`, set to TRUE.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleICGCmicro)
#' data(cohortSubtypeDFs)
#' cohortList <- assignSubtypes(sampleICGCmicro,
#'   subtypes=cohortSubtypeDFs$ICGCMICRO,
#'   sampleCol='sample_name',
#'   subtypeCol='subtype')
#' @md
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData colData<-
#' @importFrom CoreGx .warnMsg .errorMsg
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata merge
#' @export
setMethod('assignSubtypes', signature(object='SurvivalExperiment',
    subtypes='data.frame'), function(object, subtypes, ...,
        sampleCol='sample_name', subtypeCol='subtype')
    funContext <- .context(1)

    subtypes$rownames <- rownames(subtypes)
    columnData <- colData(object)

    subtypeSamples <- subtypes[[sampleCol]]
    columnSamples <- colnames(object)

    sampleHasSubtypes <- columnSamples %in% subtypeSamples

    if (all(!sampleHasSubtypes)) warning(.warnMsg(funContext, 'No samples in the',
        ' column names of the SurvivalExperiment match the sampleCol of the ',
        'subtypes data.frame.'))

    if (!all(sampleHasSubtypes)) message(.warnMsg(funContext, 'The samples ',
        paste0(columnSamples[!sampleHasSubtypes], collapse=', '), ' are not ',
        'present in the subtypes data.frame. Their subtype will be NA.'))

    columnData <- merge(columnData, subtypes[, c(sampleCol, subtypeCol)],
        by.x='sample_name', by.y=sampleCol, all.x=TRUE)

    # Handle case where subtype is already a column
    if ('subtype.y' %in% colnames(columnData)) {
        columnData <- rename(columnData,
            c(subtype.y='subtype', subtype.x='old_subtype'))

    # Lose rownames in join; reassign them
    rownames(columnData) <- rownames(colData(object))

    colData(object) <- columnData
    metadata(object)$hasSubtypes <- TRUE


#' Assign Subtype Annotations to a SurvivalExperiment Object
#' @param object A `CohortList`.
#' @param subtypes A `list` of `data.frame` objects, one per cohort, with
#'   to subtypes to assign to the colData slot of cohorts with a matching name.
#' @param ... Catch unnamed parameters. Not used.
#' @param sampleCol A `character` vector indicating the name of the colum with
#'   sample identifiers in the subtype column. Must match the name of the
#'   sample identifier in colData.
#' @param subtypeCol A `character` vectoring indicating the name of the column
#'   with the subtype labels in the `subtypes` `data.frame`.
#' @return The `CohortList` with the subtypes in the `subtypes` column
#'   of the colData slot and a metadata item, `hasSubtypes`, set to TRUE for
#'   each `SurvivalExperiment`.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleCohortList)
#' data(cohortSubtypeDFs)
#' cohortList <- assignSubtypes(sampleCohortList,
#'   subtypes=cohortSubtypeDFs[names(sampleCohortList)],
#'   sampleCol='sample_name',
#'   subtypeCol='subtype')
#' @md
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mendoapply
#' @importFrom CoreGx .errorMsg
#' @export
setMethod('assignSubtypes', signature(object='CohortList',
    subtypes='list'), function(object, subtypes, ..., sampleCol='sample_name',
    funContext <- .context(1)

    if (!all(names(object) %in% names(subtypes))) stop(.errorMsg(funContext,
        'The names of the subtypes list must match the names of the CohortList',
        'passed as the object argument.'))

    subtypedCohortList <- mendoapply(FUN=assignSubtypes,
        object=object, subtypes=subtypes[names(object)],
        MoreArgs=list(sampleCol=sampleCol, subtypeCol=subtypeCol))

    mcols(subtypedCohortList)$hasSubtypes <- TRUE

bhklab/PDATK documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 7:46 a.m.