
Defines functions get_nih_data

Documented in get_nih_data

#' @title get_nih_data
#' @description Easily send a pre-made JSON request to NIH RePORTER Project API,
#'   retrieve and process the results
#' @param query A valid JSON request formatted for the RePORTER Project API, as returned
#'   by the \code{\link{make_req}} method
#' @param max_pages numeric(1); default: NULL; An integer specifying to only fetch (up to)
#'   the first \code{max_pages} number of pages from the result set. Useful for testing your
#'   query/obtaining schema information. Default behavior is to fetch all pages.
#' @param flatten_result (default: FALSE) If TRUE, flatten nested dataframes and collapse nested
#'   vectors to a single character column with elements delimited by a semi-colon
#' @param return_meta (default: FALSE) If TRUE, will return a \code{list} containing your result
#'   set as well as the meta data - this includes a count of total projects matching
#'   your query and can be useful for programming.
#' @return When \code{return_meta = FALSE}: a \code{tibble} containing your result set
#'   (up to API max of 10,000 records); else if \code{include_meta = TRUE}, a named list 
#'   containing the result set and the metadata from the initial API response.
#'   If an API error occurs, this method will print an informative message and return \code{NA}.
#' @details A request to the RePORTER Project API requires retrieving paginated results,
#'   combining them, and often flattening the combined ragged data.frame to a familiar flat
#'   format which we can use in analyses. This method handles all of that for you.
#' @examples
#' library(repoRter.nih)
#' ## make the usual request
#' req <- make_req(criteria = 
#'                     list(advanced_text_search = 
#'                         list(operator = "Or",
#'                              search_field = "all",
#'                              search_text = "sarcoidosis lupus") ),
#'                  message = FALSE)
#' ## get the data ragged
#' \dontrun{
#' res <- get_nih_data(req,
#'                     max_pages = 1)
#' ## get the data flattened
#' res_flattened <- get_nih_data(req,
#'                               flatten_result = TRUE,
#'                               max_pages = 1)
#' }
#' @rawNamespace import(tibble, except = "has_name")
#' @import dplyr
#' @import httr
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import crayon
#' @import magrittr
#' @importFrom janitor "clean_names"
#' @export
get_nih_data <- function(query, max_pages = NULL, flatten_result = FALSE, return_meta = FALSE) {
              is.null(max_pages) || is.numeric(max_pages),
  endpoint <- "https://api.reporter.nih.gov/v2/projects/Search"
  query_lst <- fromJSON(query)
  pages <- list()
  offset <- as.numeric(query_lst$offset)
  limit <- as.numeric(query_lst$limit)
  message("Retrieving first page of results (up to ", limit, " records)")
  res <- tryCatch(
            url = endpoint,
            body = query)
    error = function(msg) {
      message(paste0("Failed unexpectedly on initial connect to API. Here is the error message from POST call:",
                     "\n", msg) %>% red() )
      message("Exiting from get_nih_data()")
  if (res$status_code != 200) {
    message("API Error: received non-200 response - please try again later and if the issue persists
            report the issue to the package maintainer (include the request JSON which is failing).")
  res %<>% content(as = "text") %>%
  meta <- res$meta
  if (meta$total == 0) {
    message(green("Done - 0 records returned. Try a different search criteria."))
    if(return_meta) {
      list(records = NA,
           meta = meta) %>%
    } else {
  pages[[1]] <-  res %>%
  page_count <- ceiling(meta$total / limit)
  if (!is.null(max_pages)) {
    if (max_pages >= page_count) {
      message(paste0("max_pages set to ", max_pages, " by user, but result set only contains ", page_count, " pages.  Retrieving the full result set..."))
    } else if (max_pages < page_count) {
      message(paste0("max_pages set to ", max_pages, " by user. Result set contains ", page_count, " pages. Only partial results will be retrieved."))
    iters <- min(page_count, max_pages)
  } else {
    iters <- page_count
  if (iters > 1) {
    queries <- list()
    queries[[1]] <- query
    for (i in 2:iters) {
      new_offset <- (i-1)*limit
      queries[[i]] <- gsub(paste0("\"offset\":", new_offset-limit), paste0("\"offset\":", new_offset), queries[[i-1]])
      message("Retrieving results ", (i-1)*limit+1, " to ", min((i)*limit, meta$total), " of ", meta$total)
      res <- RETRY("POST",
                   url = endpoint,
                   body = queries[[i]])
      if (res$status_code != 200) {
        message(paste0("API request failed for page #", i, ". Skipping to next page.") %>% red() )
      res %<>% content(as = "text") %>%
      pages[[i]] <- res$results
  ## fails during devtools::check() with an error
  ## message about installing plyr
  # ret <- bind_rows(pages) %>%
  #   as_tibble()
  df <- bind_rows(pages)
  ret <- as_tibble(df)
  if (flatten_result) {
    # flatten nested data frames (not lists of data frames)
    ret %<>% 
      flatten() %>%
      clean_names() %>%
    # flatten lists of vectors
    ret %<>% 
      mutate(across(, function(x) {
        if (is.list(x) && is.vector(x[[1]]) && is.atomic(x[[1]])) {
          sapply(x, function(y) paste0(y, collapse = ";")) %>%
        } else { return(x) }
  if (return_meta) {
    list(records = ret,
         meta = meta) %>%
  } else {
    ret %>%
bikeactuary/repoRter.nih documentation built on Feb. 6, 2023, 8:05 p.m.