
test_that("adj.r.squared", {
  # Ensure correct calculation
  expect_equal(adj.r.squared(1, 5), 1)
  expect_equal(adj.r.squared(0.5, 5), 1-0.5*4/3)

  # Ensure that N must be an integer > 2
      adj.r.squared(1, 2),
      structure(NA_real_, exclude="n must be > 2")
    regexp="n must be > 2"

test_that("pk.calc.cmax", {
  # Confirm that all NAs give NA as an output
  expect_warning(v1 <- pk.calc.cmax(NA))
  expect_equal(v1, NA)
  expect_warning(v2 <- pk.calc.cmax(c(NA, NA)))
  expect_equal(v2, NA)

  # Confirm that no NAs give the max value
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmax(c(1, 2)), 2)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmax(c(1, 2, 3)), 3)

  # Confirm that some NAs give the NA-removed maximum value
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmax(c(1, NA, 3)), 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmax(c(NA, NA, 3)), 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmax(c(1, NA, NA)), 1)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmax(c(1, NA, 3, NA)), 3)

  # Confirm that no data gives NA with a warning
  expect_warning(v3 <- pk.calc.cmax(numeric()))
  expect_equal(v3, NA)

test_that("pk.calc.cmin", {
  # Confirm that all NAs give NA as an output
  expect_warning(v1 <- pk.calc.cmin(NA))
  expect_equal(v1, NA)
  expect_warning(v2 <- pk.calc.cmin(c(NA, NA)))
  expect_equal(v2, NA)

  # Confirm that no NAs give the min value
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmin(c(1, 2)), 1)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmin(c(1, 2, 3)), 1)

  # Confirm that some NAs give the NA-removed minimum value
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmin(c(1, NA, 3)), 1)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmin(c(NA, NA, 3)), 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmin(c(1, NA, NA)), 1)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cmin(c(1, NA, 3, NA)), 1)

  # Confirm that no data gives NA with a warning
  expect_warning(v3 <- pk.calc.cmin(numeric()))
  expect_equal(v3, NA)

test_that("pk.calc.tmax", {
  # No data give a warning and NA
    v1 <- pk.calc.tmax(numeric(), numeric()),
    class = "pknca_conc_none"),
    class = "pknca_time_none"
  expect_equal(v1, NA)

  # Either concentration or time is missing, give an error
    suppressWarnings(pk.calc.tmax(conc = numeric())),
    regexp='argument "time" is missing, with no default'
    regexp='argument "conc" is missing, with no default'

  # It calculates tmax correctly based on the use.first option
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tmax(c(1, 2), c(0, 1), first.tmax=TRUE),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tmax(c(1, 2), c(0, 1), first.tmax=FALSE),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tmax(c(1, 1), c(0, 1), first.tmax=TRUE),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tmax(c(1, 1), c(0, 1), first.tmax=FALSE),

test_that("pk.calc.tlast", {
  # Either concentration or time is missing, give an error
    suppressWarnings(pk.calc.tlast(conc = numeric())),
    regexp='argument "time" is missing, with no default'
    pk.calc.tlast(time = numeric()),
    regexp = 'argument "conc" is missing, with no default'

  # It calculates tlast correctly
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlast(c(1, 2), c(0, 1)),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlast(c(0, 0), c(0, 1)),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlast(c(0, 1), c(0, 1)),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlast(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)),
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlast(c(1, 1), c(0, 1)),

test_that("pk.calc.tfirst", {
    regexp='argument "conc" is missing, with no default'
    regexp='argument "time" is missing, with no default'
    pk.calc.tfirst(conc=1, time=2, check=TRUE),

test_that("pk.calc.clast.obs", {
  # Ensure that it handles BLQ (0) values correctly
  c1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 0)
  t1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.clast.obs(c1, t1), 2)

  # Ensure that it handles all ALQ values correctly
  c1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  t1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.clast.obs(c1, t1), 3)

  # Ensure that it handles NA values correctly
  c1 <- c(0, 1, 2, NA)
  t1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.clast.obs(c1, t1), 2)

  c1 <- c(0, 1, NA, 3)
  t1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.clast.obs(c1, t1), 3)

  c1 <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA)
  t1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
    v1 <- pk.calc.clast.obs(c1, t1),
    class = "pknca_conc_all_missing"
  expect_equal(v1, NA_real_)

  c1 <- rep(0, 4)
  t1 <- c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.clast.obs(c1, t1), 0)

test_that("pk.calc.thalf.eff", {
  # No input gives equivalent no output

  # NA input gives equivalent NA output

  # Numbers mixed with NA give appropriate output
  d1 <- c(0, 1, NA, 3)
  r1 <- log(2)*d1

test_that("pk.calc.kel", {
  # No input gives equivalent no output

  # NA input gives equivalent NA output

  # Numbers mixed with NA give appropriate output
  d1 <- c(0, 1, NA, 3)
  r1 <- 1/d1
  expect_equal(pk.calc.kel(d1), r1)

test_that("pk.calc.cl", {
  # Ensure that dose and auc are required
               info="dose is required for clearance calculation")
               info="auc is required for clearance calculation")

  expect_equal(pk.calc.cl(dose=10, auc=100), 0.1,
               info="Normal clearance calculation works")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cl(dose=c(10, 10, 10), auc=c(10, NA, 100)),
               c(1, NA, 0.1),
               info="Vectors for both dose and auc give vectors for clearance (with NAs)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cl(dose=c(50, 50), auc=100),
               info="Vector for dose and scalar for auc scalar output with the sum of doses")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cl(dose=c(50, 50), auc=c(NA, 100)),
               c(NA_real_, 0.5),
               info="NA generation works with NA, including for a vector")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cl(dose=c(50, 50), auc=c(0, 100)),
               c(NA_real_, 0.5),
               info="NA generation works with zero, including for a vector")

test_that("pk.calc.f", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, 1, 1, 2), 2,
               info="Standard bioavailability calculation")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(NA, 1, 1, 1), NA_real_,
               info="NA handling per parameter in bioavailability (1)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, NA, 1, 1), NA_real_,
               info="NA handling per parameter in bioavailability (2)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, 1, NA, 1), NA_real_,
               info="NA handling per parameter in bioavailability (3)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, 1, 1, NA), NA_real_,
               info="NA handling per parameter in bioavailability (4)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(0, 1, 1, 1), NA_real_,
               info="Zero handling per parameter in bioavailability (1)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, 0, 1, 1), NA_real_,
               info="Zero handling per parameter in bioavailability (2)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, 1, 0, 1), NA_real_,
               info="Zero handling per parameter in bioavailability (3)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.f(1, 1, 1, 0), 0,
               info="Zero handling per parameter in bioavailability (4)")

test_that("pk.calc.aucpext", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(1, 2), 50)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(1.8, 2), 10)
  expect_warning(v1 <- pk.calc.aucpext(2, 1),
                 regexp="aucpext is typically only calculated when aucinf is greater than auclast.")
  expect_equal(v1, -100)
    v2 <- pk.calc.aucpext(auclast=0, aucinf=0),
    class = "pknca_aucpext_aucinf_le_auclast"),
    class = "pknca_aucpext_aucinf_auclast_positive"
  expect_equal(v2, NA_real_,
               info="aucinf<=0 gives NA_real_ (not infinity)")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(NA, NA),
               info="Percent extrapolated is NA when both inputs are NA.")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(NA, 1),
               info="Percent extrapolated is NA when input auclast is NA.")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(1, NA),
               info="Percent extrapolated is NA when input aucinf is NA.")
  expect_error(pk.calc.aucpext(1:2, 1:3),
               regexp="auclast and aucinf must either be a scalar or the same length.",
               info="aucpext input length checks require consistency.")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(c(1, NA), 2),
               c(50, NA_real_),
               info="Percent extrapolated works with vector/scalar input.")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(1, c(2, NA)),
               c(50, NA_real_),
               info="Percent extrapolated works with scalar/vector input.")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.aucpext(c(1, 1), c(2, NA)),
               c(50, NA_real_),
               info="Percent extrapolated works with vector/vector input.")

test_that("pk.calc.mrt", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt(auc=1, aumc=2),
               info="MRT is calculated correctly")

test_that("pk.calc.mrt.iv", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt.iv(auc=1, aumc=2, duration.dose=1),
               info="MRT.iv is calculated correctly")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt.iv(auc=1, aumc=2, duration.dose=0),
               info="MRT.iv is calculated correctly when duration is 0")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt.iv(auc=1, aumc=2, duration.dose=NA),
               info="MRT.iv is calculated correctly when duration is missing")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt.iv(auc=0, aumc=2, duration.dose=NA),
               info="MRT.iv is calculated correctly when auc is zero")

test_that("pk.calc.mrt.md", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt.md(1, 2, 1.5, 24), 2 + 24*0.5)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.mrt.md(0, 2, 1.5, 24), NA_real_,
               info="auctau <= 0 becomes NA (not Inf)")

test_that("pk.calc.vz", {
  # Ensure that cl and lambda.z are required
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=NA, lambda.z=NA), NA_integer_)
               info="lambda.z required for Vz calculation")
               info="CL required for Vz calculation")

  # Ensure that length of cl and lambda.z are either 1 or the same length
    pk.calc.vz(cl=1:2, lambda.z=1:3),
    regexp="'cl' and 'lambda.z' must be the same length",
    info="CL and lambda.z must be the same length (CL shorter)"
    pk.calc.vz(cl=1:3, lambda.z=1:2),
    regexp="'cl' and 'lambda.z' must be the same length",
    info="CL and lambda.z must be the same length (lambda.z shorter)"

  # Estimate a single Vz (with permutations to ensure the right math
  # is happening)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=1, lambda.z=1), 1,
               info="vz math test 1")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=1, lambda.z=2), 0.5,
               info="vz math test 2")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=2, lambda.z=1), 2,
               info="vz math test 3")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=2, lambda.z=2), 1,
               info="vz math test 4")

  # Ensure that NA can go into either position or both
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=NA, lambda.z=1), NA_integer_,
               info="Vz with missing (NA) cl")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=1, lambda.z=NA), NA_integer_,
               info="Vz with missing (NA) lambda.z")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vz(cl=NA, lambda.z=NA), NA_integer_,
               info="Vz with missing (NA) lambda.z and cl")

  # vectorized vz calculation works
                            c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, NA, NA, NA),
                            c(1, 2, NA, 1, 2, NA, 1, 2, NA)),
               c(1, 0.5, NA, 2, 1, NA, NA, NA, NA),
               info="Vz with vector inputs including missing values for both parameters (cl and lambda.z)")

test_that("pk.calc.vss and its wrappers", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vss(1, 1), 1)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vss(2, 1), 2)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.vss(1, 2), 2)

test_that("pk.calc.cav", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cav(2, 0, 1), 2)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cav(NA, 0, 1), NA_real_)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.cav(2, 1, 1), NA_real_,
               info="If end == start, return NA_real_")

test_that("pk.calc.ctrough", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ctrough(1:5, 0:4, 0), 1,
               info="Found and it's the first time")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ctrough(1:5, 0:4, 1), 2,
               info="Found and it's not the first time")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ctrough(1:5, 0:4, 1.5), NA_real_,
               info="Not found")
    pk.calc.ctrough(1:5, c(0, 0:3), 0),
    regexp = "Assertion on 'time' failed: Contains duplicated values, position 2."

test_that("pk.calc.ptr", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ptr(cmax=2, ctrough=1), 2,
               info="Confirm that the ratio goes the right way")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ptr(2, 0), NA_real_,
               info="Division by zero returns NA")

test_that("pk.calc.tlag", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlag(1:5, 0:4), 0,
               info="find the first point")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlag(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 0:4), 3,
               info="find the next to last point")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlag(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0:4), NA_real_,
               info="No increase gives NA")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.tlag(5:1, 0:4), NA_real_,
               info="No increase gives NA")

test_that("pk.calc.deg.fluc", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.deg.fluc(cmax=100, cmin=10, cav=45), 200,
               info="Degree of fluctuation math works")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.deg.fluc(cmax=100, cmin=10, cav=0), NA_real_,
               info="Degree of fluctuation returns NA when cav=0")

test_that("pk.calc.swing", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.swing(100, 10), 900,
               info="Swing math works")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.swing(100, 0), Inf,
               info="Swing handle Ctrough=0")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.swing(100, -1), Inf,
               info="Swing handle Ctrough<0")

test_that("pk.calc.ceoi", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ceoi(conc=0:5, time=0:5, duration.dose=1),
               info="Ceoi returns the concentration at the end of the dosing duration")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ceoi(conc=0:5, time=0:5, duration.dose=1.5),
               info="Ceoi returns NA if there is no measurement at the end of the dosing duration")
  expect_equal(pk.calc.ceoi(conc=0:5, time=0:5, duration.dose=NA),
               info="Ceoi returns NA if there is no dosing duration")

test_that("pk.calc.aucabove", {
    pk.calc.aucabove(conc = c(0:5, 1), time = 0:6, conc_above = 2),
    pk.calc.auc.all(conc = c(0, 0, 0, 1:3, 0), time = 0:6)

  # Confirm that it works through NCA calculations
  d_conc <- data.frame(conc = c(2, 1:5, 3), time = 0:6)
  d_intervals <- data.frame(start = 0, end = 6, aucabove.trough.all = TRUE, aucabove.predose.all = TRUE)
  o_conc <- PKNCAconc(d_conc, conc~time)
  o_data <- PKNCAdata(o_conc, intervals = d_intervals)
    o_nca <- pk.nca(o_data)
      start = 0, end = 6,
      PPTESTCD = c("ctrough", "cstart", "aucabove.predose.all", "aucabove.trough.all"),
      PPORRES =
          3, 2,
          pk.calc.aucabove(conc = d_conc$conc, time = d_conc$time, conc_above = 2),
          pk.calc.aucabove(conc = d_conc$conc, time = d_conc$time, conc_above = 3)
      exclude = NA_character_

test_that("pk.calc.count_conc", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.count_conc(1:5), 5)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.count_conc(c(1:2, NA)), 2)
  expect_equal(suppressWarnings(pk.calc.count_conc(numeric())), 0)
  expect_equal(suppressWarnings(pk.calc.count_conc(NA)), 0)

test_that("pk.calc.totdose", {
  expect_equal(pk.calc.totdose(1), 1)
  expect_equal(pk.calc.totdose(c(1, 1)), 2)
billdenney/pknca documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 10:09 p.m.