
#' @import magrittr

#' @export
read_boris <- function(boris_file) {
  b = readLines(boris_file,  warn = "F")
  dat = jsonlite::fromJSON(b)

#' @export
get_obslist<- function(dat){
  # check if dat is boris data

# to do:
# Point events : count total events

# State events:
# 1) group into pairs and calc duration
#    IF unpaired, then mark as 'unpaired' and not provide duration.
# 2) sum the duration & count total instances
#    IF any are unpaired, report them as individual instances and label as unpaired
# 3) latency
#    function(evCode1, evCode2=NULL){
#        if !evCode2 return time from start to evCode1 else
#        return time between first occurrence evCode1 and 1st evCode2
#           }
# BORIS saves state events as pairs of events, on and off.  Duration is off.time - on.time
# first, squash pairs of state events into durations before creating summary table
get_state_durations <- function(dat, events.df){
  ev_codes = get_event_types(dat,evtype="State event")
  state_events.vec = ev_codes %>% as.vector %>% unique
  state_events.df = events.df[events.df$event %in% state_events.vec, ]

  # since adding a single row to dataframe repeatedly is more expensive than
  for (evrow in state_events.df[-1,]) {
    prevevcode = prevrow$event
    evcode = evrow$event
    if (prevevcode != evcode) {
      # unmatched
      evduration = NA
    } else {
      evduration = evrow$time - prevrow$time
    print(prevrow$obs.id, evcode, evduration)

#' @export
summary.states <- function(dat, events.df){
  # requires an all-events data frame from get_all_events
  # filter out point events

  # data wrangling, getting events, obs, and codes and make empty DF to hold durations

  ev_codes = get_event_types(dat,evtype="State event")
  state_events.vec = ev_codes %>% as.vector %>% unique
  state_events.df = events.df[events.df$event %in% state_events.vec, ]
  obs.ids = state_events.df$obs_id %>% as.vector %>% unique
  N = nrow(obs.ids)

  new.df  <- data.frame(obs_id = obs.ids, evcode=rep("", N), txt=rep("", N), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  prevrow = state_events.df[1,]

  return( data.frame( 'nothing yet') )


#' @export
summary.events <- function(dat, events.df = get_all_events(dat)){
  # this function will summarize ev counts and states
  # create an event first ev.df = get_events(dat,obs_name)
  # by default take all events from data; but can accept a subset also, using %>%?
  # subset of events data first,
  # all_events.df = merge(all_events.df, all_ind_vars.df, by.x = "obs_id", by.y = "obs_id", all.x = TRUE)
  return(data.frame('nothing yet'))

get_ind_vars <- function(dat, obs_number){
  obs = dat$observations[[obs_number]]
  data.frame(obs_id = obs_number, obs$independent_variables, strings_as_factors = FALSE)

#' @export
get_events <- function(dat,obs_number) {
  # extract the events to a data frame for this one trial by trial name or index number
  # to do: add a column of the obs_number for later grouping
  # to do: add time offset to all times?
  columns = c("obs_id", "time","ID","event","subevent","unknown")

  obs = dat$observations[[obs_number]]

  if (length(obs$events) == 0) {
    # no events here!  make a blank data.frame
   x = cbind(rep("", length(columns)))
   names(x) = columns

  event_count = nrow(obs$events)
  column_of_obs = rep(obs_number,nrow(obs$events))
  obs.df = data.frame(column_of_obs, obs$events, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  names(obs.df) = c("obs_id", "time","ID","event","subevent","unknown")
  obs.df = split_subevents(obs.df)

#' @export
get_all_events <- function(dat, obs.list= NULL){

  if (is.null(obs.list)) {
    obs.list = get_obslist(dat)

  get_events_vector = Vectorize(get_events, "obs_number")
  get_all_vars  = Vectorize(get_ind_vars, "obs_number")

  all_events.list = get_events_vector(dat, obs.list)
  all_events.df = data.frame(plyr::ldply(all_events.list, data.frame, .id="obs_id"), strings_as_factors=FALSE)
  # make the get_ind_vars work for a a vector of obs, and get them all

  all_ind_vars.list = get_all_vars(dat, obs.list)
  all_ind_vars.df = data.frame(plyr::ldply(all_ind_vars.list, data.frame, .id="obs_id"), strings_as_factors=FALSE)



#' @export
get_ethogram <- function(dat){
  ## get the ethogram entered into boris program.  For use with summaries
  ## subevents are not split up, see get_event_typs

  # pull out the list of behavs from data file
  eth.list = dat$behaviors_conf
  # convert this to a data frame, but with factors (how not to make factors here)
  eth.df = do.call(rbind.data.frame, eth.list)
  # hack convert all factors to non-factors for this data.frame
  eth.df = data.frame(lapply(eth.df, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' @export
get_event_types <- function(dat,evtype="State event"){
  # this take events and subevents and creates rows for each sub-event
  # TO DO : VECTORIZE the 'by' loop in here, which is an ugly hack

  # get subset of ethogram
  eth.df = get_ethogram(dat)
  ev.df = with(eth.df[eth.df$type==evtype,], data.frame(code, modifiers,stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))

  ## for each row, split the submods and make new rows; result is a list of df's
  x = by(ev.df, seq_len(nrow(ev.df)), function(row) data.frame(code = as.vector(row$code), "modifier" = strsplitrows(row$modifiers)))

  # combine those dfs into single df

split_subevents <-function(evdata, seperator = "|", cnames = c("subev1", "subev2")) {
  # yikes!  spliting a column of strings is not simple
  # to do : make this more generic for any column, not just subevents
  subevents = evdata$subevent

  # first have to split the strings, but get a list of vectors back
  # have to use the "fixed" function because if seperator is a regular expression special
  #   character, like |, need to ignore that
  subev.list = str_split(subevents, fixed(seperator))

  # apply function above to entire list
  subev.list = lapply(subev.list,make_two)

  # convert list of vectors to two column matrix
  subev.matrix = do.call(rbind, lapply(subev.list, rbind))

  # add names from the function arguments to these two columns
  colnames(subev.matrix) = cnames

  # convert THAT To the data frame of two columns
  subev.df = data.frame(subev.matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # add these two columns to original data


##### utilities
# convert comma list to rows
strsplitrows <-function(str) {
  if (typeof(str) != "character" || nchar(str)==0) return(" ")
  return( unlist(strsplit(str, "[,|]")) )

# function to make two strings out of one or two
# these data sometimes have two, and sometimes one with no seperator
make_two <- function(v){
  if (length(v) < 2) {v[2] = ""}
billspat/borisr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 9:22 p.m.