icaSetKim: IcaSet-object containing a FastICA decomposition of gene...

icaSetKimR Documentation

IcaSet-object containing a FastICA decomposition of gene expression microarrray-based data of bladder cancer samples.


Object of class IcaSet containing an ICA decomposition calculated by the FastICA algorithm (through matlab function "icasso") on bladder cancer expression data measured on illumina Human-6 BeadChip, version 2. It contains 20 independent components. The original expression data contain 165 tumor samples, were normalized by the authors of the paper with Illumina BeadStudio software using Quantile normalization and log2 transformation, and are restricted to the 10000 most variable probe sets.





bitona/MineICA documentation built on April 23, 2023, 1:41 p.m.