
Defines functions spin.correlation spin.covariance wave.correlation wave.covariance wave.variance

Documented in spin.correlation spin.covariance wave.correlation wave.covariance wave.variance

#' Wavelet Analysis of Univariate/Bivariate Time Series
#' Produces an estimate of the multiscale variance, covariance or correlation
#' along with approximate confidence intervals.
#' The time-independent wavelet variance is basically the average of the
#' squared wavelet coefficients across each scale.  As shown in Percival
#' (1995), the wavelet variance is a scale-by-scale decomposition of the
#' variance for a stationary process, and certain non-stationary processes.
#' @usage wave.variance(x, type = "eta3", p = 0.025)
#' @usage wave.covariance(x, y)
#' @usage wave.correlation(x, y, N, p = 0.975)
#' @aliases wave.variance wave.covariance wave.correlation
#' @param x first time series
#' @param y second time series
#' @param type character string describing confidence interval calculation;
#' valid methods are \code{gaussian}, \code{eta1}, \code{eta2}, \code{eta3},
#' \code{nongaussian}
#' @param p (one minus the) two-sided p-value for the confidence interval
#' @param N length of time series
#' @return Matrix with as many rows as levels in the wavelet transform object.
#' The first column provides the point estimate for the wavelet variance,
#' covariance, or correlation followed by the lower and upper bounds from the
#' confidence interval.
#' @author B. Whitcher
#' @references Gencay, R., F. Selcuk and B. Whitcher (2001) \emph{An
#' Introduction to Wavelets and Other Filtering Methods in Finance and
#' Economics}, Academic Press.
#' Percival, D. B. (1995) \emph{Biometrika}, \bold{82}, No. 3, 619-631.
#' Percival, D. B. and A. T. Walden (2000) \emph{Wavelet Methods for Time
#' Series Analysis}, Cambridge University Press.
#' Whitcher, B., P. Guttorp and D. B. Percival (2000) Wavelet Analysis of
#' Covariance with Application to Atmospheric Time Series, \emph{Journal of
#' Geophysical Research}, \bold{105}, No. D11, 14,941-14,962.
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' ## Figure 7.3 from Gencay, Selcuk and Whitcher (2001)
#' data(ar1)
#' ar1.modwt <- modwt(ar1, "haar", 6)
#' ar1.modwt.bw <- brick.wall(ar1.modwt, "haar")
#' ar1.modwt.var2 <- wave.variance(ar1.modwt.bw, type="gaussian")
#' ar1.modwt.var <- wave.variance(ar1.modwt.bw, type="nongaussian")
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1), las=1, mar=c(5,4,4,2)+.1)
#' matplot(2^(0:5), ar1.modwt.var2[-7,], type="b", log="xy",
#'         xaxt="n", ylim=c(.025, 6), pch="*LU", lty=1, col=c(1,4,4),
#'         xlab="Wavelet Scale", ylab="")
#' matlines(2^(0:5), as.matrix(ar1.modwt.var)[-7,2:3], type="b",
#'          pch="LU", lty=1, col=3)
#' axis(side=1, at=2^(0:5))
#' legend(1, 6, c("Wavelet variance", "Gaussian CI", "Non-Gaussian CI"),
#'        lty=1, col=c(1,4,3), bty="n")
#' ## Figure 7.8 from Gencay, Selcuk and Whitcher (2001)
#' data(exchange)
#' returns <- diff(log(as.matrix(exchange)))
#' returns <- ts(returns, start=1970, freq=12)
#' wf <- "d4"
#' J <- 6
#' demusd.modwt <- modwt(returns[,"DEM.USD"], wf, J)
#' demusd.modwt.bw <- brick.wall(demusd.modwt, wf)
#' jpyusd.modwt <- modwt(returns[,"JPY.USD"], wf, J)
#' jpyusd.modwt.bw <- brick.wall(jpyusd.modwt, wf)
#' returns.modwt.cov <- wave.covariance(demusd.modwt.bw, jpyusd.modwt.bw)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1), las=0, mar=c(5,4,4,2)+.1)
#' matplot(2^(0:(J-1)), returns.modwt.cov[-(J+1),], type="b", log="x",
#'         pch="*LU", xaxt="n", lty=1, col=c(1,4,4), xlab="Wavelet Scale", 
#'         ylab="Wavelet Covariance")
#' axis(side=1, at=2^(0:7))
#' abline(h=0)
#' returns.modwt.cor <- wave.correlation(demusd.modwt.bw, jpyusd.modwt.bw,
#'                                       N = dim(returns)[1])
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1), las=0, mar=c(5,4,4,2)+.1)
#' matplot(2^(0:(J-1)), returns.modwt.cor[-(J+1),], type="b", log="x",
#'         pch="*LU", xaxt="n", lty=1, col=c(1,4,4), xlab="Wavelet Scale", 
#'         ylab="Wavelet Correlation")
#' axis(side=1, at=2^(0:7))
#' abline(h=0)
#' @export wave.variance
wave.variance <- function(x, type = "eta3", p = 0.025) {
  ci.gaussian <- function(x, y, p) {
    find.first <- function(v) {
      na.length <- sum(is.na(v))
      v[na.length + 1]
    x.acf <- lapply(x, FUN = my.acf)
    Aj <- unlist(lapply(x.acf, FUN = function(v) sum(v * v, na.rm = TRUE))) -
      unlist(lapply(x.acf, FUN = find.first))^2 / 2
    wv.var <- 2 * Aj / unlist(lapply(x, FUN = function(v) sum(!is.na(v))))
    return(data.frame(wavevar = y, lower = y - qnorm(1-p) * sqrt(wv.var),
                      upper = y + qnorm(1 - p) * sqrt(wv.var)))
  ci.eta1 <- function(x, y, p) {
    ## x4 <- lapply(x, FUN = function(v) sum(v^4, na.rm = TRUE))
    ## eta1 <- x4.ss * unlist(lapply(x, FUN = function(v) sum(!is.na(v))))
  ci.eta2 <- function(x, y, p) {
  ci.eta3 <- function(x, y, p) {
    x.length <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN=function(v)sum(!is.na(v))))
    eta3 <- pmax(x.length / 2^(1:length(x)), 1)
    return(data.frame(wavevar = y, lower = eta3 * y / qchisq(1-p, eta3),
                      upper = eta3 * y / qchisq(p, eta3)))

  ci.nongaussian <- function(x, y, p) {
    K <- 5
    J <- length(x)
    x.length <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN=function(v)sum(!is.na(v))))
    x.ss <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN=function(v)v[!is.na(v)]^2))
    mt.var <- numeric(J)
    for(j in 1:J) { 
      # Return the matrix of Slepian Sequences only (ignore the eigenvalues)
      x.dpss <- dpss(x.length[j], K, 4)$v
      V <- apply(x.dpss, 2, sum)
      J <- apply(x.dpss * x.ss[[j]], 2, sum)
      mt.var[j] <- sum((J - y[j] * V)^2) / K / x.length[j]
    return(data.frame(wavevar = y, lower = y - qnorm(1-p) * sqrt(mt.var),
                      upper = y + qnorm(1-p) * sqrt(mt.var)))

  x.ss <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN = function(v) sum(v*v, na.rm=TRUE)))
  x.length <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN = function(v) sum(!is.na(v))))
  y <- x.ss / x.length

    gaussian = ci.gaussian(x, y, p),
    eta1 = ci.eta1(x, y, p),
    eta2 = ci.eta2(x, y, p),
    eta3 = ci.eta3(x, y, p),
    nongaussian = ci.nongaussian(x, y, p),
    stop("Invalid selection of \"type\" for the confidence interval"))

##plot.var <- function(x, y=NA, ylim=range(x, y, na.rm=TRUE))
##  n <- dim(x)[1]
##  plot(2^(0:(n-1)), x[,1], axes=FALSE, type="n", log="xy", ylim=ylim)
##  axis(1, at=2^(0:(n-1)))
##  axis(2)
##  polyci(x[,1], x[,-1], -1)
##  if(any(!is.na(y))) { polyci(y[,1], y[,-1], 1, color=5) }
##  abline(h=0, lty=2)

wave.covariance <- function(x, y) {
  my.acf.na <- function(v) {
    v <- v[!is.na(v)]
  my.ccf.na <- function(u, v) {
    u <- u[!is.na(u)]
    v <- v[!is.na(v)]
    n <- length(u)
    u <- c(u, rep(0, n))
    v <- c(v, rep(0, n))
    n <- length(u)
    x <- Re(fft(fft(u) * Conj(fft(v)), inverse=TRUE)) / 2 / n^2
    x[c((n %/% 2):n, 1:(n %/% 2 - 1))]
  compute.sum.xy.ccvs <- function(x, y) {
    l <- length(x)
    xy <- numeric(l)
    for(i in 1:l)
      xy[i] <- sum(my.ccf.na(x[[i]], y[[i]])^2)
  compute.xy.acvs <- function(x, y) {
    l <- length(x)
    xy <- vector("list", l)
    for(i in 1:l) {
      z <- x[[i]] * y[[i]]
      xy[[i]] <- c(rev(z), z[-1])
  per <- function (z) {
    n <- length(z)
    (Mod(fft(z))^2/n)[1:(n%/%2 + 1)]
  per2 <- function(x, y) {
    n <- length(x)
    fft.x <- fft(x)
    fft.y <- fft(y)
    ((Conj(fft.x) * fft.y)/n)[1:(n %/% 2 + 1)]
  l <- length(x)
  xy <- vector("list", l)
  for(i in 1:l)
    xy[[i]] <- as.vector(x[[i]] * y[[i]])
  z.ss <- unlist(lapply(xy, sum, na.rm=TRUE))
  x.na <- lapply(x, is.na)
  for(i in 1:l)
    x.na[[i]] <- !x.na[[i]]
  z.length <- unlist(lapply(x.na, sum))

  zz <- z.ss / z.length
  names(zz) <- names(x)

  x.acvs <- lapply(x, my.acf.na)
  y.acvs <- lapply(y, my.acf.na)
  sum.xy.acvs <- unlist(lapply(compute.xy.acvs(x.acvs, y.acvs), sum))
  sum.squared.xy.ccvs <- compute.sum.xy.ccvs(x, y)
  var.gamma <- (sum.xy.acvs + sum.squared.xy.ccvs) / 2 / z.length

  out <- data.frame(wavecov = zz, lower = zz - qnorm(.975) * sqrt(var.gamma),
                    upper = zz + qnorm(.975) * sqrt(var.gamma))

##polyci <- function(x, xci, sp, color=2)
##  n <- length(x)
##  y <- 2^(0:(n-1)+sp*.05)
##  delta <- y - 2^(0:(n-1))
##  for(i in 1:n){
##     polygon(c(y[i] + .6*delta[i], y[i] + .6*delta[i], y[i] - .6*delta[i],
##        y[i] - .6*delta[i]), c(xci[i,], xci[i,2:1]), border=FALSE,
##        col=color, lty=1)
##  }
##  points(y, x, pch="-")

##plot.cov <- function(x, ylim=range(x,0))
##  n <- dim(x)[1]
##  plot(2^(0:(n-1)), x[,1], axes=FALSE, type="n", log="x", ylim=ylim)
##  axis(1, at=2^(0:(n-1)))
##  axis(2)
##  polyci(x[,1], x[,-1], 1)
##  abline(h=0, lty=2)

wave.correlation <- function(x, y, N, p = .975) {
  sum.of.squares <- function(x) { sum(x^2, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(!is.na(x)) }
  sum.of.not.squares <- function(x) { sum(x, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(!is.na(x)) }

  l <- length(x)
  xy <- vector("list", l); xy.abs <- vector("list", l)
  for(i in 1:l) {
    xy[[i]] <- as.vector(x[[i]] * y[[i]])
    xy.abs[[i]] <- as.vector(abs(x[[i]] * y[[i]]))
  xy.cov <- unlist(lapply(xy, sum.of.not.squares))
  x.var <- unlist(lapply(x, sum.of.squares))
  y.var <- unlist(lapply(y, sum.of.squares))
  xy.cor <- xy.cov / sqrt(x.var * y.var)
  n <- trunc(N/2^(1:l))
  out <- data.frame(wavecor=xy.cor,

##plot.cor <- function(x, ylim=c(-1,1), cex=NULL)
##  n <- dim(x)[1]
##  plot(2^(0:(n-1)), x[,1], axes=FALSE, type="n", log="x", ylim=ylim, cex=cex)
##  axis(1, at=2^(0:(n-1)), cex=cex)
##  axis(2, cex=cex)
##  polyci(x[,1], x[,-1], 1)
##  abline(h=0, lty=2)

#' Compute Wavelet Cross-Covariance Between Two Time Series
#' Computes wavelet cross-covariance or cross-correlation between two time
#' series.
#' See references.
#' @usage spin.covariance(x, y, lag.max = NA)
#' @usage spin.correlation(x, y, lag.max = NA)
#' @aliases spin.covariance spin.correlation
#' @param x first time series
#' @param y second time series, same length as \code{x}
#' @param lag.max maximum lag to compute cross-covariance (correlation)
#' @return List structure holding the wavelet cross-covariances (correlations)
#' according to scale.
#' @author B. Whitcher
#' @seealso \code{\link{wave.covariance}}, \code{\link{wave.correlation}}.
#' @references Gencay, R., F. Selcuk and B. Whitcher (2001) \emph{An
#' Introduction to Wavelets and Other Filtering Methods in Finance and
#' Economics}, Academic Press.
#' Whitcher, B., P. Guttorp and D. B. Percival (2000) Wavelet analysis of
#' covariance with application to atmospheric time series, \emph{Journal of
#' Geophysical Research}, \bold{105}, No. D11, 14,941-14,962.
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' ## Figure 7.9 from Gencay, Selcuk and Whitcher (2001)
#' data(exchange)
#' returns <- diff(log(exchange))
#' returns <- ts(returns, start=1970, freq=12)
#' wf <- "d4"
#' demusd.modwt <- modwt(returns[,"DEM.USD"], wf, 8)
#' demusd.modwt.bw <- brick.wall(demusd.modwt, wf)
#' jpyusd.modwt <- modwt(returns[,"JPY.USD"], wf, 8)
#' jpyusd.modwt.bw <- brick.wall(jpyusd.modwt, wf)
#' n <- dim(returns)[1]
#' J <- 6
#' lmax <- 36
#' returns.cross.cor <- NULL
#' for(i in 1:J) {
#'   blah <- spin.correlation(demusd.modwt.bw[[i]], jpyusd.modwt.bw[[i]], lmax)
#'   returns.cross.cor <- cbind(returns.cross.cor, blah)
#' }
#' returns.cross.cor <- ts(as.matrix(returns.cross.cor), start=-36, freq=1)
#' dimnames(returns.cross.cor) <- list(NULL, paste("Level", 1:J))
#' lags <- length(-lmax:lmax)
#' lower.ci <- tanh(atanh(returns.cross.cor) - qnorm(0.975) /
#'                  sqrt(matrix(trunc(n/2^(1:J)), nrow=lags, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE)
#'                       - 3))
#' upper.ci <- tanh(atanh(returns.cross.cor) + qnorm(0.975) /
#'                  sqrt(matrix(trunc(n/2^(1:J)), nrow=lags, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE)
#'                       - 3))
#' par(mfrow=c(3,2), las=1, pty="m", mar=c(5,4,4,2)+.1)
#' for(i in J:1) {
#'   plot(returns.cross.cor[,i], ylim=c(-1,1), xaxt="n", xlab="Lag (months)",
#'        ylab="", main=dimnames(returns.cross.cor)[[2]][i])
#'   axis(side=1, at=seq(-36, 36, by=12))
#'   lines(lower.ci[,i], lty=1, col=2)
#'   lines(upper.ci[,i], lty=1, col=2)
#'   abline(h=0,v=0)
#' }
#' @export spin.covariance
spin.covariance <- function(x, y, lag.max = NA) {
  xx <- zz <- x[!is.na(x)]
  yy <- y[!is.na(y)]
  n.length <- length(xx)
  xx.length <- min(length(xx)-1, lag.max, na.rm=TRUE)

  lag1 <- numeric(xx.length + 1)
  lag2 <- numeric(xx.length + 1)
  for(i in 1:(xx.length+1)) {
      lag1[i] <- sum(xx * yy, na.rm=TRUE) / n.length
      lag2[i] <- sum(zz * yy, na.rm=TRUE) / n.length
      xx <- c(xx[2:n.length], NA)
      zz <- c(NA, zz[1:(n.length-1)])
  c(rev(lag2[-1]), lag1)

spin.correlation <- function(x, y, lag.max = NA) {
  xx <- zz <- x[!is.na(x)]
  yy <- y[!is.na(y)]
  n.length <- length(xx)
  xx.length <- min(length(xx)-1, lag.max, na.rm=TRUE)
  xx.var <- mean(xx^2)
  yy.var <- mean(yy^2)

  lag1 <- numeric(xx.length + 1)
  lag2 <- numeric(xx.length + 1)
  for(i in 1:(xx.length+1)) {
      lag1[i] <- sum(xx * yy, na.rm=TRUE) / sqrt(xx.var * yy.var) / n.length
      lag2[i] <- sum(zz * yy, na.rm=TRUE) / sqrt(xx.var * yy.var) / n.length
      xx <- c(xx[2:n.length], NA)
      zz <- c(NA, zz[1:(n.length-1)])
  c(rev(lag2[-1]), lag1)

##edof <- function(x) {
##  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
##  n <- length(x)
##  x.acf <- my.acf(x)
##  n * x.acf[1]^2 /
##    sum((1 - abs(seq(-n+1,n-1))/n) * c(rev(x.acf[-1]), x.acf)^2)
bjw34032/waveslim documentation built on June 4, 2024, 6:02 p.m.