
Defines functions predict.oomlm predict.oomglm predict_oomlm predict_oomlm_x predict_oomglm predict_oomglm_x

Documented in predict_oomglm predict.oomglm predict_oomglm_x predict_oomlm predict.oomlm predict_oomlm_x

#' Predict values using `oomlm` and `oomglm` models
#' @param object An object inheriting from class `oomlm`.
#' @param new_data Observations for prediction.
#' @param std_error Indicates if the standard error of predicted means should
#'   be returned.
#' @param interval Type of interval calculation, "confidence" or "prediction.
#'   Is ignored if `std_error` is `FALSE`.
#' @param level Confidence level for interval calculation.
#' @param type The type of prediction for `oomglm` models, "response" or "link".
#' @param as_function If `TRUE`, a function requiring only `new_data` is
#'   returned for subsequent fitting.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @examples \donttest{
#' # fit an `oomlm` model
#' chunks <- oomdata_tbl(mtcars, chunk_size = 1)
#' x  <- fit(oomlm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp), chunks)
#' # call `predict`
#' pred <- predict(x, mtcars)
#' sum((pred - mtcars$mpg)^2)
#' # pass TRUE for the `as_function` argument and the
#' # return value will be a prediction function with
#' # only one argument for data
#' pred_fun <- predict(x, mtcars, as_function = TRUE)
#' pred_fun(mtcars[1, ])
#' # pass TRUE for the `std_error` argument and the
#' # return value will include standard errors
#' # for the predicted means
#' pred <- predict(x, mtcars, std_error = TRUE)
#' head(pred)
#' # with std_error true, we can specify that a confidence or
#' # prediction interval be returned
#' pred <- predict(x, mtcars, std_error = TRUE, interval = "confidence")
#' head(pred)
#' }
#' @seealso [oomlm()], [oomglm()] 
#' @name predict

#' @rdname predict
#' @export
predict.oomlm <- function(object,
                          new_data  = NULL,
                          std_error = FALSE,
                          interval  = NULL,
                          level     = 0.95,
                          as_function = FALSE, ...) {
  if(!as_function && is.null(new_data)){
    stop("`new_data` must be provided if `as_function` is FALSE")
  fn <- predict_oomlm(object, std_error, interval, level)
  if(as_function) {


#' @rdname predict
#' @export
predict.oomglm <- function(object,
                           new_data    = NULL,
                           type        = "response",
                           std_error   = FALSE,
                           as_function = FALSE, ...) {
  if(!as_function && is.null(new_data)){
    stop("`new_data` must be provided if `as_function` is FALSE")
  fn <- predict_oomglm(object, type, std_error)
  if(as_function) {

#' Internal. Return function that will predict and format output
#' @param object An `oomlm` model object.
#' @param std_error Indicates if the standard error of predicted means should
#'   be returned.
#' @param interval Type of interval calculation, "confidence" or "prediction.
#'   Is ignored if `std_error` is FALSE.
#' @param level Confidence level for interval calculation.
#' @keywords internal
predict_oomlm <- function(object,
                          std_error = FALSE,
                          interval  = NULL,
                          level     = 0.95) {
  function(new_data) {
    x <- unpack_oomchunk(object, new_data)
    y <- predict_oomlm_x(object, x, std_error, interval, level)
    if(std_error) {
      x <- tibble::tibble(
        .pred      = y$fit[, 1],
        .std_error = y$std_error
      if(!is.null(interval)) {
        x[[".pred_lower"]] <- y$fit[, 2]
        x[[".pred_upper"]] <- y$fit[, 3]
    tibble::tibble(.pred = drop(y))

#' Internal. Perform `oomlm` prediction
#' @param object An `oomlm` model object.
#' @param new_data Observations for prediction.
#' @param std_error Indicates if the standard error of predicted means should
#'   be returned.
#' @param interval Type of interval calculation, "confidence" or "prediction.
#'   Is ignored if `std_error` is FALSE.
#' @param level Confidence level for interval calculation.
#' @keywords internal
predict_oomlm_x <- function(object, new_data,
                            std_error = FALSE,
                            interval  = NULL,
                            level     = 0.95) {

  X   <- new_data$data
  fit <- X %*% coef(object)
  if(std_error) {
    rss    <- object$qr$rss_full
    dof    <- object$df.residual
    vcov_y <- vcov(object)
    res_scale <- rss / dof
    var_y <- apply(X, 1, function(x){
      tcrossprod(crossprod(x, vcov_y), x)
    if(!is.null(interval)) {
      predi <- res_scale * (interval %in% "prediction")
      intv  <- sqrt(predi + var_y)
      tval  <- qt((1 - level)/2, dof)
      fit   <- cbind(fit, fit + intv * tval, fit - intv * tval)
      colnames(fit) <- c(".pred", ".pred_lower", ".pred_upper")
    return(list(fit = fit, std_error = sqrt(var_y)))

#' Internal. Return function that will predict and format output
#' @param object An `oomglm` model object.
#' @param type The type of prediction for `oomglm` models, "response" or "link".
#' @param std_error Indicates if the standard error of predicted means should
#'   be returned.
#' @keywords internal
predict_oomglm <- function(object,
                           type = "response",
                           std_error = FALSE) {
  function(new_data) {
    x <- unpack_oomchunk(object, new_data)
    y <- predict_oomglm_x(object, x, type = type, std_error = std_error)
    if(std_error) {
        .pred      = y$fit[, 1],
        .std_error = y$std_error

    tibble::tibble(.pred = drop(y))

#' Internal. Perform `oomglm` prediction
#' @param object An `oomglm` model object.
#' @param new_data Observations for prediction.
#' @param type The type of prediction for `oomglm` models, "response" or "link".
#' @param std_error Indicates if the standard error of predicted means should
#'   be returned.
#' @keywords internal
predict_oomglm_x <- function(object, new_data,
                             type = "response",
                             std_error = FALSE) {
  if(type == "link") {
    y <- predict_oomlm_x(object, new_data, std_error)
    if(std_error) {
      return(list(fit = y$fit, std_error = y$std_error))
  } else {
    fam      <- family(object)
    linkinv  <- fam$linkinv
    mu_eta   <- fam$mu.eta
    z <- predict_oomlm_x(object, new_data, std_error)
    if(std_error) {
      std_error <- z$std_error * abs(mu_eta(z$fit))
      y  <- linkinv(z$fit)
      return(list(fit = y, std_error = std_error))
    } else {
      y <- linkinv(z)
blakeboswell/ploom documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:24 p.m.