
## *******************************************************************************************************************
## ESdistance (Observer range) obtained from NASA JPL HORIZONS Web-Interface
## for the time period 1970-01-01 : 2069-12-31 deltaT = 1d
## The 100year distances (in AU) were then averaged per DOY 
## resulting in this lookup vector ranging from DOY 1 : 336
.ESdistance <- readRDS("data-raw/sun_earth_dists.rds")

## Raster data type lookup table
.DATATYPEdb <- read.table(text="datatype min max
				LOG1S 0 1
				INT1S -127 127
				INT1U 0 255
				INT2S 32767 32767
				INT2U 0 65534
				INT4S -2147483647 2147483647
				INT4U 0 4294967296
				FLT4S -3.4e+38 3.4e+38
				FLT8S -1.7e+308 1.7e+308", sep=" ", head=TRUE, row.names="datatype")

## *******************************************************************************************************************
## Landsat auxilliary data. Taken from Chander et al 2009
## spatRes resampling:
## ESUN values according to:
.LANDSATdb <- list(
		LANDSAT1 = list (
				MSS =  data.frame(band = paste0("B", 4:7, "_dn"),
						bandtype   = rep("REF", 4),
						centerWavl = c(0.548, 0.652, 0.747, 0.900),
						spatRes1   = rep(60, 4), ## resampled
						esun = c(1848, 1588, 1235, 856.6) ,  
						stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		LANDSAT2 = list (
				MSS =  data.frame(band = paste0("B", 4:7, "_dn"),
						bandtype = rep("REF", 4),
						centerWavl = c(0.548, 0.659, 0.750, 0.899),
						spatRes1 = rep(60, 4), ##resampled
                        esun = c(1848, 1588, 1235, 856.6) ,  
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		LANDSAT3 = list (
				MSS =  data.frame(band = paste0("B", 4:7, "_dn"),
						bandtype = rep("REF", 4),
						centerWavl = c(0.545, 0.656, 0.743,	0.896),
						spatRes1 = rep(60, 4), ##resampled
                        esun = c(1848, 1588, 1235, 856.6) ,  
						stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		LANDSAT4 = list (
                TM = data.frame(band = paste0("B", 1:7, "_dn"),
                        bandtype = c(rep("REF", 5), "TIR", "REF"),
                        centerWavl = c(0.486, 0.569, 0.659, 0.841, 1.676, 11.040, 2.222), ## Chander2009 Tab3
                        spatRes1 = rep(30, 7),
                        spatRes2 = c(rep(30,5), 60, 30), ## TM Band 6 was acquired at 120-meter resolution, but products processed before February 25, 2010 are resampled to 60-meter pixels. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
                        esun = c(1958, 1826, 1554, 1033, 214.7, NA, 80.70) ,	
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
				MSS =  data.frame(band = paste0("B", 1:4, "_dn"),
						bandtype = rep("REF", 4),
						centerWavl = c(0.550, 0.650, 0.757,	0.916),
						spatRes1 = rep(60, 4), ##resampled
                        esun = c(1848, 1588, 1235, 856.6) ,  
						stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		LANDSAT5 = list (
				TM = data.frame(band = paste0("B", 1:7, "_dn"),
						bandtype = c(rep("REF", 5), "TIR", "REF"),
						centerWavl = c(0.485, 0.569, 0.66, 0.840, 1.676, 11.435, 2.223),
						spatRes1 = rep(30, 7),
						spatRes2 = c(rep(30,5), 60, 30), ## TM Band 6 was acquired at 120-meter resolution, but products processed before February 25, 2010 are resampled to 60-meter pixels. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
						esun = c(1958, 1827, 1551, 1036, 214.9, NA, 80.65) ,
						stringsAsFactors = FALSE
				MSS =  data.frame(band = paste0("B", 1:4, "_dn"),
						bandtype = rep("REF", 4),
						centerWavl = c(0.552, 0.650,0.759,0.923),
						spatRes1 = rep(60, 4), ##resampled
                        esun = c(1848, 1588, 1235, 856.6) ,  
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		LANDSAT7 = list(
				ETM = data.frame(band = paste0("B",c(1:6, "6_VCID_1", "6_VCID_2", 7:8), "_dn"),
						bandtype = c(rep("REF", 5), rep("TIR",3), "REF", "PAN"),
						spatRes1 = c(rep(30, 9), 15),
						spatRes2 = c(rep(30,5), rep(60,3), 30, 15),  ## ETM+ Band 6 is acquired at 60-meter resolution. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
						centerWavl = c(0.485, 0.560, 0.660, 0.835, 1.650, rep(11.335,3),2.220,0.706),
						esun = c(1970, 1842, 1547, 1044, 225.7, rep(NA,3), 82.06, 1369),
						stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		LANDSAT8 = list(
				OLI_TIRS = data.frame(band = c(paste0("B",1:11, "_dn"), "BQA"),
						bandtype = c(rep("REF", 7), "PAN", "REF", "TIR", "TIR", "QA"),
						spatRes1 = c(rep(30, 7), 15, rep(30,4)),
						spatRes2 = c(rep(30, 7), 15, rep(30,4)),  ## ETM+ Band 6 is acquired at 60-meter resolution. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
						centerWavl = c(0.44,0.48,0.56,0.655,0.865,1.61,2.2,0.59,1.37,10.6,11.5, NA), 
						esun = c(1895.32644, #b1 (coastal)
                                2004.56921, #b2 (blue)
                                1820.74569, #b3 (green)
                                1549.48934, #b4 (red)
                                951.75597, #b5 (nir)
                                247.55312, #b6 (swir1)
                                85.46265, #b7 (swir2)
                                1723.88066, #b8 (pan)
                                366.97235, #b9 (cirrus)
                                NA, #b10 (thermal)
                                NA, #b11 (thermal)
                                NA #b12 (QA)
						stringsAsFactors = FALSE

exponents <- c(-4, -2, -1, -.7, -.5)
for(s in names(.LANDSATdb)){
	for(sen in names(.LANDSATdb[[s]])) {
		bandType		<- .LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]][,"bandtype"] == "REF"
		centerWavl		<- .LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]][bandType, "centerWavl"] 
		bands 			<- .LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]][bandType, "band"]
		## Calc Chavez Tab 1
		TAB1			<- sapply(exponents, function(x) centerWavl ^ x)
		rownames(TAB1)  <- bands
		colnames(TAB1)	<- c("veryClear", "clear", "moderate", "hazy", "veryHazy")
		## Calc Chavez Tab 2, but only until SHVB = B4, larger wavelengths don't make sense to estimate haze
		hazeBands <- if(s %in% paste0("LANDSAT",1:3)) paste0("B", 4:7, "_dn") else  paste0("B", 1:4, "_dn")
		TAB2 <- lapply(hazeBands, function(SHVB){ sweep(TAB1, 2, TAB1[SHVB,], "/")})
		TAB2 <-"cbind", TAB2)
		colnames(TAB2) <- paste0(rep(paste0("B", 1:4, "_dn"), each = 5),"_", colnames(TAB2))
		.LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]] <-  merge(.LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]] , TAB2, by.x = "band", by.y = "row.names", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
		rownames(.LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]]) <- .LANDSATdb[[s]][[sen]]$band

## Tasselled Cap Coefficients
d <- list(NULL, c("brightness", "greenness", "wetness"))
.TCcoefs <- list(
        landsat4tm = matrix(c(
                        # Crist 1985
                        0.2043,  0.4158,  0.5524, 0.5741,  0.3124,  0.2303, 
                        -0.1603, -0.2819, -0.4934, 0.7940, 0.0002, -0.1446, #typo 0.1063, typo -0.0002
                        0.0315,  0.2021,  0.3102, 0.1594, 0.6806, -0.6109), #type -0.6806
                ncol=3, dimnames = d),
        landsat5tm = matrix( c(
                        # Crist 1985
                        0.2043,  0.4158,  0.5524, 0.5741,  0.3124,  0.2303, 
                        -0.1603, -0.2819, -0.4934, 0.7940, 0.0002, -0.1446,
                        0.0315,  0.2021,  0.3102, 0.1594, 0.6806, -0.6109)
                , ncol = 3, dimnames = d),
        landsat7etm= matrix(c( 
                        # Huang 2002
                        0.3561,  0.3972, 0.3904, 0.6966, 0.2286, 0.1596, 
                        -0.3344, -0.3544,-0.4556, 0.6966,-0.0242,-0.2630,
                        0.2626,  0.2141, 0.0926, 0.0656,-0.7629,-0.5388)
                #       0.0805, -0.0498 ,0.1950,-0.1327, 0.5752,-0.7775, 
                #      -0.7252, -0.0202, 0.6683, 0.0631,-0.1494,-0.0274, 
                #       0.4000, -0.8172, 0.3832, 0.0602,-0.1095, 0.0985 
                , ncol = 3, dimnames = d),          
        landsat8oli= matrix(c(
                        # Baig et al (2014)
                        0.3029, 0.2786, 0.4733, 0.5599, 0.5080, 0.1872,
                        -0.2941,-0.2430,-0.5424, 0.7276, 0.0713,-0.1608,
                        0.1511, 0.1973, 0.3283, 0.3407,-0.7117,-0.4559), ncol = 3, dimnames = d),    
        modis = matrix(c(
                        #Lobser & Cohen (2007) 
                        0.4395, 0.5945, 0.2460, 0.3918, 0.3506, 0.2136, 0.2678, 
                        -0.4064, 0.5129,-0.2744,-0.2893, 0.4882,-0.0036,-0.4169,
                        0.1147, 0.2489, 0.2408, 0.3132,-0.3122,-0.6416,-0.5087), ncol = 3, dimnames = d),
        quickbird = matrix(c(
                        #Yarbrough et al. (2005)
                        0.319, -0.121, 0.652, 0.677,
                        0.542, -0.331, 0.375, -0.675,
                        0.490, -0.517, -0.639, 0.292), ncol = 3, dimnames = d),
        spot5 = matrix(c(
                        #Ivtis et al. (2008)
                        0.492, 0.610, 0.416, 0.462,
                        -0.196, -0.389, 0.896, -0.084,
                        0.397, 0.260, 0.118, -0.872), ncol = 3, dimnames = d),
        rapideye = matrix(c(
                        #Schoenert et al. (2014)
                        0.2435, 0.3448, 0.4881, 0.4930, 0.5835,
                        -0.2216, -0.2319, -0.4622, -0.2154, 0.7981,
                        -0.7564, -0.3916, 0.5049, 0.1400, 0.0064), ncol = 3, dimnames = d)
#ikonos = matrix(c(NA)),

.wavlDB <- data.frame( Band = c("vis", "red-edge1", "red-edge2", "red-edge3", "nir", 
                                "swir1", "swir2", "swir3", "mir1", "mir2", "tir1", "tir2"), 
                       Description = c("visible", 
                                       "near infra-red",
                                       "short-wave infra-red", "short-wave infra-red", "short-wave infra-red", 
                                       "mid-wave infra-red", "mid-wave infra-red", 
                                       "thermal infra-red", "thermal infra-red"),
                       Wavl_min = c(400,680,720,760,800,1100,1400,2000,3000,45000,8000,10000), 
                       Wavl_max = c(680,720,760,800,1100,1351, 1800,2500,4000,5000,9500,140000),
                       "Landsat5_Band" = c("1,2,3", "-","-","-",4, "-", 5, 7, "-", "-", "-", 6),
                       "Sentinel2_Band" = c("2,3,4", 5, 6, 7, "8/8a", "9,10", 11, 12, "-", "-", "-","-")

## *******************************************************************************************************************
## Save internal data
save(.ESdistance, .LANDSATdb, .wavlDB, .DATATYPEdb,.TCcoefs, file = "R/sysdata.rda", compress = "gzip")
bleutner/RStoolbox documentation built on April 23, 2024, 9:36 a.m.