

URL <- paste0("",
rawData <- read.csv(url(URL))

# select and rename relevant columns
rawData <- rawData[,c(11,3,4,5,6)]
colnames(rawData) <- c("ID","time","lon","lat","temp")

# only keep first track
rawData <- subset(rawData,ID==unique(ID)[1])

# convert times from factors to POSIX
rawData$time <- as.POSIXct(rawData$time,tz="GMT")

# project to UTM coordinates using package rgdal
llcoord <- SpatialPoints(rawData[,3:4], 
                         proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
utmcoord <- spTransform(llcoord,CRS("+proj=utm +zone=30 ellps=WGS84"))

# add UTM locations to data frame
rawData$x <- attr(utmcoord,"coords")[,1]
rawData$y <- attr(utmcoord,"coords")[,2]

inits<-list(a=c(rawData$x[1],0,rawData$y[1],0),P = diag(c(5000 ^ 2,10 * 3600 ^ 2, 5000 ^ 2, 10 * 3600 ^ 2)))

crwOut<-crawlWrap(rawData,timeStep="hour",initial.state=inits,theta=c(2.761119, -8.195757),fixPar=c(NA,NA))

# create momentuHMMData object from crwData object
elephantData <- prepData(data=crwOut, covNames="temp")

# add cosinor covariate based on hour of day
elephantData$hour <- as.integer(strftime(elephantData$time, format = "%H", tz="GMT"))

# acf plot of step lengths

# label states
stateNames <- c("encamped","exploratory")
# distributions for observation processes
dist = list(step = "gamma", angle = "wrpcauchy")

# initial parameters
Par0_m1 <- list(step=c(100,500,100,200),angle=c(0.3,0.7))

# fit model
m1 <- fitHMM(data = elephantData, nbStates = 2, dist = dist, Par0 = Par0_m1, 
             estAngleMean = list(angle=FALSE), stateNames = stateNames)

# formula for transition probabilities
formula <- ~ temp * cosinor(hour, period = 24)

# initial parameters (obtained from nested model m1)
Par0_m2 <- getPar0(model=m1, formula=formula)

# fit model
m2 <- fitHMM(data = elephantData, nbStates = 2, dist = dist, Par0 = Par0_m2$Par, 
             beta0=Par0_m2$beta, stateNames = stateNames, formula=formula)

# formulas for parameters of state-dependent observation distributions
DM <- list(step = list(mean = ~ temp * cosinor(hour, period = 24),
                       sd = ~ temp * cosinor(hour, period = 24)),
           angle = list(concentration = ~ temp))

# initial parameters (obtained from nested model m2)
Par0_m3 <- getPar0(model=m2, formula=formula, DM=DM)

# fit model
m3 <- fitHMM(data = elephantData, nbStates = 2, dist = dist, Par0 = Par0_m3$Par, 
             beta0 = Par0_m3$beta, DM = DM, stateNames = stateNames,
             formula = formula)

# calculate and compare AIC

# decode most likely state sequence
states <- viterbi(m3)
# derive percentage of time spent in each state

# plot results for model m3
plot(m3, plotCI = TRUE, covs = data.frame(hour=12))

# compute pseudo-residuals for the steps and the angles
pr <- pseudoRes(m3)

# plot the ACF of step pseudo-residuals
acf(pr$stepRes[!$stepRes)],lag.max = 300)

bmcclintock/momentuHMM documentation built on Oct. 26, 2022, 1 a.m.