
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    createProjectDefinition <- function() {
        data.frame(id = getComputationInfo("id"),
                   compType = getComputationInfo("compType"),
                   projectName = getComputationInfo("projectName"),
                   projectDesc = getComputationInfo("projectDesc"),
                   he = getComputationInfo("he"),
                   rank = getComputationInfo("rank"),
                   ncol = getComputationInfo("ncol"),

        if (input$exitApp > 0) stopApp(TRUE)

    ## -- End: functions to make tabs active sequentially --

    ## Variables to detect various states the app can be in, depending
    ## on what actions the user has taken.

    ## output$datasetSpecified
    ## output$datasetChecked
    ## output$rankEntered
    ## output$rankChecked
    ## output$definitionSaved

    ## When the user chooses a file and clicks on the "Load Data" button
    ## this function is triggered
    output$dataFileContentSummary <- renderPrint({
        if (input$loadData == 0) return("")
        ## Create data frame from file
            if (input$input_type == 'CSV File') {
                inputFile <- input$dataFile
                           need(inputFile != "", "Please select a data set")
                ## Parse missing value strings
                missingValueIndicators <- stringr::str_trim(scan(textConnection(input$missingIndicators),
                                                                 what = character(0), sep=",", quiet=TRUE))
                ## Return data frame or error as the case may be
                dataResult <- tryCatch(
                { read.csv(file = inputFile$datapath, na.strings = missingValueIndicators, header=FALSE) } ,
                warning = function(x) x,
                error = function(x) x
            } else if (input$input_type == 'Redcap API') {
                           need(requireNamespace("redcapAPI", quietly = TRUE), "Please install the redcapAPI package"),
                           need(input$redcapURL != "", "Please enter your Redcap URL"),
                           need(input$redcapToken != "", "Please enter your Redcap Token")

                dataResult <-tryCatch(
                { redcapAPI::exportRecords(redcapAPI::redcapConnection(url = input$redcapURL, token = input$redcapToken)) },
                warning = function(x) x,
                error = function(x) x
            } else if (input$input_type == 'Postgres') {
                           need(requireNamespace("RPostgreSQL", quietly = TRUE), "Please install the RPostgreSQL package"),
                           need(requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE), "Please install the dplyr package"),
                           need(input$dbName != "", "Please enter your Postgres database name"),
                           need(input$dbHost != "", "Please enter your Postgres host"),
                           need(!$dbPort)), "Please enter your Postgres port number"),
                           need(input$dbUser != "", "Please enter your Postgres database user name"),
                           need(input$dbPassword != "", "Please enter your Postgres database user password"),
                           need(input$dbTable != "", "Please enter your Postgres database table name")
                dataResult <-  tryCatch(
                    db <- dplyr::src_postgres(dbname = input$dbName, host = input$dbHost, port = input$dbPort,
                                              user = input$dbUser, password = input$dbPassword)
                    ## CAUTION: Need to do better to prevent SQL injection...
                    dplyr::tbl(db, paste("SELECT * from ", input$dbTable))
                warning = function(x) x,
                error = function(x) x
            } else {
                           need(FALSE, "Report bug to Package owner: unexpected Data source!")
                dataResult <- NULL

            if ({
                dataResult <- as.matrix(dataResult)
                setComputationInfo("data", dataResult) ## Store data object
                ncol <- ncol(dataResult)
                if (ncol <= 1) {
                    "Error: need a matrix"
                } else {
                    setComputationInfo("ncol", ncol) ## Store number of columns
                    updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId="navigationList", selected="Rank Check")
            } else {
                cat('Error!', dataResult$message)

    output$dataLoaded <- reactive({
        if (input$loadData == 0) return()
        ifelse(is.matrix(getComputationInfo("data")), "Data Loaded; Proceed to Rank Check", "")

    ## When the user clicks on the "Check Rank" button
    ## this function is triggered
    output$checkRankResult <- renderPrint({
        if (input$checkRank == 0) return()
            rank <- tryCatch(as.integer(input$rank),
                             warning = function(x) x,
                             error = function(x) x)
            if (inherits(rank, "error")) {
                cat("Error!", rank$message)
            } else {
                if (rank < 0 || rank > min(dim(getComputationInfo("data")))) {
                    sprintf("Rank '%d' is invalid.", rank)
                } else {
                    setComputationInfo("rank", as.integer(input$rank))
                    ## At this point, generate the definition id too.
                    ## object <- list(compType = getComputationInfo("compType"),
                    ##                projectName = getComputationInfo("projectName"),
                    ##                projectDesc = getComputationInfo("projectDesc"),
                    ##                rank = getComputationInfo("rank"),
                    ##                random = runif(10))
                    setComputationInfo("id", generateId(list(random=runif(10))))
                    sprintf("Rank '%s' is OK!", input$rank)

    output$rankChecked <- reactive({
        if (input$checkRank == 0) return()
        ifelse(is.null(getComputationInfo("rank")), "", "Rank Checked; Proceed to Output Result")

    output$outputResult <- renderPrint({
        if (input$saveDefinition == 0) return()
        defn <- createProjectDefinition()

    output$definitionSaved <- reactive({
        if (input$saveDefinition == 0) return()
        defn <- createProjectDefinition()
        ## defnPath <- getConfig()$defnPath
        ## dirName <- paste(defnPath, defn$id, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
        dirName <- getComputationInfo("workingDir")
        fileName <- paste(dirName, input$outputFile, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
        result <- tryCatch(
            saveRDS(object = defn, file=fileName)
        error = function(x) x)
        if (inherits(result, "error")) {
            paste("Error!", result$message)
        } else {
            paste0("Definition saved to ", input$outputFile)
bnaras/distcomp documentation built on July 5, 2024, 4:28 p.m.