
Defines functions eeg_segment.eeg_lst eeg_segment

Documented in eeg_segment

#' Segment (and unsegment) an eeg_lst.
#' * `eeg_segment()` subdivides of the EEG into different segments or epochs.  (Fieldtrip calls the segment "trials".) The limits of `segment` are inclusive: If, for example, `lim = c(0,0)`, the segment would contain only sample 1.
#' * `eeg_unsegment()` does **not** reverse the segmentation, it simply concatenates all segments creating one object with only one segment.
#' When there is no segmentation, the `eeg_lst` contain one segment.
#' @param .data An `eeg_lst` object.
#' @param ... Description of the event.
#' @param .unit "seconds" (or "s"), "milliseconds" (or "ms"), or samples.
#' @param .lim Vector indicating the time before and after the event. Or dataframe with two columns, with nrow=total number of segments
#' @param .end Description of the event that indicates the end of the segment, if this is used, `.lim` is ignored.
#' @param .start Initial sample when an object is unsegmented 
#' @param .sep Segment separation marker. By default: `.type == "New Segment"`
#' @param .zero Time zero marker. By default: `.type == "Time 0"`
#' @family preprocessing functions
#' @examples
#' # Segments 500ms before and 1000ms after the triggers s70 and s71
#' data_faces_10_trials %>% eeg_segment(.description %in% c("s70", "s71"),
#'   .lim = c(-5, 1)
#' )
#' # Segments 500ms before and  after the triggers all the triggers (which start with s)
#' data_faces_10_trials %>% eeg_segment(startsWith(.description, "s"))
#' @return An `eeg_lst`.
#' @export
eeg_segment <- function(.data, ..., .lim = c(-.5, .5), .end, .unit = "s") {
#' @export
eeg_segment.eeg_lst <- function(.data, ..., .lim = c(-.5, .5), .end, .unit = "s") {
  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  first_sample <- NULL

  dots <- rlang::enquos(...)
  .end <- rlang::enquo(.end)

  # times0 <- filter.(.data$.events, !!!dots) %>%
  #   select.(.id,.type,.description,.first_sample= .initial) %>%
  #   distinct.()
  times0 <- filter_dt(.data$.events, !!!dots)[, -c(".channel", ".final")] %>%
  data.table::setnames(times0, ".initial", ".first_sample")

  # old tidyverse version:
  ## times0 <- dplyr::filter(dplyr::as_tibble(.data$.events), !!!dots) %>%
  ##   dplyr::select(-.channel, -.final) %>%
  ##   dplyr::rename(.first_sample = .initial) %>%
  ##   dplyr::distinct()

  if (!rlang::quo_is_missing(.end)) {
     times_end <- # filter.(.data$.events, !!.end) %>%  select.(.id, .type, .description, .first_sample = .initial) %>%
    #   distinct.()
      filter_dt(.data$.events, !!.end)[, -c(".channel", ".final")] %>%
    data.table::setnames(times_end, ".initial", ".first_sample")
    # tidyverse version:
    ## times_end <- dplyr::filter(dplyr::as_tibble(.data$.events), !!.end) %>%
    ##   dplyr::select(-.channel, -.final) %>%
    ##   dplyr::rename(.first_sample = .initial) %>%
    ## dplyr::distinct()

  if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.end) && any(.lim[[2]] < .lim[[1]])) {
    stop("A segment needs to be of positive length and include at least 1 sample.")

  if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.end) && (length(.lim) == 2) || ## two values or a dataframe
    (!is.null(nrow(.lim)) && nrow(.lim) == nrow(times0))) {
    scaling_k <- scaling(sampling_rate(.data), unit = .unit)
    sample_lim <- round(.lim * scaling_k)
    seg_names <- colnames(times0)[!startsWith(colnames(times0), ".")]
    times0[, `:=`(
      .lower = .first_sample + sample_lim[[1]] %>% as_integer(),
      .upper = .first_sample + sample_lim[[2]] %>% as_integer(),
      .new_id = seq_len(.N)

    ## I don't want to remove extra columns:
    ## if(length(seg_names)>0) times0[,`:=`(c(seg_names), NULL)] #deletes cols in seg_names
  } else if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.end)) {
    stop("Wrong dimension of .lim")
  } else if (!rlang::quo_is_missing(.end)) {
    # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
    .zero <- NULL
    #          warning(sprintf("Number of initial markers (%d) doesn't match the number of final markers (%d)", nrow(times0), nrow(times_end)))
    times0[, .zero := TRUE]
    times_end[, .zero := FALSE]

    times <- rbind(times0, times_end)
    data.table::setorder(times, .id, .first_sample)

    unmatched_initial <- times[data.table::shift(.zero, fill = TRUE, type = "lead") & .zero, -".zero"]
    unmatched_final <- times[!data.table::shift(.zero, fill = FALSE, type = "lag") & !.zero, -".zero"]
    ## unmatched_initial <- times %>%
    ##           dplyr::filter(dplyr::lead(.zero, default = TRUE), .zero) %>%
    ##           dplyr::select(-.zero)
    ##       unmatched_final <- times %>%
    ##           dplyr::filter(!dplyr::lag(.zero,default = FALSE), !.zero)%>%
    ##           dplyr::select(-.zero)
    if (nrow(unmatched_initial) > 0) {
      warning("Unmatched initial segments:\n\n", paste0(
        utils::capture.output(unmatched_initial %>%
          dplyr::rename(.initial = .first_sample)),
        collapse = "\n"
      times_end <- rbind(times_end, unmatched_initial, fill = TRUE)
      data.table::setorder(times_end, .id, .first_sample)

      times0 <- times0[!unmatched_initial, on = c(".id", ".type", ".description", ".first_sample"), allow.cartesian = TRUE] %>%
        rbind(., unmatched_initial[, .type := "incorrect segment"], fill = TRUE)
      data.table::setorder(times0, .id, .first_sample)
      ## times0 <- dplyr::anti_join(times0, unmatched_initial, by =c(".id",".type",".description",".first_sample")) %>%
      ##           dplyr::bind_rows(unmatched_initial %>% dplyr::mutate(.type = "incorrect segment")) %>%
      ##           dplyr::arrange(.id, .first_sample)
    if (nrow(unmatched_final) > 0) {
      warning("Unmatched final segments:\n\n", paste0(
        utils::capture.output(unmatched_final %>%
          dplyr::rename(.initial = .first_sample)),
        collapse = "\n"
      times0 <- rbind(times0, unmatched_final[, .type := "incorrect segment"], fill = TRUE)
      data.table::setorder(times0, .id, .first_sample)
    times0[, .zero := NULL]
    times_end[, .zero := NULL]

    seg_names <- colnames(times0)[!startsWith(colnames(times0), ".")]

    times0[, `:=`(
      .lower = .first_sample,
      .upper = times_end$.first_sample,
      .new_id = seq_len(.N)

    # don't remove extra cols
    #    if(length(seg_names)>0) times0[,`:=`(c(seg_names), NULL)] #deletes cols in seg_names

  times0[, .first_sample := sample_int(.first_sample, 
                                       .sampling_rate = sampling_rate(.data))]
  # update the signal tbl:
  cols_signal <- colnames(.data$.signal)
  cols_signal_temp <- c(".new_id", ".first_sample", "x..sample", cols_signal[cols_signal != ".id"])

  new_signal <- .data$.signal[times0,
    on = .(.id, .sample >= .lower, .sample <= .upper), allow.cartesian = TRUE,

  # .sample is now the lower bound
  # x..sample is the original columns
  new_signal[, .sample := x..sample - .first_sample + 1L][
    , .first_sample := NULL
    x..sample := NULL

  data.table::setnames(new_signal, ".new_id", ".id")
  ## TODO: this should probablu go sooner, it makes NA all the problematic segments

    which(new_signal$.id %in% times0[.type == "incorrect segment", ]$.id),
    c(".sample", channel_names(new_signal)), NA
  attributes(new_signal$.sample) <- attributes(.data$.signal$.sample)
  data.table::setkey(new_signal, .id, .sample)

  .data$.signal <- new_signal

  .data$.events <- update_events(.data$.events, times0)
  ## data.table::setattr(.data$.events,"class",c("events_tbl",class(.data$.events)))

  message_verbose(paste0("# Total of ", max(.data$.signal$.id), " segments found."))

  # remove the irrelevant columns:
  times0[, `:=`(c(".first_sample", ".lower", ".upper", ".new_id"), NULL)]

  .data$.segments <- update_segments_tbl(.data$.segments, times0)

  message_verbose(paste0(say_size(.data), " after segmentation."))
  data.table::setkey(.data$.segments, .id)

update_segments_tbl <- function(old_segments, new_events) {
  new_events <- data.table::copy(new_events)
  # remove the . from the segments so that it's clear that it's not protected
  data.table::setnames(new_events, -1, chr_remove(colnames(new_events)[-1], "^\\."))
  # right join:
  new_segments <- old_segments[new_events, on = ".id", allow.cartesian = TRUE][, .id := 1:.N]

  if (!is.null(new_segments$.recording) && !anyNA(new_segments$.recording)) {
    new_segments <- new_segments[, segment := seq_len(.N), by = ".recording"]

#' update events table based on a segmentation table
#' segmentation is a data.table with the following columns:
#' * .id:.id of the events
#' * .first_sample:sample_id 1 of the new new segmentation, 1 if left empty
#' * .lower: lower boundary of the event (included)
#' * .upper: upper boundary of the event, (included)
#' * .new_id: new id for the event, current one if left empty
#' @noRd
update_events <- function(events_dt, segmentation) {
  segmentation <- data.table:::shallow(segmentation)
  # needs to remove the class quickly:
  segmentation[, .new_id := if (!".new_id" %in% colnames(segmentation)) .id else .new_id]
  segmentation[, .first_sample := if (!".first_sample" %in% colnames(segmentation)) 1 else .first_sample]
  segmentation <- segmentation[, c(".id", ".first_sample", ".lower", ".upper", ".new_id")]
  cols_events <- colnames(events_dt)
  cols_events_temp <- unique(c(cols_events, colnames(segmentation), "i..initial"))
  # i..initial is the.initial of events
  new_events <- segmentation[events_dt, on = .(.id), ..cols_events_temp, allow.cartesian = TRUE][
    i..initial <= .upper & .lower <= .final
  new_events[, .initial := pmax(i..initial, .lower) - .first_sample + 1L]
  new_events[, .final := pmin(.final, .upper) - .first_sample + 1L]
  new_events[, .id := .new_id][, ..cols_events] %>%
    as_events_tbl(., .sampling_rate = sampling_rate(events_dt))

#' @rdname eeg_segment
#' @export
eeg_unsegment <- function(.data, .start = 1, .sep = c(.type = "New Segment", .description=""), .zero = c(.type = "Time 0", .description="")) {
#' @export
eeg_unsegment.eeg_lst <- function(.data, .start = 1, .sep = c(.type = "New Segment", .description=""), .zero = c(.type = "Time 0", .description="")) {
  N <- nsamples(.data)
  srate <- sampling_rate(.data)
  s1 <- .data$.signal$.sample[1]
  new_segment <- filter.(.data$.signal, .sample == .sample[1], .by= any_of(".id")) %>%
  time_0 <- sample_int(rep(1, length(new_segment)), .sampling_rate = srate)
  init_sample <- cumsum(c(-s1 +.start, N[seq_len(length(N)-1)]))
  u_id <- unique(.data$.signal$.id)
  .data$.signal <-  .data$.signal %>%
              mutate.(.id = 1L, 
              .sample =sample_int(values = seq.int(from = .start, length.out = sum(N)),
                      .sampling_rate = srate) )

  new_events <- data.table::data.table(t(.sep),.initial = new_segment, .id = u_id) 
  if(nrow(new_events)> 1) {
    new_events <- rbind(new_events,data.table::data.table(t(.zero), .initial = time_0,
                                                          .id = u_id))
  new_events <- new_events %>%
    mutate(.final = .initial)
  .data$.events <- .data$.events %>% rbind( new_events, fill = TRUE) %>% 
    .[order(., .id,.initial),] %>%
  .data$.events <- .data$.events %>% 
    split(by = ".id") %>% 
                     ~.x %>% mutate.(.initial = .initial +.y,
                                     .final = .final + .y)) %>%
    data.table::rbindlist() %>%
    mutate.(.id = 1L) %>%
  .data$.segments <- .data$.segments %>% 
    summarize.(.id =1, 
               .recording = paste(unique(.recording), collapse =";"))
  data.table::setkey(.data$.signal, .id, .sample)
bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.