
Defines functions startsWithMultiple getSummaryMeans

# internal.getSummaryMeans.R

# getSummaryMeans
# internal function

# need function that simply outputs a list with those parameters
	# mean or (median?) expectations from the last MCMC generation
# this function would be run with doRun such that doRun would include with output
# these parameter estimates would be given as a list
	# split into 3 vectors: starting/intrinsic/extrinsic parameters
	# formatted for immediate use as parameter estimates for doSimulation
	# with matching intrinsic/extrinsic functions
# this could then be used for easily generating new simulations from the mean param values

	# get the data from doRun output
	# this tells us which parameters are fixed
	freeVector  <- doRunOutput$freeVector
	# this contains means for unfixed parameters
		# from the post-analysis summary function
	postSummary <- doRunOutput$postSummary
	# this has the values for fixed parameters
	priorList   <- doRunOutput$priorList
	summaryValues <- numeric()
	# get the summary values (means, or fixed values)
	for(i in 1:length(freeVector)){
		# need to sort out which are free and which are fixed
			matchPar <- which(names(postSummary) == names(freeVector[i]))
			summaryValues[i] <- postSummary[[matchPar]]$mean
			summaryValues[i] <- priorList[[i]]$params
	# name the vector the parameter names
	names(summaryValues) <- names(freeVector)
	# need to sort into intrinsic, extrinsic, starting 
		# this should be indicated easily by name
		# eg starting_ intrinsic_ extrinsic_
	parTypeMat <- startsWithMultiple(
		test = names(freeVector),
		prefixes = c("starting","intrinsic","extrinsic")
	# now test
	# all row sums should be identical to one
	if(any(rowSums(parTypeMat) != 1)){
		stop("Some parameter labels from freeVector do not uniquely match parameter types")
	# now sort into parameter types
	# output list of vectors for starting, intrinsic, extrinsic
	res <- list(
		starting = summaryValues[parTypeMat[,"starting"]],
		intrinsic = summaryValues[parTypeMat[,"intrinsic"]],
		extrinsic = summaryValues[parTypeMat[,"extrinsic"]]

startsWithMultiple <- function(test, prefixes){
	# constructs a matrix of logicals indicating which labels match which prefixes
		# when multiples of each exist
	# example
	# startsWithMultiple(c("hellooo","bye"),prefixes=c("hello","bye","hell","b","bell"))
	res <- sapply(prefixes, function(x) 
		 startsWith(test, prefix = x)
	rownames(res) <- test
	colnames(res) <- prefixes
bomeara/treevo documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 6:52 p.m.