
#' Species monophyly over a tree
#' Determines if the species given in \code{sppVector} form monophyletic groups
#' on a given tree.
#' \code{monophyly} determines if each species is monophyletic.
#' \code{monophylyBoot} incorporates a bootstrap test to determine the support
#' for this monophyly. Species with a bootstrap support lower than
#' \code{"thresh"} are recorded as FALSE.
#' Rerooting is done on the longest internal edge in the tree returned by
#' \code{nj(dist.dna(DNAbin))}.
#' @param phy A tree of class `phylo'.
#' @param sppVector Species vector. See \code{\link{sppVector}}
#' @param pp Object of class `prop.part'. Assists in speeding up the function,
#' if it has been called already. Default of NA, calling
#' \code{\link{prop.part}} internally.
#' @param singletonsMono Logical. Should singletons (i.e. only a single
#' specimen representing that species) be treated as monophyletic? Default of
#' TRUE. Possible values of FALSE and NA.
#' @return \code{monophyly} returns a logical vector, stating if each species
#' is monophyletic. Values correspond to the species order given by
#' \code{unique(sppVector)}.
#' \code{monophylyBoot} returns a list with the following elements:
#' \item{results}{A logical vector, stating if each species is monophyletic
#' with a bootstrap support higher than the given threshold.} \item{BSvalues}{A
#' numeric vector giving the bootstrap proportions for each node of
#' \code{phy}.}
#' @author Samuel Brown <s_d_j_brown@@hotmail.com>
#' @seealso \code{\link{prop.part}}, \code{\link{root}},
#' \code{\link{boot.phylo}}.
#' @examples
#' #Random trees
#' set.seed(16)
#' tr <- ape::rtree(15)
#' spp <- rep(LETTERS[1:5], rep(3,5))
#' monophyly(tr, spp)
#' tr2 <- tr
#' spp2 <- c(rep(LETTERS[1:4], rep(3,4)), LETTERS[5:7])
#' monophyly(tr2, spp2)
#' #Empirical data
#' \dontrun{
#' data(anoteropsis)
#' anoTree <- ape::nj(ape::dist.dna(anoteropsis))
#' anoSpp <- sapply(strsplit(dimnames(anoteropsis)[[1]], split="_"), 
#'     function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], sep="_"))
#' monophyly(anoTree, anoSpp)
#' monophyly(anoTree, anoSpp, singletonsMono=FALSE)
#' unique(anoSpp)
#' #To get score for each individual
#' anoMono <- monophyly(anoTree, anoSpp)
#' anoMono[match(anoSpp, unique(anoSpp))]
#' data(woodmouse)
#' woodTree <- ape::nj(ape::dist.dna(woodmouse))
#' woodSpp <- c("D", "C", "C", "A", "A", "E", "A", "F", "C", "F", "E", "D", "A", "A", "E")
#' unique(woodSpp)
#' monophyly(woodTree, woodSpp)
#' woodMono <- monophylyBoot(woodTree, woodSpp, woodmouse)
#' woodMono$results
#' woodMono$BSvalues
#' monophylyBoot(woodTree, woodSpp, woodmouse, reroot = FALSE)
#' monophylyBoot(woodTree, woodSpp, woodmouse, thresh = 0.9, reroot = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom ape prop.part
#' @importFrom ape dist.dna
#' @importFrom ape nj
#' @export monophyly
monophyly <- 
function (phy, sppVector, pp = NA, singletonsMono = TRUE) 
    res <- list()
    xxx <- lapply(unique(sppVector), function(y) which(sppVector == 
    sppTab <- sapply(xxx, length)
    singletons <- which(sppTab == 1)
    nonSingletons <- which(sppTab != 1)
    ifelse(is.na(pp), yyy <- prop.part(phy), yyy <- pp)
    zzz <- sapply(yyy, length)
    defNon <- which(!sppTab %in% zzz)
    poss <- which(sppTab %in% zzz)
    for (i in poss) {
        res[i] <- NA
        for (j in 1:length(yyy[which(zzz == sppTab[i])])) res[[i]][j] <- sum(as.numeric(!xxx[[i]] %in% 
            yyy[which(zzz == sppTab[i])][[j]]))
    out <- sapply(res, function(x) as.logical(sum(as.numeric(x < 1))))
    if(is.list(out)) out <- rep(singletonsMono, length(singletons))
    out[defNon] <- FALSE
    out[singletons] <- singletonsMono
boopsboops/spider documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:49 a.m.