
#' Check pedigree information.
#' \code{check.pedinfo} checks that the pedigree information provided is consistent. 
#' Member ID must be unique. Parents must precede offsprings. Sex information must match parental status, and are coded 1 and 2 for male and female respectively. An error message will be produced only if inconsistencies are found.
#' @param pedinfo dataframe.
#' @export
check.pedinfo = function(pedinfo){
  member = father = mother = sex = NULL
  pedinfo = transform(pedinfo, member = as.character(member), father = as.character(father), mother = as.character(mother, sex = as.integer(sex)))
  if(length(unique(pedinfo$member)) != nrow(pedinfo)){
    stop("Check for duplicated member ID.")
  for(i in 1:nrow(pedinfo)){
      fatherID = which(pedinfo$member == pedinfo$father[i])
      if(length(fatherID) == 0){
        stop(paste("Individual ", pedinfo$member[i], "'s father not present in pedigree.", sep = ""))
      if(fatherID >= i){
        stop(paste("Individual ", pedinfo$member[i], " appears before his/her father.", sep = ""))

      if(pedinfo$sex[fatherID] != 1){
        stop(paste("Check individual ", pedinfo$member[i], "'s father sex.", sep = ""))
      motherID = which(pedinfo$member == pedinfo$mother[i])
      if(length(motherID) == 0){
        stop(paste("Individual ", pedinfo$member[i], "'s mother not present in pedigree.", sep = ""))
      if(motherID >= i){
        stop(paste("Individual ", pedinfo$member[i], " appears before his/her mother.", sep = ""))
      if(pedinfo$sex[motherID] != 2){
        stop(paste("Check individual ", pedinfo$member[i], "'s mother sex.", sep = ""))
bowenwang7/r3 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:39 p.m.