
#' Download data for benchmarking
#' @param scientific_name A character string indicating scientific species name.
#' @param country A character string indicating country of origin for the records.
#' @param limit A numeric value indicating maximum number of occurrence records requested. The value has to be positive and has a maximum of 200000 (observations you can download with a single call).
#' @param climate_resolution A numeric value indicating the resolution of the raster environmental variables. For a climate type of `default` possible resolutions are: 0.5, 2.5, 5, and 10 (minutes of a degree). For a `future` climate: 2.5, 5, and 10.
#' @param climate_type A character string indicating type of climate variables, either `default` for current climate or `future` for CMIP5 projections.
#' @param projected_model A character string indicates the type of future climate projection. Possible values are: "AC", "BC", "CC", "CE", "CN", "GF", "GD", "GS", "HD", "HG", "HE", "IN", "IP", "MI", "MR", "MC", "MP", "MG", or "NO".
#' @param rcp A numeric value indicating representative concentration pathways. Possible values: 26, 45, 60, or 85.
#' @param year A numeric value indicating the number of years into the future for projection. Can be 50 or 70.
#' @return A list containing the downloaded datasets.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # get data using the default parameters (the only required one is the species name)
#' result_data <- get_benchmarking_data("Lynx lynx")
#' # get a custom number of observations at a higher climate resolution
#' # note that downloading higher resolution data takes longer
#' result_data <- get_benchmarking_data("Lynx lynx",
#'                                      limit = 1500,
#'                                      climate_resolution = 5)
#' # get environmental data for a future climate projection (CMIP5)
#' result_data <- get_benchmarking_data("Lynx lynx",
#'                                      limit = 1500,
#'                                      climate_resolution = 5,
#'                                      climate_type = "future")
#' # specify projection model
#' # the default is BC (Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model)
#' # note that not all combinations of climate values are possible
#' result_data <- get_benchmarking_data("Lynx lynx",
#'                                      limit = 1500,
#'                                      climate_resolution = 10,
#'                                      climate_type = "future",
#'                                      projected_model = "AC")
#' # specify number of years into the future
#' # if you are interested in the longer term effects of climate change
#' result_data <- get_benchmarking_data("Lynx lynx",
#'                                      limit = 1500,
#'                                      climate_resolution = 5,
#'                                      climate_type = "future",
#'                                      year = 70)
#' # specify RCP (representative concentration pathway)
#' # this value represents one of four greenhouse gas concentration trajectories
#' result_data <- get_benchmarking_data("Lynx lynx",
#'                                      limit = 1500,
#'                                      climate_resolution = 5,
#'                                      climate_type = "future",
#'                                      year = 70,
#'                                      rcp = 26)
#' # after obtaining the data you can inspect its different components
#' # raw data
#' head(result_data$df_data)
#' # check class balance (presence / absence)
#' table(result_data$df_data$label)
#' # the result object also contains the data in raster format
#' result_data$raster_data
#' }
#' @export
get_benchmarking_data <- function (scientific_name, 
                                   country = NULL, 
                                   limit = 1000,
                                   climate_type = "default",
                                   climate_resolution = 10,
                                   projected_model = "BC",
                                   rcp = 45,
                                   year = 50,
                                   shp = NULL) 
    print("Getting benchmarking data....")
    species_occ <- rgbif::occ_data(scientificName = scientific_name, 
                                   limit = limit,
                                   hasGeospatialIssue = FALSE,
                                   country = country)
    species_occ_data <- species_occ$data %>%
                        # 'coordinateUncertaintyInMeters'
    print("Cleaning benchmarking data....")
    species_occ_data <- scrubr::dframe(species_occ_data) %>% 
        scrubr::coord_impossible() %>% scrubr::coord_incomplete() %>% 
    species_occ_data <- CoordinateCleaner::clean_coordinates(x = species_occ_data, 
                                                             lon = "decimalLongitude",
                                                             lat = "decimalLatitude", 
                                                             countries = "countryCode", 
                                                             species = "name", 
                                                             tests = c("capitals",
                                                             seas_ref = shp) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(.summary == 'TRUE') %>% 
    names(species_occ_data) <- c("name", "decimalLatitude", 
    if (climate_type == "default") {
        climate_variables <- raster::getData(name = "worldclim", 
                                             var = "bio", 
                                             res = climate_resolution)
    else if (climate_type == "future") {
        climate_variables <- raster::getData(name = "CMIP5", 
                                             var = "bio",
                                             rcp = rcp, 
                                             model = projected_model, 
                                             year = year, 
                                             res = climate_resolution)
    coords_presence <- data.frame(x = species_occ_data$decimalLongitude, 
                                  y = species_occ_data$decimalLatitude)
    xmin <- min(coords_presence$x)
    xmax <- max(coords_presence$x)
    ymin <- min(coords_presence$y)
    ymax <- max(coords_presence$y)
    e <- raster::extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    coords_absence <- dismo::randomPoints(climate_variables, 
                                          10000, ext = e)
    points_presence <- sp::SpatialPoints(coords_presence, proj4string = climate_variables@crs)
    points_absence <- sp::SpatialPoints(coords_absence, proj4string = climate_variables@crs)
    env_presence <- raster::extract(climate_variables, points_presence)
    env_absence <- raster::extract(climate_variables, points_absence)
    df_presence <- cbind.data.frame(sp::coordinates(points_presence), 
    df_absence <- cbind.data.frame(sp::coordinates(points_absence), 
    df_presence$label <- 1
    df_absence$label <- 0
    output_df <- rbind(df_presence, df_absence)
    output_df$x <- NULL
    output_df$y <- NULL
    data_output <- list(df_data = output_df, raster_data = list(climate_variables = raster::crop(climate_variables, 
                                                                                                 e), coords_presence = coords_presence, points_presence = points_presence, 
                                                                background = coords_absence))
boyanangelov/sdmbench documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 1:08 a.m.