
Defines functions cor.testDT

Documented in cor.testDT

#' @title Perform pairwise correlation tests between matrix columns
#' @description Compute pairwise correlation between multiple outcomes. Can reorder the outcomes according to a clustering of the obtained correlations.
#' @param data the dataset. 
#' @param format [character] the format of data. Can be \code{"wide"} or \code{"long"} 
#' @param col.value [character vector] columns containing the values to be analyzed.
#' In wide format, all the columns will be used if \code{NULL}.
#' @param col.group [character] column defining the groups of observations between which the correlation will be computed.
#' @param lower.tri [logical] should only the lower triangle of the matrix be filled?
#' @param upper.tri [logical] should only the upper triangle of the matrix be filled?
#' @param method.cor [character] the method used to compute the correlation.
#' Must at least have \code{x} and \code{y} as arguments.
#' @param use.pairwiseNNA [logical]] If \code{FALSE} correlation is set to NA if their is one NA among the two outcomes. Otherwise the correlation is computed on pairs without NA.
#' @param reorder [character] argument order of corrMatOrder. If \code{NULL} the original order of the variables is kept.
#' @param imput.value [numeric] the value to be used in the clustering algorithm in place of NA. Can be a number or an operator (e.g. median). 
#' @param hclust.method [character] argument hclust.method of corrMatOrder.
#' @param trace [logical] should the progression of the computation of the correlation be displayed. \emph{logical}.
#' @param plot [logical] should the correlation matrix be displayed. \emph{logical}.
#' @param args.plot [list] arguments to be passed to \code{ggHeatmap} to specify how the correlation matrix should be displayed
#' @param output [character] how to output the correlation value. Can be \code{matrix}, \code{data.table} or \code{plot}.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to method.cor.
#' @details 
#' data must be coercible to data.table. \cr
#' \cr
#' If \code{data="wide"} each column correspond to a different outcomes, indicated by argument names. \cr
#' If \code{data="long"} then the first value of names is used to define the outcomes and the seconde is used to define their values. \cr
#' \cr
#' method.cor can be any method but its first two arguments, named x and y, will be given the values of the outcomes. 
#' \cr
#' If imput.value is an operator then it is applied on the values in the same line or column.
#' \cr 
#' This function uses the function \code{ggHeatmap} to display the correlation matrix.
#' @return An object determined by the output argument
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggHeatmap}} to display the correlation matrix
#' @examples 
#' M <- matrix(rnorm(1e3),100,10)
#' ## display correlation matrix with color
#' cor.testDT(M, format = "wide")
#' ## display correlation matrix with color and text
#' cor.testDT(M, format = "wide",
#'            args.plot = list(add.text = "correlation", round = 1))
#' ## use spearman instead of pearson
#' cor.testDT(M, format = "wide", method.cor = function(x,y,...){cor.test(x,y,method = "spearman")},
#'            args.plot = list(add.text = "correlation", round = 1))
#' @keywords function correlation test
#' @export
cor.testDT <- function(data, format,
                       col.value = NULL, col.group = NULL, lower.tri = TRUE, upper.tri = FALSE,
                       method.cor = "cor.test", use.pairwiseNNA = TRUE, 
                       reorder = "AOE", imput.value = 0, hclust.method = "complete",
                       trace = TRUE, plot = TRUE, args.plot = list(), output = "data.table", ...){
    validCharacter(format, valid.values = c("wide","long"), valid.length = 1,
                   method = "cor.testDT")
    validCharacter(output, valid.values = c("data.table","matrix","plot"), valid.length = NULL, refuse.duplicates = TRUE,
                   method = "cor.testDT")
    validNames(col.value, refuse.NULL = (format == "long"), valid.values = names(data),
               method = "cor.testDT")
    if(format == "long"){
        validNames(col.group, refuse.NULL = TRUE, valid.values = names(data))
    }else if(!is.null(col.group)){
        warning("Argument \'col.group\' is ignored when argument \'format\' is set to \"wide\"\n")
    ## data format
    if(is.data.table(data) == FALSE){
        data <- as.data.table(data)
        data <- copy(data)
    ## reshape data
    n <- nrow(data)
    if(format == "wide"){
            col.value <- names(data)
        dataL <- data.table::melt(data,
                                  id.vars = NULL,
                                  measure.vars = col.value,
                                  value.name = "value",
                                  variable.name = "variable")
        name.group <- "variable"
        name.value <- "value"
        name.group <- col.group
        name.value <- col.value
        dataL <- data
    level.group <- levels(as.factor(dataL[[name.group]]))
    nlevel.group <- length(level.group)
    setkeyv(dataL, name.group)
  ## compute the correlation
    cor.array <- array(NA, dim = c(nlevel.group, nlevel.group, 6),
                       dimnames = list(level.group,
                                       c("n.NNA", "n.NA", "correlation", "CIinf", "CIsup", "p.value")))
  if(trace){ pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = nlevel.group*nlevel.group) }
    for(iterName1 in 1:nlevel.group){
        for(iterName2 in iterName1:nlevel.group){
            col1 <- dataL[level.group[iterName1]][[name.value]]
            col2 <- dataL[level.group[iterName2]][[name.value]]
            index.NNA <- intersect(which(!is.na(col1)), which(!is.na(col2)))
            n.NNA <- length(index.NNA)
      if((n == n.NNA) || (n.NNA>0 && use.pairwiseNNA) ){
        test <- do.call(method.cor, args = list(x = col1[index.NNA], y = col2[index.NNA], ...)) 
        newValues <- list(n.NNA = n.NNA, n.NA = n - n.NNA,
                          correlation = test$estimate, CIinf = test$conf.int[1], CIsup = test$conf.int[2], 
                          p.value = test$p.value)
        if(is.null(newValues$CIinf)){newValues$CIinf <- NA}
        if(is.null(newValues$CIsup)){newValues$CIsup <- NA}
        newValues <- c(n.NNA = n.NNA, n.NA = n - n.NNA, 
                       correlation = NA, CIinf = NA, CIsup = NA, 
                       p.value = NA)
      # cor.dt <- rbind(cor.dt, c(variable1 =  names[iterName2], variable2 = names[iterName1], newValues))
      cor.array[level.group[iterName2],level.group[iterName1],] <- unlist(newValues)
      cor.array[level.group[iterName1],level.group[iterName2],] <- unlist(newValues)
      # cor.dt <- rbind(cor.dt, c(variable1 =  names[iterName1], variable2 = names[iterName2], newValues))
      if(trace){ utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = (iterName1-1)*nlevel.group+iterName2)}
  if(trace){ close(pb) }
  #### reordering
  Wcorr <- cor.array[,,"correlation"]
      if(any(is.na(Wcorr))){ #### imputation for missing values
              Wcorr[is.na(Wcorr)]  <- imput.value
              index.NA <- which(is.na(Wcorr), arr.ind = TRUE)
              value.NA <- apply(index.NA, 1, function(x){
                  do.call(imput.value, list(na.omit(c(Wcorr[x[1],],Wcorr[,x[2]]))))
              Wcorr[index.NA] <- value.NA
      order <- corrplot::corrMatOrder(Wcorr, order = reorder, hclust.method = hclust.method)
      cor.array <- cor.array[order,order,]
  #### remove useless values
  if(lower.tri == FALSE){
    for(iter3 in 1:dim(cor.array)[3]){
      cor.array[,,iter3][upper.tri(cor.array[,,iter3])] <- NA
  if(upper.tri == FALSE){
    for(iter3 in 1:dim(cor.array)[3]){
      cor.array[,,iter3][lower.tri(cor.array[,,iter3])] <- NA
  #### convert to data.table
  cor.dt <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:6, 
                                   dt <- as.data.table(data.table::melt(cor.array[,,x], value.name = dimnames(cor.array)[[3]][x]))
                                   if(x>1){dt[, c("Var1","Var2") := NULL]}
  setnames(cor.dt, old = c("Var1", "Var2"), new = paste0(name.group,1:2))
#### display
    if(plot || "plot" %in% output){
        gg <- do.call("ggHeatmap", args = c(list(data = cor.dt), 
                                            list(name.x = paste0(name.group,1)), 
                                            list(name.y = paste0(name.group,2)), 
                                            list(name.fill = "correlation"), 
  #### output
  out <- list()
  if("data.table" %in% output){
    out$dt <- cor.dt
  if("matrix" %in% output){
    out$array <- cor.array
  if("plot" %in% output){
    out$plot <- gg$plot
bozenne/butils documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 6:19 a.m.