
Defines functions .parse_interval .updatePosPL

Documented in .updatePosPL

#' Calculates position PL from the position data and corresponding close price data. 
#' @param Portfolio a portfolio name to a portfolio structured with initPortf()
#' @param Symbol an instrument identifier for a symbol included in the portfolio
#' @param Dates xts subset of dates, e.g., "2007-01::2008-04-15". These dates must appear in the price stream
#' @param Prices periodic prices in an xts object with a columnname compatible with \code{getPrice}
#' @param ConMult if necessary, numeric contract multiplier, not needed if instrument is defined. 
#' @param Interval optional character string, containing one of "millisecond" (or "ms"), "microsecond" (or "us"),
#' "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", or "year".  This can optionally be preceded by
#' a positive integer, or followed by "s".
#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
#' @return Regular time series of position information and PL 
#' @author Peter Carl, Brian Peterson
#' @rdname updatePosPL
.updatePosPL <- function(Portfolio, Symbol, Dates=NULL, Prices=NULL, ConMult=NULL, Interval=NULL, ...)
{ # @author Peter Carl, Brian Peterson
	if(is.null(p.ccy.str)) p.ccy.str<-'NA'
    tmp_instr<-try(getInstrument(Symbol), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(tmp_instr,"try-error") || !is.instrument(tmp_instr)){
	    warning(paste("Instrument",Symbol," not found, things may break"))
    dargs <- list(...)
    if(!is.null(dargs$env)) {env <- dargs$env} else env=.GlobalEnv
    if(!is.null(dargs$symbol)) {symbol<-dargs$symbol} else symbol=NULL
    if(!is.null(dargs$prefer)) {prefer<-dargs$prefer} else prefer=NULL
        prices=getPrice(get(Symbol, pos=env), symbol=symbol, prefer=prefer)[,1]
    } else {

    # if no date is specified, get all available dates
    if(is.null(Dates)) {
        Dates = index(prices)
        # Covert to POSIXct w/same TZ as portfolio object
        if(any(tclass(prices) %in% c("Date","yearmon","yearqtr"))) {
            portfTZ <- tzone(Portfolio$symbols[[Symbol]]$txn)
            Dates <- as.POSIXct(as.character(as.Date(Dates)), tz=portfTZ)
    } else if(!is.timeBased(Dates)) {
        # Parse ISO8601 dates and check for NA and bounds
        parsedDates <- .parseISO8601(Dates)
        t1 <- parsedDates$first.time
        t1 <- if (is.na(t1) || t1 < as.POSIXct(start(prices))) "" else format(t1)
        tN <- parsedDates$last.time
        tN <- if (is.na(tN) || tN > as.POSIXct(end(prices))) "" else format(tN)

        # Warn user if bound and/or NA check failed
        dateRange <- paste(t1, tN, sep="/")
        if(t1 == "" || tN == "") {
            priceRange <- paste(range(index(prices)), collapse="/")
            dateRangeStr <- if(dateRange == "/") "all data" else dateRange
            warning("Could not parse ", Dates, " as ISO8601 string, or one/both",
                    "ends of the range were outside the available prices: ",
                    priceRange, ". Using ", dateRangeStr," instead.")
        # Date subset
        Dates <- index(prices[dateRange])
    if(!missing(Interval) && !is.null(Interval)) {
        ep_args <- .parse_interval(Interval)
        prices <- prices[endpoints(prices, on=ep_args$on, k=ep_args$k)]
    if(ncol(prices)>1) prices=getPrice(Prices,Symbol)
	# line up Prices dates with Dates set/index/span passed in.
	startDate = first(Dates)-.00001 #does this need to be a smaller/larger delta for millisecond data?
	endDate   = last(Dates)
	if(is.na(endDate)) endDate<-NULL
	dateRange = paste(startDate,endDate,sep='::')
	#subset Prices by dateRange too...
  if(nrow(Prices)<1) {
      warning('no Prices available for ',Symbol,' in ',dateRange,' : using last available price and marking to ', endDate)
	# Prices <- Prices[dateRange][,1] # only take the first column, if there is more than one
	colnames(Prices)<-'Prices' # name it so we can refer to it by name later
	#	***** Vectorization *****#
	# trim posPL slot to not double count, related to bug 831 on R-Forge 
	if(nrow(priorPL)==0) {
		priorPL = xts(t(rep(0,ncol(priorPL))),order.by=startDate-1)
	Txns <- Portfolio$symbols[[Symbol]]$txn[dateRange]
	# if there are no transactions, get the last one before the current dateRange, we'll discard later
	if(nrow(Txns)==0) {
		Txns <- last(Portfolio$symbols[[Symbol]]$txn[paste('::',startDate,sep='')])
	# Get values frop priorPL into Txns; only keep columns we need from Txns
	# NOTE: There will usually be fewer transactions than price observations,
	# so do as much as possible before merging with potentially large price data
	TxnsCols <- c('Txn.Value','Txn.Fees','Gross.Txn.Realized.PL','Net.Txn.Realized.PL','Pos.Qty','Pos.Avg.Cost','Con.Mult')
	tmpPL <- merge(Txns[,TxnsCols], xts(,index(priorPL)))
		tmpPL[1,'Pos.Qty'] <- priorPL[1,'Pos.Qty']
		tmpPL[1,'Con.Mult'] <- priorPL[1,'Con.Mult']
		tmpPL[1,'Pos.Avg.Cost'] <- priorPL[1,'Pos.Avg.Cost']
	# Now merge with prices
	tmpPL <- merge(tmpPL, Prices)
		#first price is NA, it would be nice to fill it in with a previous last valid price
		fprice <- last(prices[paste('::',startDate,sep='')])
		if (length(fprice)==1) tmpPL[1,'Prices'] <- fprice 
                # if there's no previous valid price, calculate it from the prior position value
                # (can occur if .updatePosPL is called repeatedly with only one date/price)
                if (length(fprice)==0) tmpPL[1,'Prices'] <- priorPL[,'Pos.Value'] / priorPL[,'Pos.Qty']
	# na.locf any missing prices with last observation (this assumption seems the only rational one for vectorization)
	# and na.locf Pos.Qty,Con.Mult,Pos.Avg.Cost to instantiate $posPL new rows
	columns <- c('Prices','Pos.Qty','Con.Mult','Pos.Avg.Cost')
	tmpPL[,columns] <- na.locf(tmpPL[,columns])
	#TODO check for instrument multiplier rather than doing all this messing around, if possible.
	tmpPL[,'Con.Mult'] <- na.locf(tmpPL[,'Con.Mult'], fromLast=TRUE) # carry NA's backwards too, might cause problems with options contracts that change multiplier
	if(any(naConMult <- is.na(tmpPL[,'Con.Mult'])))  # belt + suspenders?
		tmpPL[naConMult,'Con.Mult'] <- 1
	# zerofill Txn.Value, Txn.Fees
	tmpPL[is.na(tmpPL[,'Txn.Value']),'Txn.Value'] <- 0
	tmpPL[is.na(tmpPL[,'Txn.Fees']),'Txn.Fees']  <- 0
	# matrix calc Pos.Qty * Price * Con.Mult to get Pos.Value
	tmpPL <- merge(tmpPL, Pos.Value=drop(tmpPL[,'Pos.Qty'] * tmpPL[,'Con.Mult'] * tmpPL[,'Prices']))
	LagValue <- lag(tmpPL[,'Pos.Value'])
	LagValue[is.na(LagValue)] <- 0  # needed to avoid a possible NA on the first value that would mess up the Gross.Trading.PL calc
	tmpPL <- merge(tmpPL, Gross.Trading.PL=drop(tmpPL[,'Pos.Value']- LagValue - tmpPL[,'Txn.Value']))
	# alternate matrix calc for Realized&Unrealized PL that is only dependent on Txn PL and Gross.Trading.PL
	tmpPL[is.na(tmpPL[,'Net.Txn.Realized.PL']),'Net.Txn.Realized.PL'] <- 0
	tmpPL[is.na(tmpPL[,'Gross.Txn.Realized.PL']),'Gross.Txn.Realized.PL'] <- 0
	# matrix calc Period.*.PL, Net.Trading.PL as Gross.Trading.PL + Txn.Fees
	tmpPL <- merge(tmpPL,
		Period.Realized.PL = drop(tmpPL[,'Gross.Txn.Realized.PL']),  # believe it or not, merging is faster than renaming
		Period.Unrealized.PL = drop(round(tmpPL[,'Gross.Trading.PL'] - tmpPL[,'Gross.Txn.Realized.PL'], 2)),
		Net.Trading.PL = drop(tmpPL[,'Gross.Trading.PL'] + tmpPL[,'Txn.Fees']),
		Ccy.Mult = 1)  # Ccy.Mult for this step is always 1
	# Ccy.Mult for this step is always 1
	tmpPL[,'Ccy.Mult'] <- 1
	# reorder,discard  columns for insert into portfolio object
	tmpPL <- tmpPL[,c('Pos.Qty', 'Con.Mult', 'Ccy.Mult', 'Pos.Value', 'Pos.Avg.Cost', 'Txn.Value',  'Period.Realized.PL', 'Period.Unrealized.PL','Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL')]

	# rbind to $posPL slot
	tmpPL <- tmpPL[dateRange] #subset to get rid of any prior period Txn or PosPL rows we inserted

  # now do the currency conversions for the whole date range
	CcyMult = NULL
	FXrate = NULL
	if(!is.null(attr(Portfolio,'currency'))) {
		if (tmp_instr$currency==p.ccy.str) {
		} else {
			port_currency<-try(getInstrument(p.ccy.str), silent=TRUE)
			if(inherits(port_currency,"try-error") || !is.instrument(port_currency)){
				warning("Currency",p.ccy.str," not found, using currency multiplier of 1")
			} else { #convert from instr ccy to portfolio ccy
				FXrate.str<-paste(tmp_instr$currency, p.ccy.str, sep='') # currency quote convention is EURUSD which reads as "USD per EUR" or "EUR quoted in USD"
				FXrate<-try(get(FXrate.str), silent=TRUE)
				#TODO FIXME: this uses convention to sort out the rate, we should check $currency and $counter_currency and make sure directionality is correct 
				  #try to get the inversion
					FXrate_inv.str<-paste(p.ccy.str, tmp_instr$currency, sep='')
					FXrate_inv<-try(get(FXrate_inv.str), silent=TRUE)
					  # inversion not found either
						warning("Exchange Rate",FXrate_inv.str," not found for symbol,',Symbol,' using currency multiplier of 1")
	} else {
		message("no currency set on portfolio, using currency multiplier of 1")
		CcyMult =1
	if(is.null(CcyMult) && !is.null(FXrate)) {
            if(ncol(FXrate)>1) CcyMult <- getPrice(FXrate[dateRange],...)
			else CcyMult <- FXrate[dateRange]
                        TmpCcy <- xts(, index(TmpPeriods))
                        CcyMult <- merge(TmpCcy, CcyMult, fill=na.locf)
                        # only keep timestamps in TmpCcy (TmpPeriods)
                        CcyMult <- merge(TmpCcy, CcyMult, join="left")
		} else {
	} else {
		# portfolio and instrument have different currencies, and FXrate was in the wrong direction
	if (length(CcyMult)==1 && CcyMult==1){
	  Portfolio[['symbols']][[Symbol]][[paste('posPL',p.ccy.str,sep='.')]] <- Portfolio[['symbols']][[Symbol]][['posPL']]
	} else {
	  #multiply the correct columns 
	  columns<-c('Pos.Value', 'Txn.Value', 'Pos.Avg.Cost', 'Period.Realized.PL', 'Period.Unrealized.PL','Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL')
	  TmpPeriods[,columns] <- TmpPeriods[,columns] * drop(CcyMult)  # drop dims so recycling will occur
	  TmpPeriods[,'Ccy.Mult'] <- CcyMult
	  #add change in Pos.Value in base currency
	  LagValue <- as.numeric(last(Portfolio[['symbols']][[Symbol]][[paste('posPL',p.ccy.str,sep='.')]][,'Pos.Value']))
	  if(length(LagValue)==0) LagValue <- 0
	  LagPos.Value <- lag(TmpPeriods[,'Pos.Value'],1)
	  LagPos.Value[1] <- LagValue
	  CcyMove <- TmpPeriods[,'Pos.Value'] - LagPos.Value - TmpPeriods[,'Txn.Value'] - TmpPeriods[,'Period.Unrealized.PL'] - TmpPeriods[,'Period.Realized.PL']
	  TmpPeriods[,columns] <- TmpPeriods[,columns] + drop(CcyMove)  # drop dims so recycling will occur
	  #stick it in posPL.ccy
  #portfolio is already an environment, it's been updated in place
  #assign( paste("portfolio",pname,sep='.'), Portfolio, envir=.blotter )

.parse_interval <- function(interval) {

    # taken/modified from xts:::last.xts
    ip <- gsub("^([[:digit:]]*)([[:alpha:]]+)", "\\1 \\2", interval)
    ip <- strsplit(ip, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (length(ip) > 2 || length(ip) < 1) 
        stop(paste("incorrectly specified", sQuote("interval")))

    rpu <- ip[length(ip)]
    rpf <- ifelse(length(ip) > 1, as.numeric(ip[1]), 1)
    dt.list <- c("milliseconds", "ms", "microseconds", "us", "secs",
      "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years")
    dt.ind <- pmatch(rpu, dt.list)
        stop("could not uniquely match '", rpu, "' in '", paste0(dt.list,collapse=",'", "'"))
    dt <- dt.list[dt.ind]

    list(on=dt, k=rpf)

# Blotter: Tools for transaction-oriented trading systems development
# for R (see http://r-project.org/) 
# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
braverock/blotter documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8:45 p.m.