
Defines functions box_ul box_dl

Documented in box_dl box_ul

#' Download/upload files from/to Box
#' @description
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`box_dl()`}{download a file from Box to a local directory}
#'   \item{`box_ul()`}{upload a local file to a Box folder}
#' }
#' @section Versions:
#' `box_dl()` can accept one of two parameters to specify file versions:
#' **`version_id`** or **`version_no`**.
#' The box.com API refers to file versions using 11 digit ids (which can be
#' accessed via [box_version_history()]) - you can specify these
#' using the `version_id` parameter.
#' However, this isn't terribly intuitive. As a result, `box_dl()` 
#' provides the `version_no` parameter, which accepts a whole number, 
#' and corresponds to the versions that you'll see via the web UI. For 
#' example to download the version marked 'V2' on box.com, specify
#' `version_no = 2`. This works by making an internal call to 
#' [box_version_history()] to retrieve the `version_id`,
#' which makes it slightly slower.
#' @inheritParams box_browse
#' @param local_dir `character`, path to local directory.
#' @param overwrite `logical`, indicates that newer files at origin will
#'   overwrite older files at destination.
#' @param file_name `character`, if supplied, an alternate filename 
#'   for the local version of the Box file. 
#' @param file `character`, local path to the file.
#' @param version_id `character` or `numeric`, the `version_id` of the file.
#' @param version_no `numeric`, version of the file you'd like to download
#'   (starting at 1).
#' @param pb `logical`, indicates to show progress bar
#'   (via [setTxtProgressBar()]).
#' @param description `character`, description caption for the file. 
#' @param filename `character`, **deprecated**: use `file_name` instead.
#' @return
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`box_dl()`}{`character`, local path to the downloaded file.}
#'   \item{`box_ul()`}{Object with S3 class [`boxr_file_reference`][boxr_S3_classes].}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' * [box_fetch()] and [box_push()] for 
#'   directory-wide equivalents.
#' * [box_delete_file()] for removing 
#'   uploaded files.
#' * [box_source()] for R code.
#' * [box_save()]/[box_load()] for remote R objects.
#' @export
box_dl <- function(file_id, local_dir = getwd(), overwrite = FALSE, 
                   file_name = NULL, version_id = NULL, version_no = NULL,
                   pb = options()$boxr.progress, filename) {
  file_id <- as_box_id(file_id)
  # TODO: in future version, remove argument
  if (!missing(filename)) {
      "argument `filename` is deprecated; please use `file_name` instead.", 
      call. = FALSE
    if (is.null(file_name)) {
      file_name <- filename
  # If the user's supplied a file_name that's already present 
  # & overwrite == FALSE, fail early
  if (!overwrite & !is.null(file_name) && file.exists(file_name))
    stop("File already exists locally, and overwrite = FALSE")
  # Get a temp file
  temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile()
  # Download to a tempfile with boxGet
  req <- boxGet(file_id = file_id, version_id = version_id,
                version_no = version_no, download = TRUE, 
                local_file = temp_file, pb = pb)

  # Extract remote filename from request headers
  remote_filename <- gsub(
    'filename=\"|\"', '',
  # If the user hasn't supplied a file_name, use the remote one
  if (is.null(file_name))
    file_name <- remote_filename
  # The full path for the new file
  new_file <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(paste0(local_dir, "/", file_name)))
  # If the filetype has changed, let them know
  ext <- function(x) {
    ext <- stringr::str_extract(gsub(".*\\/|.*\\\\", "", x), "\\..*$")
    ifelse(is.na(ext), "", ext)
  if (ext(remote_filename) != ext(new_file))
    warning("Different local and remote file extensions")
  # Stop if you can't overwrite an existing file
  if (!overwrite & file.exists(new_file))
    stop("File already exists locally, and overwrite = FALSE")
  # Move the data from the temp file, to it's new local home
  cp <- file.copy(temp_file, new_file, overwrite = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
  # Stop if the copy operation failed
  if (!cp)
    stop("Problem writing file to ", new_file, 
         ".\n Check that directory is writable.")

#' @rdname box_dl
#' @export
box_ul <- function(dir_id = box_getwd(), file, pb = options()$boxr.progress,
                   description = NULL) {
  dir_id <- as_box_id(dir_id)
  # Validate filename
  file <- box_filename(file)
  # First try and upload it
  ul_req <- box_upload_new(dir_id, file, pb = pb)
  # If uploading worked, end it here
  if (httr::http_status(ul_req)$category == "Success")
  # If it didn't work, because there's already a file with that name (http
  # error code 409), use the 'update' api
  if (httr::content(ul_req)$status == 409) {
      "File '", basename(file),"' aleady exists. Attempting to upload new ",
      " (V", 
      as.numeric(httr::content(ul_req)$context_info$conflicts$sequence_id) + 2,
    ud_req <- box_update_file(httr::content(ul_req)$context_info$conflicts$id,
                              file, dir_id, pb = pb)
    # If updating worked...
    if (httr::http_status(ud_req)$category == "Success") {
      out <- add_file_ref_class(httr::content(ud_req)$entries[[1]])
      if (is.null(description)) {
        # If there's no message to add, return the classed object
      } else {
        # Otherwise, add a description
        return(box_add_description(out, description))
    # If it doesn't, try to end informatively
    ud_error_msg <- httr::content(ud_req)$context_info$errors[[1]]$message
    if (!is.null(ud_error_msg))
  # If it doesn't, try to end as informatively
  ul_error_msg <- httr::content(ul_req)$context_info$errors[[1]]$message
  if (!is.null(ul_error_msg))
brendan-R/boxr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:14 p.m.