
# Descriptions ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Note: These are currently failing with HTTP error code 500: the request is
#   fine but something has gone wrong on the box.com end. Commenting out the 
#   test while box resolve this.

# context("Descriptions")
# test_that("You can add a description", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   boxr:::skip_on_travis()
#   options(boxr.verbose = FALSE)
#   description <- "This is a cool description"
#   fr1 <- box_write(data.frame("This"), "file.txt")
#   # Try to add a descripton
#   fr2 <- box_add_description(fr1, description)
#   # Check that it worked
#   expect_is(fr2, "boxr_file_reference")
#   expect_equal(fr2$description, description)
# })
brendan-r/boxr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:16 p.m.