
#opstats algorithm
#As described in de Gruijter et al. (2015) {Optimizing Stratification and Allocation for 
#Design-Based Estimation of Spatial Means Using Predictions with Error}

#What does it do:
# Given a map (for instance a digital soil map) with prediction variance this function will derive a
# spatial stratifcation somewhere on the spectrum between and including compact geographical stratification
# (high uncertainty) and clusters based on the quantiles of the data (low uncertainty).

##start of function
ospatsF<- function(data = NULL, # input data (data frame). 4 columns [ X, Y, Pred, Var]
                   dRange = NULL, # spatial structure of prediction variance
                   nCycles = NULL, # Number of allocation iterations 
                   dStart = NULL, # choose between kMeans (0) or CumrootSquare(1) or external (3)
                   ClusterStart = NULL , # external for dStart == 3 (Saby Input)
                   dMaxrun = NULL, # Number of runs the algorithm will go through to find optimal allocation
                   dRSquare = NULL, # Used for compensation of leveling
                   dStrata = NULL, # Number of strata
                   initialTemperature = NULL, #simulated annealing parameter
                   coolingRate = NULL,  # simulated annealing parameter 
                   debug = FALSE, # Useful during development for troubleshooting issues
                   verbose = TRUE){  # Prints messages during the running of function
  ##################Embedded Function##############################################################
  #For clustering the predictions based on quantiles of the data
  cumsqfDel<- function(z, nclass, ns){ 
    # calculate the distribution based on nclass
    z2<- cbind(seq(1,length(z),by=1), z)
    d<- z2[order(z),2]
    io<- z2[order(z),1]
    nd<- length(d)
    dmin<- min(d)
    dmax<- max(d)
    step<- (dmax-dmin)/nclass
    h<- t(as.matrix(seq(dmin,dmax,by=step)))
    fx<- matrix(NA, nrow=nclass, ncol=2)
    fy<- matrix(NA, nrow=nclass, ncol=1)
    for (i in 1:nclass){
      ll<- h[1,i]
      ul<- h[1,i+1]
      ij=which(d>=ll & d<ul)
      if(i==nclass) {ij<- which(d>=ll & d<=ul)}
      nij<- length(ij)
      fx[i,1]<- ll
      fx[i,2]<- ul
      fy[i,]<- nij}
    sqf<- sqrt(fy)
    cumsqf<- cumsum(sqf)
    #set out boundaries based on ns (number of strata)
    cmax<- max(cumsqf)
    cmin<- min(cumsqf)
    cstep=(cmax-cmin) /ns
    cbound<- t(as.matrix(seq(cmin,cmax,by=cstep)))
    # find out corresponding class
    db<- matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol= length(2:ns))
    for (i in 2:ns){
      cm<- abs(cumsqf-cbound[1,i])
      db[1,i-1]<- which(cm==min(cm))}
    idat<- matrix(0, nrow= nd, ncol= 1)
    xm<- matrix(0, nrow= ns, ncol=5)
    for (i in 1:ns){
      if(i==1) {ll<- 1} else {ll<- db[1,i-1]}
      if(i==ns) {ul<- nclass} else {ul<- db[1,i]}
      fll<- fx[ll,1]
      ful<- fx[ul,1]
      if(i==ns){ful<- fx[ul,2]}
      ij<- which(d>=fll & d<ful)
      if(i==ns) {ij<- which(d>=fll & d<=ful)}
      idat[ij,1]<- i
      dij<- d[ij]
      nij<- length(dij)
      xm[i,1]<- nij
    strat<- matrix(1,nrow=nd, ncol=1)
    strat[io,1]<- idat
    retval<- list(strat, xm)

  # Define structure for storing time series of criterion
  params<- c(dRange,nCycles, dStart,dMaxrun, dRSquare,dStrata,initialTemperature,coolingRate  )
  # set initial temperature
  Temp <- initialTemperature
  x<- data[,1] #X
  y<- data[,2] #Y
  z<- data[,3] # prediction
  s2<-data[,4] # prediction variance
  s2s<- s2
  n = length(x)
  d20<- 0 # storing distance in case of re-run

print("-----OSPATS INITIALISATION------")

# generate initial solution
print("Initial Solution")
if (dStart == 0)  #use kmeans of coordinates
{k1<- kmeans(x= cbind(x,y), centers= dStrata, nstart=10, iter.max = 500, algorithm = "MacQueen")
 strat0<- as.matrix(k1$cluster)}
if (dStart == 1)  #use Cum-sqrt-f
{nclass<-  100
 strat0<- cumsqfDel(z= z, nclass= nclass, ns= dStrata)[[1]]}
if (dStart == 3)  #use external solution (saby)
{ strat0<- as.matrix(ClusterStart) }

#                            INITIATION
# Vectorised calculation of distance matrix, without loop
print("distance matrix")
# calculate distance matrix
xy = cbind(x,y)
Lag<- fastPdist2(Ar = xy, Br = xy)

# calculate prediction (z) difference (vectorized)
Z2<- (fastPdist2(Ar = as.matrix(z), Br = as.matrix(z)))^2
Z2<-  Z2/dRSquare        #compensation for leveling

# calculate variance (s2)
S2<- fastVsum(Ar = as.matrix(s2))

# calculate matrix of maximum of covariance
print("matrix of maximum covariance")
Cov_max <-  0.5 *S2
Cov<-  Cov_max * exp(-3*Lag/dRange)
d2<-  Z2 + S2 -2*Cov 
#d2 = S2 -2*Cov; % emulate equal z-pred's
#d2 = Lag;    %use only Lag
#d2 = Z2;     % use only Z (true or pred)
d20<- d2} else {d2<- d20}

rm(Lag, Z2, S2,Cov_max, Cov)

#format compact
#MinZ2 = min(min(Z2)), MeanZ2 = mean(mean(Z2)), MaxZ2 = max(max(Z2)); 
#MinS2 = min(min(S2)), MeanS2 = mean(mean(S2)), MaxS2 = max(max(S2));
#MinCov = min(min(Cov)), MeanCov = mean(mean(Cov)), MaxCov = max(max(Cov));

TOTd2<-  sum(colSums(d2))/2
ObjNoStr<-  sqrt(TOTd2)
ObarH1<-  ObjNoStr/n

# Calculate sums of d2's within strata (Sd2) and contributions of strata to Obj (cbObj).
print("D2 sum matrix")
d2[which((is.na(d2)))]<- 0 ## Change NaNs to 0 (02/12/16)
Sd2<- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=dStrata)
for (strat in 1:dStrata){
  Sd2[1,strat]<-  0
  for (i in 1:(n-1)){
    if (strat0[i,1] == strat)
      {for (j in (i+1):n){
        if (strat0[j,1] == strat)
        {Sd2[1,strat]<-  Sd2[1,strat]+d2[i,j]}}}}}
if (debug==TRUE){print(Sd2)}
Sd2_init = Sd2;

cbObj<- sqrt(Sd2)
Obj<- sum(cbObj)
ObarInit<- Obj/n

#                          START RUNS
ObarBest<-  1000        #arbitrary large number to start with
StratBest<- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=1)
d1<- data

for (run in 1:dMaxrun){
  if (debug==TRUE){print("_________________________________________________________________________________________________________RUN::")}
  TotTransf<- 0
  Sd2<- Sd2_init;
  #                             ITERATIVE RE-ALLOCATION
  if (verbose==TRUE){print(paste("----------------------------------------Run:", run, sep=" "))}
  stratcy<-  strat0       # stores stratum number for each point
  change<-  1
  for (cycle in 1:nCycles){ # loop through cycles
    if (debug==TRUE){print("________________________________________________________________________________________________________CYCLES:::")}
    transfers<-  0
    u<- t(as.matrix(sample.int(n, size = n, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL))) # put grid points in random order
    for (gp in 1:ncol(u)){
      if (debug==TRUE){print("________________________________________________________GP:::")}
      if (debug==TRUE){print(paste("le gp est",gp)) }
      samp <- u[1,gp]
      Delta <-  0
      change <-  0         # indicator of transfer
      A <-  stratcy[samp]
      # remove t from A
      ij <-  which(stratcy == A)
      dA <- sum(d2[samp,ij])-d2[samp,samp]
      sumd2tinA <-  dA
      Sd2Amint <-  Sd2[1,A] - sumd2tinA
      if (Sd2Amint<0) break() # test
      cbObjA <- sqrt(Sd2Amint)
      for (stratnr in 1:dStrata){ #% idem between t and the points in different strata
        if (debug==TRUE) {print("___________________________________________________STRATNR:::")}
        Delta<-  0
        sumd2plus<-  0
        if (stratnr != A){
          if (debug==TRUE){print("stratnr != A")}
          # Add to B
          B <-  stratnr
          ij <-  which(stratcy == B)
          dB <- sum(d2[samp,ij])
          sumd2plus<- dB
          cbObjB<- sqrt(Sd2[1,B] + sumd2plus)
          Delta<- cbObjA + cbObjB - cbObj[1,A] - cbObj[1,B]
          if (Delta < -Obj*1e-10){
            # always accept improvements
            if (debug==TRUE){print("Delta < -Obj*1e-10")}
            if (debug==TRUE){print("Delta < -Obj*1e-10")}
            if (debug==TRUE) print(paste("le Delta est " , Delta))
            pr <- 1
          } else {
            pr <- exp(-abs(Delta) / Temp ) # use Boltzmann to judge if deteriorations should be accepted
            if (debug==TRUE){print("!!!!Delta > -Obj*1e-10 !!!!")}
            if (debug==TRUE) print(paste("le Delta est " , Delta))
            if (debug==TRUE) print(paste("la temp?rature est " , Temp))
            if (debug==TRUE) print(paste("le crit?re de Boltzman " , pr))
          } # end calculate prob
          pChange <- runif(n = 1) # draw uniform deviate
          if (pChange < pr) { # test  proposal
            change<- 1
            transfers <- transfers + 1
            stratcy[samp,1]<- B    # update stratification
            Sd2[1,A] <-  Sd2[1,A]- sumd2tinA
            Sd2[1,B] <- Sd2[1,B] + sumd2plus
            cbObj <-  sqrt(Sd2)
            Obj <-  sum(cbObj)
            Eall <- rbind( Eall , Obj )
            Delta <- 0
        } # end if srtat!=A
        if (change == 1){break}
      } # End of For loop per stratum
    } # End of For loop per gp
    if(verbose==TRUE){print(paste(paste("Cycle Number=", cycle, sep=" "), paste("Transfers=", transfers, sep=" "), sep= "  :::---:::  "))}
    if(verbose==TRUE){print(paste('Temperature = ', Temp, sep=" "))}
    TotTransf<-  TotTransf + transfers
    # lower temperature
    Temp <- coolingRate * Temp
    if (transfers == 0) {break}
  } # End of cycles---------------------------------------------
  if(verbose==TRUE){print("-----END TRANSFER------")
                    print(paste('Number of cycles= ', cycle, sep=" "))
                    print(paste('Total number of transfers= ', TotTransf, sep=" "))}
  Obj<-  sum(cbObj)
  ObarFinal<- Obj/n
  print(paste('Objective function= ', ObarFinal, sep=" "))
  # Update if last ObarFinal is smaller than the smallest previous ObarFinal
  if (ObarFinal < ObarBest){
    ObarBest<- ObarFinal
    StratBest[,1]<- stratcy}}
d1<- cbind(data,StratBest)
names(d1)[ncol(d1)]<- "ospats_strata"
retval<- list(objective = ObarBest, stratFrame = d1 , annealOut= Eall, covMat= d2, sumSq= Sd2, ospatsParams= params)
brendo1001/ospats documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:35 p.m.