
Defines functions mplsda

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {

mplsda <- function(data, metadata, column, output) {

  if (!(column %in% colnames(metadata))) {
    stop("The specified column does not exist in the metadata")

  common_rows <- intersect(rownames(data), rownames(metadata))
  data <- data[common_rows,]
  metadata <- metadata[common_rows,]
  data[is.na(data)] <- 0

  metadata[,column] <- factor(metadata[,column])
  if (length(levels(metadata[,column])) == 1) {
    stop("the selected column in metadata needs at least two unique labels")
  dir.create(file.path(output), showWarnings = FALSE)

  label_pairs <- t(combn(levels(metadata[,column]), 2))
  models <- c()
  model_names <- c()
  for (j in 1:nrow(label_pairs)) {
    label1 <- label_pairs[j, 1]
    label2 <- label_pairs[j, 2]
    filtered_metadata <- metadata[metadata[,column] %in% c(label1, label2),]
    filtered_metadata[,column] <- factor(filtered_metadata[,column])
    filtered_data <- subset(data, rownames(data) %in% rownames(filtered_metadata))
    filtered_data <- filtered_data[,colSums(filtered_data) > 0]
    model <- opls(filtered_data, filtered_metadata[,column], predI = 1, orthoI = NA, fig.pdfC = NULL)
    models <- c(models, model)
    model_names <- c(model_names, paste(label1, "vs", label2))
    dir.create(file.path(output, paste(label1, "vs", label2)), showWarnings = FALSE)
    for (plot_type in c('x-loading', 'correlation', 'summary')) {
      plot(model, typeVc = plot_type, fig.pdfC = file.path(output, paste(label1, "vs", label2), paste(plot_type, ".pdf", sep = "")))
    write.matrix(t(slot(model, 'vipVn')), file = file.path(output, paste(label1, "vs", label2), "VIP_values.csv"), sep = ",")
    write.matrix(t(slot(model, 'loadingMN')), file = file.path(output, paste(label1, "vs", label2), "X_loadings.csv"), sep = ",")
    write.matrix(t(slot(model, 'scoreMN')), file = file.path(output, paste(label1, "vs", label2), "X_scores.csv"), sep = ",")

    label1_metadata <- filtered_metadata[filtered_metadata[,column] == label1,]
    label2_metadata <- filtered_metadata[filtered_metadata[,column] == label2,]
    label1_data <- subset(filtered_data, rownames(filtered_data) %in% rownames(label1_metadata))
    label2_data <- subset(filtered_data, rownames(filtered_data) %in% rownames(label2_metadata))

    label1_predictions <- predict(model, label1_data)
    label1_correct <- sum(label1_predictions == label1)
    label1_incorrect <- sum(label1_predictions == label2)

    label2_predictions <- predict(model, label2_data)
    label2_correct <- sum(label2_predictions == label2)
    label2_incorrect <- sum(label2_predictions == label1)

    predictions <- matrix(c(label1_correct, label1_incorrect, label2_incorrect, label2_correct), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(predictions) <- c(paste("thought to be", label1), paste("thought to be", label2))
    rownames(predictions) <- c(paste("truly", label1), paste("truly", label2))
    predictions <- as.table(predictions)
    write.csv(predictions, file = file.path(output, paste(label1, "vs", label2), "training_predictions.csv"))
  names(models) <- model_names
broadinstitute/massPattern documentation built on Oct. 9, 2019, 10:56 p.m.