  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Load the package


plot_Fig28_4 plot_Fig28_4_IBM

Making Figure 28.4 the easy way

Figure 28.4 can be generated by calling the param_ranges() function with the figure = ... arguement set to 28.4.

F28.4 <- param_ranges(figure = 28.4)

In this figure all parameters are held constant except K.bc (breeding ground sourrce habitat), which is varied from 1 to 600.


A full sequence of values between these end onts is generated using param_seqs().

F28.4.seq <- param_seqs(F28.4)

The list create by param_seqs() is turned into a "grid" by param_grid()

F28.4.grid <- param_grid(param.seqs = F28.4.seq)

We can then run the necessary models by passing the grid tothe "param.grid" arguement of runFAC_multi()

TODO: verbose = F isn't working

F28.4.FAC <- runFAC_multi(param.grid = F28.4.grid,
                          verbose = F)

The plot plot_Fig28_4()

plot_Fig28_4(runFAC.multi = F28.4.FAC$multiFAC.out.df.RM,
             plot.debug.lines = T)

Make Figure 28.4: Step-by-step instructions

To generate the parameter range by hand we need to specify the range in param_ranges().

F28.4.range <- param_ranges(K.bc. = c(0,600))

The plot can then be created as above using param_seqs(), param_grid(), runFAC_multi() and plot_Figu28_4().

Comparing output of redstart to the original

brouwern/FACavian documentation built on March 23, 2022, 10:07 a.m.