
Defines functions eq13_Pkgg

Documented in eq13_Pkgg

#' Equation 13: Pairing in sink (k) habitat of good-good pairs (P.kgg)
#' @param W2 population vector
#' @param K.bc Carrying capacity during breeding season in source habitat
#' @param K.bk Carrying capacity during breeding season in sink habitat
#' @param B.mk Males (m) allocated to sink (k)
#' @param B.fk Females allocated to sink
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @references Runge, MC and PP Marra.  2004.  Modeling seasonal interactions in the population dynamics of migratory birds. In Greenberg, R and PP Marra, eds.  Birds of two worlds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
#' @examples
#' #Trivial example
#' W2. <- c(10,10,10,10)
#' names(W2.) <- c("mg","fg","mp","fp")
#' eq13_Pkgg(W2 = W2., K.bc = 0, K.bk = 10, B.mk = 5, B.fk =5)
#' @return P.kgg Proportion of pairs in sink (k) habitat where both male and female originated from good winter habitat (gg)
#' @export

eq13_Pkgg <- function(W2,

  #condition 3: if other conditions fails
  num   <- (min(W2["mg"], W2["fg"]) - K.bc)
  denom <-  min(B.mk, B.fk)

  P.kgg <- num/denom

  # Condition 1
  if(W2["mg"] >= (K.bc+K.bk)){
    if(W2["fg"] >= (K.bc+K.bk)){
      P.kgg <- 1}

  # Condition 2
  ## 2a
  if(W2["mg"] <= K.bc){

  ## 2b
  if(W2["fg"] <= K.bc) {

  ## error check
  if(P.kgg > 1| P.kgg < 0){
    warning("Equation produces invalied value")


brouwern/FACavian documentation built on June 1, 2024, 10:32 p.m.