
Defines functions indexFTP

Documented in indexFTP

#' Create a recursive index of an FTP Server
#' Create a list of all the files (in all subfolders) of an FTP server.
#' Defaults to the German Weather Service (DWD, Deutscher WetterDienst) OpenData server at
#' <https://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/CDC/observations_germany/climate/>.\cr
#' The R package `RCurl` must be available to do this.\cr\cr
#' It's not suggested to run this for all folders, as it can take quite some time
#' and you may get kicked off the FTP-Server. This package contains an index
#' of the climatic observations at weather stations ([`fileIndex`]) 
#' and gridded datasets ([`gridIndex`]).
#' If they are out of date, please let me know!\cr\cr
#' **Getting banned from the FTP Server**\cr
#' Normally, this shouldn't happen anymore: since Version 0.10.10 (2018-11-26),
#' a single RCurl handle is used for all FTP requests and since version 1.0.17 (2019-05-14),
#' the file tree provided by the DWD is used to obtain all folders first,
#' eliminating the recursive calls.\cr
#' There's a provision if the FTP server detects bot requests and denies access.
#' If [RCurl::getURL()] fails, there will still be an output
#' which you can pass in a second run via `folder` to extract the remaining dirs.
#' You might need to wait a bit and set `sleep` to a higher value in that case.
#' Here's an example:\cr
#' ```
#' gridindex <- indexFTP("", gridbase)
#' gridindex <- indexFTP(gridindex, gridbase, sleep=15)
#' ```
#' Of course, with a higher sleep value, the execution will take longer!
#' @return a vector with file paths
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Oct 2016
#' @seealso [createIndex()], [updateIndexes()],
#'          [website index chapter](https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/fileindex.html)
#' @keywords file
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.table
#' @importFrom berryFunctions twarning tstop newFilename truncMessage
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ ## Needs internet connection
#' sol <- indexFTP(folder="/daily/solar", dir=tempdir())
#' head(sol)
#' # mon <- indexFTP(folder="/monthly/kl", dir=tempdir(), verbose=TRUE)
#' }
#' @param folder  Folder(s) to be indexed recursively, e.g. "/hourly/wind/".
#'                Leading slashes will be removed.
#'                Use `folder=""` to search at the location of `base` itself.
#'                If `folder` is "currentfindex" (the default) and `base`
#'                is the default, `folder` is changed to all observational
#'                folders listed in the current tree file at
#'                <https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/tree.html>. With "currentgindex"
#'                and `gridbase`, the grid folders in the tree are used.
#'                DEFAULT: "currentfindex"
#' @param base    Main directory of FTP server. Trailing slashes will be removed.
#'                DEFAULT: [`dwdbase`]
#' @param is.file.if.has.dot Logical: if some of the input paths contain a dot,
#'                treat those as files, i.e. do not try to read those as if they
#'                were a folder. Only set this to FALSE if you know what you're doing.
#'                DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param exclude.latest.bin Exclude latest file at opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan?
#'                RCurl::getURL indicates this is a pointer to the last regularly named file.
#'                DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param fast    Read tree file with [data.table::fread()]
#'                (1 sec) instead of [readLines()] (10 secs)?
#'                DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param sleep   If not 0, a random number of seconds between 0 and `sleep`
#'                is passed to [Sys.sleep()] after each read folder
#'                to avoid getting kicked off the FTP-Server, see note above. DEFAULT: 0
#' @param dir     Writeable directory name where to save the downloaded file.
#'                Created if not existent.
#'                DEFAULT: "DWDdata" at current [getwd()]
#' @param filename Character: Part of output filename. "INDEX_of_DWD_" is prepended,
#'                "/" replaced with "_", ".txt" appended. DEFAULT: folder\[1]
#' @param overwrite Logical: Overwrite existing file? If not, "_n" is added to the
#'                filename, see [berryFunctions::newFilename()].
#'                DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param quiet   Suppress progbars and message about directory/files?
#'                DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param progbar Logical: present a progress bar in each level? DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param verbose Logical: write a lot of messages from [RCurl::getURL()]?
#'                DEFAULT: FALSE (usually, you dont need all the curl information)
indexFTP <- function(
# Check if RCurl is available:
checkSuggestedPackage("RCurl", "rdwd::indexFTP")
if(grepl("^https", base)) tstop("base should start with ftp://, not https://. base value is: ",base)
# change folder:
if(all(folder %in% c("currentfindex","currentgindex")) & base %in% c(dwdbase, gridbase))
  if(!quiet) message("Reading current index tree file...")
     {tree <- readLines("ftp://opendata.dwd.de/weather/tree.html")
     } else {
     checkSuggestedPackage("data.table", "rdwd::indexFTP with fast=TRUE")
     tree <- data.table::fread("ftp://opendata.dwd.de/weather/tree.html",
                                sep="\n", header=FALSE, showProgress=FALSE, strip.white=FALSE)$V1
  if(!quiet) message("Processing index tree file...")
  urlpart <- "\"https://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/CDC/observations_germany/climate/"
     urlpart <- sub("observations_germany/climate", "grids_germany", urlpart)
  tree <- grep(urlpart, tree, value=TRUE)
  tree <- sapply(strsplit(tree, "href="), "[", 2)
  tree <- sub(urlpart, "/", tree)
  tree <- sapply(strsplit(tree, "/\""), "[", 1)
  tree <- tree[-1]
  # Remove intermediate folders:
  tree <- tree[!tree %in% dirname(tree)]
  folder <- tree
if(!quiet) message("Determining the content of the ",length(folder)," folder(s)...")
 if(missing(folder)) twarning('base is not the rdwd default. It is likely you want',
                             ' to use folder="" instead of "',folder,'".')
# Progress bar?
if(progbar) lapply <- pbapply::pblapply
# single RCurl handle for all FTP requests:
curl_handle <- RCurl::getCurlHandle(ftp.use.epsv=TRUE)

# remove trailing slashes in base and leading slashes in folder:
base <- sub("/+$", "", base)
folder <- sub("^/+","",folder)

# central object: df_ff (dataframe with file/folder names)
df_ff <- data.frame(path=folder, isfile=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

   df_ff$isfile[ grepl(".", df_ff$path, fixed=TRUE) ] <- TRUE

# List files at a single path, returning files/folders or useful error messages
# stoppp_ffe will be an object within indexFTP, see below
getURL_ffe <- function(ff_row)
 if(stoppp_ffe) return(ff_row) # do not attempt if already kicked off the FTP
 p <- try( RCurl::getURL(paste0(base,"/",ff_row$path,"/"), verbose=verbose,
                         ftp.use.epsv=TRUE, curl=curl_handle),      silent=TRUE)
 # upon failure, exit with a warning (not error):
 if(inherits(p, "try-error"))
     # Prepare warning message text:
     p <- gsub("Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE)  : ", "", p, fixed=TRUE)
     p <- trimws(gsub("\n", "", p))
     if(grepl("Could not resolve host", p))
       p <- paste0(p,"\nThis may mean you are not connected to the internet.")
     if(grepl("Server denied you to change to the given directory", p))
       p <- paste0(p,"\nThis could mean the path is a file, not a folder",
                   " or that it doesn't exist at base\n", base)
     twarning("RCurl::getURL failed for '", ff_row$path, "/' with error:\n - ", p)
     assign("stoppp_ffe", TRUE, inherits=TRUE) # to get out of the loop sans error
     return(ff_row) # exit getURL_ffe
 # Do not go down when folder is empty:
    # found Apr 2013 for ftp://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/CDC/grids_germany/daily/regnie/
    ff_row$isfile <- TRUE
    return(ff_row) # exit getURL_ffe
 # Process vector of sub-paths:
 # carriage return / newline is OS-dependent:
 p <- unlist(strsplit(p,"[\n\r]")) # http://stackoverflow.com/a/40763124/1587132
 p <- p[nchar(p)>0]
 # handle opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan/* latest data
 ilf <- grep("latest-dwd---bin", p) # index of latest file
   if(exclude.latest.bin) p <- p[-ilf]  else
   p[ilf] <- sub(" -> .*", "", p[ilf]) # to keep p suited for read.text
 isdir <- substr(p,1,1) =="d" # directory, else file
 pnames <- read.table(text=p, colClasses="character") # do not convert "00" folder to 0
 pnames <- pnames[,ncol(pnames)] # only use last column with path names
 output <- data.frame(path=paste0(ff_row$path,"/",pnames), isfile=!isdir, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
 # wait some time if needed:
 if(sleep!=0) Sys.sleep(runif(n=1, min=0, max=sleep))
 # complete file path:

stoppp_ffe <- FALSE
# as long as df_ff contains folders, run the following:
while(any(!df_ff$isfile)) # excludes checked empty folders: there, isfile is set to TRUE
  df_ff <- unique(df_ff)
  df_ff1 <- df_ff[df_ff$isfile,] # these are finished
  df_ff2 <- df_ff[!df_ff$isfile,]
  df_ff3 <- lapply(1:nrow(df_ff2), function(r) getURL_ffe(df_ff2[r,])) # for the folders, run getURL
  df_ff <- do.call(rbind, c(list(df_ff1),df_ff3))
  if(stoppp_ffe) break
  } # end while loop

if(anyDuplicated(df_ff$path)) twarning("Duplicate paths:",
                   truncMessage(df_ff$path[duplicated(df_ff$path)], prefix=""))

# sort final results alphabetically (path only, no f/f info):
finalpaths <- sort(df_ff$path)

# write output:
owd <- dirDWD(dir, quiet=quiet)
outfile <- paste0("INDEX_of_DWD_", gsub("/","_",filename),".txt")
outfile <- newFilename(outfile, ignore=overwrite, pre="", mid="", quiet=quiet)
write.table(finalpaths, file=outfile, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
# return output:
brry/rdwd documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 5:13 a.m.