
Defines functions readMeta

Documented in readMeta

#' Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
#' Read climate meta info textfiles in zip folders downloaded with [dataDWD()].
#' @return Invisible named list of data.frames; or a list of lists, if length(file)>1.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, 2016 + March 2019
#' @seealso [dataDWD()], [readVars()], [readDWD()]
#' @keywords file
#' @importFrom utils read.table unzip
#' @importFrom berryFunctions checkFile
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # see dataDWD
#' @param file   Char (vector): name(s) of the zip file(s) downloaded with [dataDWD()],
#'               e.g. "~/DWDdata/tageswerte_KL_02575_akt.zip"
#' @param progbar Logical: present a progress bar with estimated remaining time?
#'               If missing and length(file)==1, progbar is internally set to FALSE.
#'               DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param \dots  Further arguments passed to [read.table()]
readMeta <- function(
# Optional progress bar:
if(missing(progbar) & length(file)==1) progbar <- FALSE
if(progbar) lapply <- pbapply::pblapply
# loop over each filename:
output <- lapply(file, function(f)
# temporary unzipping directory
fn <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(f))
exdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", fn)
unzip(f, exdir=exdir)
on.exit(unlink(exdir, recursive=TRUE), add=TRUE)
# all meta info text files in zip folder:
fm <- dir(exdir, pattern=".*\\.txt", full.names=TRUE)
fm <- fm[substr(basename(fm),1,7)!="produkt"]

tabs <- base::lapply(fm, function(fi)
  read_with_encoding <- function(enc)
   try({nr <- readLines(fi, encoding=enc) # number of rows
    nr <- sum(!substr(nr, 1, 7) %in% c("Legende", "generie"))
    tab <- read.table(fi, sep=";", header=TRUE, nrows=nr-1, encoding=enc, ...)
    tab},              silent=TRUE)
  tab <- read_with_encoding("latin1")
  if(inherits(tab,"try-error")) tab <- read_with_encoding("UTF-8")
  if(inherits(tab,"try-error")) tab <- read_with_encoding(readr::guess_encoding(f)$encoding[1])
    twarning("readMeta failed for '", file, " with: ", tab)
names(tabs) <- basename(fm)
}) # end lapply loop over files
names(output) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
output <- if(length(file)==1) output[[1]] else output
brry/rdwd documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 11:23 p.m.