mbecModelVariance: Estimate Explained Variance

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples

View source: R/mbecs_analyses.R


The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest. This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance, i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into the model building for the respective algorithm. The user can select from five different approaches to adapt to the characteristics of the data-set, e.g., LMMs are a better choice than LMs for a very unbalanced study design. Available approaches are: Linear Model (lm), Linear Mixed Model (lmm), Redundancy Analysis (rda), Principal Variance Component Analysis (pvca) or Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef).


  model.vars = character(),
  method = c("lm", "lmm", "rda", "pvca", "s.coef"),
  model.form = NULL,
  type = "clr",
  label = character(),
  no.warning = TRUE,
  na.action = NULL



MbecData object


Vector of covariates to include in model-construction, in case parameter 'model.form' is not supplied.


Select method of modeling: Linear Model (lm), Linear Mixed Model (lmm), Redundancy Analysis (rda), Principal Variance Component Analysis (pvca) or Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef).


string that describes a model formula, i.e., 'y ~ covariate1 + (1|covariate2)'.


Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.


Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.


(OPTIONAL) True/False-flag that should turn of singularity warnings, but it doesn't quite work


(OPTIONAL) set NA handling, will take global option if not supplied


Linear Model (lm): An additive model of all covariates is fitted to each feature respectively and the proportion of variance is extracted for each covariate (OTU_x ~ covariate_1 + covariate_2 + ...).

Linear Mixed Model (lmm): All but the first covariate are considered mixed effects. A model is fitted to each OTU respectively and the proportion of variance extracted for each covariate. (OTU_x ~ covariate_1 + (1|covariate_2) + (1|...)).

partial Redundancy Analysis (rda): Iterates over given covariates, builds a model of all covariates that includes one variable as condition/constraint and then fits it to the feature abundance matrix. The difference in explained variance between the full- and the constrained-model is then attributed to the constraint. (cnts ~ group + Condition(batch) vs. cnts ~ group + batch)

Principal Variance Component Analysis (pvca): Algorithm - calculate the correlation of the fxs count-matrix - from there extract the eigenvectors and eigenvalues and calculate the proportion of explained variance per eigenvector (i.e. principal component) by dividing the eigenvalues by the sum of eigenvalues. Now select as many PCs as required to fill a chosen quota for the total proportion of explained variance. Iterate over all PCs and fit a linear mixed model that contains all covariates as random effect and all unique interactions between two covariates. Compute variance covariance components form the resulting model –> From there we get the Variance that each covariate(variable) contributes to this particular PC. Then just standardize variance by dividing it through the sum of variance for that model. Scale each PCs results by the proportion this PC accounted for in the first place. And then do it again by dividing it through the total amount of explained variance, i.e. the cutoff to select the number of PCs to take (obviously not the cutoff but rather the actual values for the selected PCs). Finally take the average over each random variable and interaction term and display in a nice plot.

Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef): Calculate principal components and get sample-wise distances on the resulting (sxPC) matrix. Then iterate over all the covariates and calculate the cluster silhouette (which is basically either zero, if the cluster contains only a single element, or it is the distance to the closest different cluster minus the distance of the sample within its own cluster divided (scaled) by the maximum distance). Average over each element in a cluster for all clusters and there is the representation of how good the clustering is. This shows how good a particular covariate characterizes the data, i.e., a treatment variable for instance may differentiate the samples into treated and untreated groups which implies two clusters. In an ideal scenario, the treatment variable, i.e., indicator for some biological effect would produce a perfect clustering. In reality, the confounding variables, e.g., batch, sex or age, will also influence the ordination of samples. Hence, the clustering coefficient is somewhat similar to the amount of explained variance metric that the previous methods used. If used to compare an uncorrected data-set to a batch-corrected set, the expected result would be an increase of clustering coefficient for the biological effect (and all other covariates - because a certain amount of uncertainty was removed from the data) and a decrease for the batch effect.

The function returns a data-frame for further analysis - the report functions (mbecReport and mbecReportPrelim) will automatically produce plots. Input for the data-set can be an MbecData-object, a phyloseq-object or a list that contains counts and covariate data. The covariate table requires an 'sID' column that contains sample IDs equal to the sample naming in the counts table. Correct orientation of counts will be handled internally.


Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates in every feature.


# This will return a data-frame that contains the variance attributable to
# group and batch according to linear additive model.
df.var.lm <- mbecModelVariance(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
model.vars=c("batch", "group"), method='lm', type='clr')
# This will return a data-frame that contains the variance attributable to
# group and batch according to principal variance component analysis.
df.var.pvca <- mbecModelVariance(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
model.vars=c("batch", "group"), method='pvca')

buschlab/MBECS documentation built on Jan. 21, 2022, 1:27 a.m.