Man pages for bwringe/hybriddetective
Automates the process of detecting hybrids from genetic data

accuracyfunctionFunction to evaluate simulation accuracy.
freqbasedsim_AlleleSampleSimulate Multi-Generational Hybrids - Proportional Sampling,...
freqbasedsim_GTFreqSimulate Multi-Generational Hybrids - samples based on...
getTopLocCreates a panel of the top n "unlinked" loci, and exports the...
hybridpowercompAssignment power comparison among different SNP subsets using...
n_classEvalute the number of simulated individuals per NewHybrid...
nh_accuracy_checkRNewHybrids accuracy checker
nh_analysis_generateRNewHybrids analysis file maker
nh_analysis_simulateR_generateRNewHybrids data generator
nh_build_Example_ResultsCreates a folder containing example NewHybrids analyses which...
nh_multiplotRNewHybrids Multi-Plot
nh_panel_delta_plotRPlot change in individual assignment probability at different...
nh_plotRNewHybrids Plot
nh_preCheckRAnnotate Classes
nh_subsetRSubset NewHybrids format datasets
nh_ZcoreAnnotate Classes
type1functionFunction to evaluate type I error.
type2functionFunction to evaluate simulation type II error.
bwringe/hybriddetective documentation built on March 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m.