nh_build_Example_Results: Creates a folder containing example NewHybrids analyses which...

nh_build_example_resultsR Documentation

Creates a folder containing example NewHybrids analyses which can be evaluated using hybridpowercomp


Creates a folder containing example NewHybrids analyses which can be evaluated using hybridpowercomp


nh_build_example_results(dir = NULL, remove_example = FALSE)



File path to the directory in write the NewHybrids results (in individual folders as returned by parallelNH_XX). The default is NULL, in which case the folder will be written to the working directory


A logical indicating if the example data should be removed from the users hard drive. Default = FALSE. NOTE: If a dir was previously specified, it must be specified again

bwringe/hybriddetective documentation built on March 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m.