nh_accuracy_checkR: NewHybrids accuracy checker

View source: R/nh_accuracy_checkR.R

nh_accuracy_checkRR Documentation

NewHybrids accuracy checker


nh_accuracy_checkR calcultes the accuracy with which NewHybrids assigns (simulated) individuals to their known genotype frequency category. That is, what proportion of all individuals that are known to belong to a given category were classified as belonging to that category by NH. The proportion correct will be returned as a dataframe with the name "NH.accuracy", and can also be printed to the screen if desired


nh_accuracy_checkR(NHResultsDir, print.results = TRUE, all.hyb = FALSE)



A file path to the NewHybrids (PofZ file) result to be checked.


a logical query for whether the function output should be printed to the screen in addition to exported as an object. Default is TRUE


a logical query if the proportion of all indivuals known to be hybrids were assigned to a hybrid category regardless if the category was the correct one. Default is FALSE

bwringe/hybriddetective documentation built on March 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m.