
#' Radiometric calibration and correction
#' Implements several different methods for absolute radiometric correction of Landsat data.
#' You can either specify a metadata file, or supply all neccesary values manually. With proper parametrization APREF and SDOS should work for other sensors as well.
#' @param x raster object
#' @param metaData either the result of \code{readMeta} or a path to the meta data (MCL) file. 
#' @param reflectance logical. If \code{TRUE} output will be reflectance, if \code{FALSE} it will be radiance
#' @param thermal logical. If \code{TRUE} thermal bands will be converted to brightness temperature (Kelvin).
#' @param bandSet numeric or character. original Landsat band numbers or names in the form of ("B1", "B2" etc). If set to 'full' all bands in the solar region will be processed.
#' @param gain Band-specific sensor gain. Require either gain and offset or Grescale and Brescale to convert DN to radiance.
#' @param offset Band-specific sensor offset. Require either gain and offset or Grescale and Brescale to convert DN to radiance.
#' @param Grescale Band-specific sensor Grescale (gain). Require either gain and offset or Grescale and Brescale to convert DN to radiance.
#' @param Brescale Band-specific sensor Brescale (bias). Require either gain and offset or Grescale and Brescale to convert DN to radiance.
#' @param sunElev Sun elevation in degrees
#' @param satZenith sensor zenith angle (0 for Landsat)
#' @param d Earth-Sun distance in AU.
#' @param esun Mean exo-atmospheric solar irradiance, as given by Chandler et al. 2009 or others.
#' @param SHV starting haze value, can be estimated using estimateSHV(). if not provided and method is "DOS" or "COSTZ" SHV will be estimated in an automated fashion. Not needed for apparent reflectance.
#' @param hazeBand band from which SHV was estimated.
#' @param method Radiometric correction method to be used. There are currently four methods available (see Details):
#'  "APREF", "DOS" (Chavez 1989), "COSTZ" (Chavez 1996), SDOS.
#' @note This was originally a fork of randcorr in the landsat package. It may be slower, however it works on Raster* objects and hence is memory-safe.
#' @details  \describe{
#' \item{APREF}{Apparent reflectance}
#' \item{DOS}{Dark object subtratction following Chavez (1989)}
#' \item{COSTZ}{Dark object subtraction following Chaves(1996)}
#' \item{SDOS}{Simple dark object subtraction. Classical DOS, Lhaze must be estimated for each band separately.}
#' }
#' @references S. Goslee (2011): Analyzing Remote Sensing Data in R: The landsat Package. Journal of Statistical Software 43(4).
#' @export
#' @seealso \link[landsat]{radiocorr} 
radCor <-	function(x, metaData, reflectance = TRUE, thermal = TRUE, satellite, bandSet = "full", gain, offset, G_rescale, B_rescale,
		sunElev, satZenith = 0, d, esun, date, SHV, hazeBand, atHaze,  method = "APREF"){
	if(!method %in% c("APREF", "DOS", "COSTZ", "SDOS")) stop("method must be one of 'APREF', 'DOS', 'COSTZ' 'SDOS'", call.=FALSE)
	if(!reflectance & method != "APREF"){
		warning("For radiance calculations the 'method' argument is ignored")
		method <- "APREF"
	if(!missing(metaData)) {
		## Read metadata from file
		if(is.character(metaData)) metaData <- readMeta(metaData)
		sensor 		<- metaData$UNIFIED_METADATA$SENSOR_ID
		G_rescale	<- metaData$UNIFIED_METADATA$RAD_GAIN
		K1			<- metaData$UNIFIED_METADATA$K1
		K2			<- metaData$UNIFIED_METADATA$K2
	} else {
		sensor = 1
		rad = 8
		if(missing(G_rescale) | missing(B_rescale)){
			if(missing(offset) | missing(gain)) {
				stop("Please specify either a) metaData, b) gain and offset, c) B_rescale and G_rescale", call. = FALSE )
			} else {
				B_rescale <- 1/gain
				G_rescale <- -offset/gain
		if(missing(d)) {
			if(missing(date)) { 
				stop("Please specify either a) edist or b)date", call. = FALSE) 
			} else {
				d <- .ESdist(date) 
	if(satellite == "LANDSAT8" & method != "APREF") {
		warning("DOS, COSTZ and SDOS are currently not implemented for Landsat 8. Using official reflectance calibration coefficients, i.e. output corresponds to method = 'APREF'", call. = FALSE) 
		method <- "APREF"
	satZenith	<- satZenith * pi / 180
	satphi 		<- cos(satZenith)
	suntheta 	<- cos((90 - sunElev) * pi / 180)	
	## Query internal db	
	sDB <- LANDSAT.db[[satellite]][[sensor]]
	## We use .getNumeric to deal with band name appendices (e.g. LS7 can have to versions of band 6: B6_VCID_1 and B6_VCID_2
	## which would not match the database name B6
	sDB 	<- sDB[match(paste0("B", sapply(.getNumeric(names(x)),"[",1)), sDB$band),]	
	sDB		<- sDB[match(sDB$band, paste0("B",sapply(.getNumeric(names(x)),"[",1))),]
	if(any(bandSet == "full")) {
		bandSet <- names(x)
	} else {
		if(is.numeric(bandSet)) bandSet <- paste0("B", bandSet)
	if(missing(metaData))	names(B_rescale) <- names(G_rescale) <- bandSet
	origBands 	<- names(x)   
	corBands 	<- sDB[!sDB$bandtype %in% c("TIR", "PAN"), "band"]
	bandSet 	<- bandSet[bandSet %in% corBands]
		tirBands	<- if(satellite=="LANDSAT8") c("B10", "B11") else c("B6", "B6_VCID_1", "B6_VCID_2")	
		tirBands 	<- origBands[origBands %in% tirBands]
	} else {
		tirBands <- NULL
	exclBands	<- origBands[!origBands %in% c(bandSet, tirBands)]
	if(length(exclBands) > 0) {
		xexc <- x[[exclBands]] 
	} else {
		xexc <- NULL
	if(missing(esun)) {
		esun <- sDB[,"esun"] 
		names(esun) <- sDB$band
	xref <- x[[bandSet]]
	if(reflectance) {
		message("Bands to convert to reflectance: ", paste(bandSet, collapse = ", "))
		if(length(tirBands) > 0 & thermal) message("Thermal bands to convert to brightness temperatures: ", paste(tirBands, collapse=", "))
		if(length(exclBands) > 0) message("Excluding bands: ", paste(exclBands, collapse = ", "))	
	} else {
		bandSet <- c(bandSet, tirBands)
		message("Bands to convert to toa radiance: ", paste(bandSet, collapse = ", "))
	## Thermal processing
	if(thermal & reflectance & length(tirBands) > 0) {
		message("Processing thermal band(s)")
		## Convert to radiance
		L <- G_rescale[tirBands] * x[[tirBands]] + B_rescale[tirBands]
		## Convert to temperature
		xtir <- K2 / log(K1/L + 1) 
		names(xtir) <- tirBands
	} else {
		xtir <- NULL
	message("Processing radiance / reflectance")
	## Radiance and reflectance processing
	if(method == "APREF") {
		TAUz <- 1
		TAUv <- 1
		Edown <- 0
		Lhaze <- 0
	} else {
		## Estimate SHV automatically
			if(missing(hazeBand))  hazeBand <- "B1"
			if(length(hazeBand) > 1) {
				warning("Automatic search for SHV values is intended for one band only. For more bands please estimate hzae DNs manually using estimateSHV() \nhazeBand was automatically reset to 1")
				hazeBand <- 1 }
			message("SHV was not provided -> Estimating SHV automatically")
			dP <- 0.02
			## We suppress warnings because we search for a possible value autimatically in case we missed the first time
			SHV <- suppressWarnings(estimateSHV(x, hazeBand = hazeBand, darkProp = dP , plot = FALSE, returnTables = TRUE))
				dP	<- dP * 0.9
				SHV <- suppressWarnings(estimateSHV(SHV, hazeBand = hazeBand, darkProp = dP, plot = FALSE, returnTables = TRUE))
			message(paste0("SHV estimated as: ", SHV[[1]]))
			SHV <- SHV[[1]]
		# For SDOS gain, offset, Lhaze and Esun must be provided as coresponding vectors of equal length
		if(method == "SDOS") hazeBand <- bandSet 
		TAUz <- 1
		TAUv <- 1
		Edown <- 0				
		if (method == "COSTZ") {
			TAUz <- suntheta
			TAUv <- satphi
		## 1% correction and conversion to radiance
		Ldo <- 0.01 * ((esun[hazeBand] * suntheta * TAUz) + Edown) * TAUv / (pi * d ^ 2)
		Lhaze <- (SHV * G_rescale[hazeBand] + B_rescale[hazeBand]) - Ldo
		if(method %in% c("DOS", "COSTZ")) {		
			## Pick atmoshpere type
			if(missing(atHaze)) {
				atHaze.db <- data.frame(min = c(1,56,76,96,116), max = c(55,75,95,115,255)) / 255 * (2^rad-1)
				atHaze <- c("veryClear", "clear", "moderate", "hazy", "veryHazy")[Lhaze > atHaze.db[,1] & Lhaze <= atHaze.db[,2]]
				message("Selcting atmosphere: '", atHaze, "'")
			Lhaze	  <- Lhaze  * sDB[match(bandSet,sDB$band), paste0(hazeBand,"_", atHaze)]
			## Calculate corrected RAD_haze
			NORM  <- G_rescale[bandSet] / G_rescale[hazeBand]
			Lhaze <- Lhaze * NORM + B_rescale[bandSet]	
		# In case Lhaze becomes negative we reset it to zero to prevent artefacts.
		Lhaze [Lhaze < 0] <- 0
	B_rescale	<- B_rescale[bandSet]
	G_rescale 	<- G_rescale[bandSet]
	esun <- esun[bandSet]
	if(satellite != "LANDSAT8"){
		if(!reflectance) {
			## TOA Radiance
			xref <-  ( xref * G_rescale + B_rescale) / suntheta
		} else {
			## At-surface reflectance (precalculate coefficients to speed up raster processing)
			C <- (pi * d ^ 2)/(TAUv * (esun * suntheta * TAUz + Edown))	
			b <- C * (B_rescale - Lhaze)
			a <- C * G_rescale 
			xref <-  a * xref  + b
	} else {
		if(reflectance) {
			B_rescale 		<- metaData$UNIFIED_METADATA$REF_OFFSET[bandSet]
			G_rescale 		<- metaData$UNIFIED_METADATA$REF_GAIN[bandSet]
		## At sensor radiance / reflectance
		xref <-  (G_rescale * xref + B_rescale) / suntheta
		## At-surface reflectance?
	## Re-combine thermal, solar and excluded imagery
	x <- stack(xref,xtir, xexc)
	x <- x[[origBands]]

#' Landsat auxilliary data. Taken from Chander et al 2009
#' spatRes resampling:
#' @keywords internal
LANDSAT.db <- list(
		LANDSAT5 = list (
				TM = data.frame(band = paste0("B", 1:7),
						bandtype = c(rep("REF", 5), "TIR", "REF"),
						centerWavl = c(0.485, 0.569, 0.66, 0.840, 1.676, 11.435, 2.223),
						spatRes1 = rep(30, 7),
						spatRes2 = c(rep(30,5), 60, 30), ## TM Band 6 was acquired at 120-meter resolution, but products processed before February 25, 2010 are resampled to 60-meter pixels. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
						esun = c(1983, 1796, 1536, 1031, 220, NA, 83.44))
		LANDSAT7 = list(
				ETM = data.frame(band = paste0("B",1:8),
						bandtype = c(rep("REF", 5), "TIR", "REF", "PAN"),
						spatRes1 = c(rep(30, 7), 15),
						spatRes2 = c(rep(30,5), 60, 30, 15),  ## ETM+ Band 6 is acquired at 60-meter resolution. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
						centerWavl = c(0.485, 0.560, 0.660, 0.835, 1.650,11.335,2.220,0.706),
						esun = c(1997,1812,1533,1039,230.8,NA,84.9,1362)
		LANDSAT8 = list(
				OLI_TIRS = data.frame(band = c(paste0("B",1:11), "BQA"),
						bandtype = c(rep("REF", 7), "PAN", "REF", "TIR", "TIR", "QA"),
						spatRes1 = c(rep(30, 7), 15, rep(30,4)),
						spatRes2 = c(rep(30, 7), 15, rep(30,4)),  ## ETM+ Band 6 is acquired at 60-meter resolution. Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.
						centerWavl = c(0.44,0.48,0.56,0.655,0.865,1.61,2.2,0.59,1.37,10.6,11.5, NA), 
						esun = c(NA, 2067, 1893, 1603, 972.6, 245, 79.72, NA, 399.7, NA, NA, NA ) ## ##


exponents <- c(-4, -2, -1, -.7, -.5)
for(s in names(LANDSAT.db)){
	bandType		<- LANDSAT.db[[s]][[1]][,"bandtype"] == "REF"
	centerWavl		<- LANDSAT.db[[s]][[1]][bandType, "centerWavl"] 
	bands 			<- LANDSAT.db[[s]][[1]][bandType, "band"]
	## Calc Chavez Tab 1
	TAB1			<- sapply(exponents, function(x) centerWavl ^ x)
	rownames(TAB1)  <- bands
	colnames(TAB1)	<- c("veryClear", "clear", "moderate", "hazy", "veryHazy")
	## Calc Chavez Tab 2, but only until SHVB = B4, larger wavelengths don't make sense to estimate haze
	TAB2 <- lapply(paste0("B", 1:4), function(SHVB){ sweep(TAB1, 2, TAB1[SHVB,], "/")})
	TAB2 <-"cbind", TAB2)
	colnames(TAB2) <- paste0(rep(paste0("B", 1:4), each = 5),"_", colnames(TAB2))
	LANDSAT.db[[s]][[1]] <-  merge(LANDSAT.db[[s]][[1]] , TAB2, by.x = "band", by.y = "row.names", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
bwtian/TIR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:25 a.m.