
Defines functions fitFraserAE fitBB fitPCA getHyperOptimCorrectionMethod needsHyperOpt fit.FraserDataSet

Documented in fit.FraserDataSet

#' Fitting the denoising autoencoder
#' @description This method corrects for confounders in the data and 
#' fits a beta-binomial distribution to the introns/splice sites.
#' For more details please see \code{\link{FRASER}}.
#' @param object A \code{\link{FraserDataSet}} object
#' @inheritParams countRNA
#' @inheritParams FRASER
#' @param rhoRange Defines the range of values that rho parameter from the 
#' beta-binomial distribution is allowed to take. For very small values of rho, 
#' the loss can be instable, so it is not recommended to allow rho < 1e-8. 
#' @param noiseAlpha Controls the amount of noise that is added for the 
#' denoising autoencoder.
#' @param convergence The fit is considered to have converged if the difference 
#' between the previous and the current loss is smaller than this threshold.
#' @param minDeltaPsi Minimal delta psi of an intron to be be considered a 
#' variable intron.
#' @param initialize If FALSE and a fit has been previoulsy run, the values 
#' from the previous fit will be used as initial values. If TRUE, 
#' (re-)initialization will be done. 
#' @param control List of control parameters passed on to optim().
#' @param nSubset The size of the subset to be used in fitting if subsetting is
#' used.
#' @param weighted If TRUE, the weighted implementation of the autoencoder is 
#' used
#' @param ... Currently not used 
#' @return \code{\link{FraserDataSet}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{FRASER}}
#' @name fit
#' @rdname fit
#' @method fit FraserDataSet
#' @export
fit.FraserDataSet <- function(object, implementation=c("PCA", "PCA-BB-Decoder",
                            "AE", "AE-weighted", "PCA-BB-full", "fullAE", 
                            "PCA-regression", "PCA-reg-full", 
                            "PCA-BB-Decoder-no-weights", "BB"),
                    q, type=psiTypes, rhoRange=c(-30, 30), 
                    weighted=FALSE, noiseAlpha=1, convergence=1e-5, 
                    iterations=15, initialize=TRUE, control=list(), 
                    BPPARAM=bpparam(), nSubset=15000, 
                    minDeltaPsi=0.1, ...){
        stop("... is currently not used. Please remove the ", 
                "additional arguments: ", 
                paste(names(list(...)), collapse=", "))
    method <- match.arg(implementation)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    verbose <- verbose(object) > 0
    # make sure its only in-memory data for k and n
    currentType(object) <- type
    counts(object, type=type, side="other", HDF5=FALSE) <- as.matrix(
            counts(object, type=type, side="other"))
    counts(object, type=type, side="ofInterest", HDF5=FALSE) <- as.matrix(
            counts(object, type=type, side="ofInterest"))
    # check q is set
    if(method != "BB" && (missing(q) | is.null(q))){
        stop("Please provide a q to define the size of the latent space!")
    message(date(), ": Running fit with correction method: ", method)
    object <- switch(
        "AE"      = fitFraserAE(
            fds = object, 
            q = q,
            type = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            lambda = 0,
            convergence = convergence,
            iterations = iterations,
            initialize = initialize,
            weighted = weighted,
            control = control,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            verbose = verbose,
            subset = TRUE,
            nrDecoderBatches = 1
        "AE-weighted" = fitFraserAE(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            type = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            nSubset = nSubset,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            lambda = 0,
            convergence = convergence,
            iterations = iterations,
            initialize = initialize,
            weighted = TRUE,
            control = control,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            verbose = verbose,
            subset = TRUE,
            nrDecoderBatches = 1
        "PCA-BB-Decoder" = fitFraserAE(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            type = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            nSubset = nSubset,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            lambda = 0,
            convergence = convergence,
            iterations = iterations,
            initialize = initialize,
            weighted = TRUE,
            control = control,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            verbose = verbose,
            subset = TRUE,
            nrDecoderBatches = 1,
            latentSpace = 'PCA'
        "PCA-BB-Decoder-no-weights" = fitFraserAE(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            type = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            nSubset = nSubset,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            lambda = 0,
            convergence = convergence,
            latentSpace = 'PCA',
            iterations = iterations,
            initialize = initialize,
            weighted = FALSE,
            control = control,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            verbose = verbose,
            subset = TRUE,
            nrDecoderBatches = 1
        "PCA-BB-full"       = fitFraserAE(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            type = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            lambda = 0,
            convergence = convergence,
            iterations = iterations,
            initialize = initialize,
            weighted = TRUE,
            control = control,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            verbose = verbose,
            subset = FALSE,
            nrDecoderBatches = 1,
            latentSpace = 'PCA'
        "PCA-reg-full"      = fitPCA(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            psiType = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            subset = FALSE,
            minDeltaPsi = minDeltaPsi,
            useLM = TRUE
        fullAE  = fitFraserAE(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            type = type,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            lambda = 0,
            convergence = convergence,
            iterations = iterations,
            initialize = initialize,
            nSubset = nSubset,
            weighted = weighted,
            control = control,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            verbose = verbose,
            subset = FALSE,
            nrDecoderBatches = 1
        PCA         = fitPCA(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            psiType = type,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            noiseAlpha = NULL,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            subset = FALSE
        'PCA-regression' = fitPCA(
            fds = object,
            q = q,
            psiType = type,
            rhoRange = rhoRange,
            noiseAlpha = noiseAlpha,
            BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
            subset = TRUE,
            nSubset = nSubset,
            minDeltaPsi = minDeltaPsi
        BB          = fitBB(fds=object, psiType=type, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)


needsHyperOpt <- function(method){
        PCA                         = TRUE,
        "PCA-BB-Decoder"            = TRUE,
        "AE-weighted"               = TRUE,
        AE                          = TRUE,
        BB                          = FALSE,
        "PCA-BB-full"               = TRUE,
        "fullAE"                    = TRUE,
        'PCA-regression'            = TRUE,
        "PCA-reg-full"              = TRUE,
        "PCA-BB-Decoder-no-weights" = TRUE,
        stop("Method not found: '", method, "'!")

#' Setting the hyper parameter optimization algorithm
#' for a given correction method
#' @noRd
getHyperOptimCorrectionMethod <- function(correction){
            "PCA-BB-full"            = "PCA",
            "PCA-reg-full"           = "PCA",
            "PCA-BB-Decoder"         = "PCA-BB-Decoder",

fitPCA <- function(fds, q, psiType, rhoRange=c(1e-5, 1-1e-5), noiseAlpha=NULL,
                    BPPARAM=bpparam(), subset=FALSE, minDeltaPsi=0.1,
                    nSubset=15000, useLM=FALSE){
    counts(fds, type=psiType, side="other", HDF5=FALSE) <- as.matrix(
            counts(fds, type=psiType, side="other"))
    counts(fds, type=psiType, side="ofInterest", HDF5=FALSE) <- as.matrix(
            counts(fds, type=psiType, side="ofInterest"))

    #+ subset fitting
    currentType(fds) <- psiType
    curDims <- dim(K(fds, psiType))
        noise(fds, type=type) <- matrix(rnorm(prod(curDims)), nrow=curDims[2])

    # subset to fit the encoder
    fds_pca <- fds
        exMask <- variableJunctions(fds, type, minDeltaPsi=minDeltaPsi)
        fds_pca <- fds[exMask,,by=type]
        exMask2 <- subsetKMostVariableJunctions(fds_pca, type, nSubset)
        fds_pca <- fds_pca[exMask2,,by=type]
        featureExclusionMask(fds_pca) <- TRUE

        # set correct exclusion mask for x computation
        exMask[exMask == TRUE] <- exMask2
        featureExclusionMask(fds) <- exMask

    # PCA on subset -> E matrix
    message(date(), ": Computing PCA ...")
    xin <- x(fds_pca, noiseAlpha=noiseAlpha, center=TRUE)
    pca <- pca(xin, nPcs=q)
    pc <- pcaMethods::loadings(pca)
    E(fds) <- pc

    # D and b on full matrix
    x <- x(fds, all=TRUE, noiseAlpha=NULL, center=FALSE)
    if(isTRUE(subset) | isTRUE(useLM)){
        # linear regression to fit D matrix
        lmFit  <- lm(x ~ H(fds))
        D(fds) <- t(lmFit$coefficients[-1,])
        b(fds) <- lmFit$coefficients[1,]
    } else{
        D(fds) <- pc
        b(fds) <- colMeans2(x)

    # use delayed matrix representation of counts again for large datasets
    useDelayed <- ncol(fds) > options()[['FRASER.minSamplesForDelayed']]
        counts(fds, type=psiType, side="other", HDF5=TRUE, 
                withDimnames=FALSE) <- 
                    counts(fds, type=psiType, side="other")
        counts(fds, type=psiType, side="ofInterest", HDF5=TRUE, 
                withDimnames=FALSE) <- 
                    counts(fds, type=psiType, side="ofInterest")
    # fit rho
    message(date(), ": Fitting rho ...")
    fds <- updateRho(fds, type=psiType, rhoRange=rhoRange,
            BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=TRUE)

    metadata(fds)[[paste0('loss_', psiType)]] <- lossED(
            fds, byRows=TRUE, noiseAlpha=noiseAlpha)
    # store corrected logit psi
    predictedMeans(fds, psiType, withDimnames=FALSE) <- t(predictMu(fds))


fitBB <- function(fds, psiType, BPPARAM=bpparam()){
    currentType(fds) <- psiType
    fds <- pvalueByBetaBinomialPerType(fds=fds,
            aname=paste0("pvalues_BB_", psiType),
            psiType=psiType, pvalFun=betabinVglmTest, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
    # predictedMeans(fds, type=psiType) <- rowMeans(
    #         getAssayMatrix(fds, type=psiType))
    predictedMeans(fds, type=psiType, withDimnames=FALSE) <-
        mcols(fds, type=psiType)[,paste0(psiType, "_alpha")] /
        ( mcols(fds, type=psiType)[,paste0(psiType, "_alpha")] +
                mcols(fds, type=psiType)[,paste0(psiType, "_beta")] )

fitFraserAE <- function(fds, q, type, noiseAlpha, rhoRange, lambda, convergence,
                        iterations, initialize, control, BPPARAM, verbose,
                        subset=TRUE, nrDecoderBatches, nSubset=15000, weighted,
                        latentSpace = 'AE'){
    #+ subset fitting
    curDims <- dim(K(fds, type))
        probE <- max(0.001, min(1,30000/curDims[1]))
        featureExclusionMask(fds) <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), curDims[1],
                                            prob=c(probE, 1-probE))
    } else{
        featureExclusionMask(fds) <- rep(TRUE,curDims[1])

    fds <- fitAutoencoder(fds=fds, q=q, type=type, noiseAlpha=noiseAlpha,
                            rhoRange=rhoRange, lambda=lambda, 
                            convergence=convergence, iterations=iterations, 
                            initialize=initialize, nSubset=nSubset,
                            weighted=weighted, control=control, 
                            BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose, 
                            latentSpace=latentSpace )

c-mertes/FRASER documentation built on June 14, 2024, 7:49 p.m.