fisher_scatterplot: Plot results of gene frequency Fisher's exact test.

View source: R/plotting-functions.R

fisher_scatterplotR Documentation

Plot results of gene frequency Fisher's exact test.


[Stable] Plots results of Fisher's exact test on gene frequency obtained via gene_frequency_fisher() as a scatterplot.


  p_value_col = "Fisher_p_value_fdr",
  annot_threshold = 0.05,
  annot_color = "red",
  gene_sym_col = "GeneName",
  do_not_highlight = NULL,
  keep_not_highlighted = TRUE



Test results obtained via gene_frequency_fisher()


Name of the column containing the p-value to consider


Annotate with a different color if a point is below the significance threshold. Single numerical value.


The color in which points below the threshold should be annotated


The name of the column containing the gene symbol


Either NULL, a character vector, an expression or a purrr-style lambda. Tells the function to ignore the highlighting and labeling of these genes even if their p-value is below the threshold. See details.


If present, how should not highlighted genes be treated? If set to TRUE points are plotted and colored with the chosen color scale. If set to FALSE the points are removed entirely from the plot.


Specifying genes to avoid highlighting

In some cases, users might want to avoid highlighting certain genes even if their p-value is below the threshold. To do so, use the argument do_not_highlight: character vectors are appropriate for specific genes that are to be excluded, expressions or lambdas allow a finer control. For example we can supply:

expr <- rlang::expr(!stringr::str_starts(GeneName, "MIR") &
                      average_TxLen_1 >= 300)

with this expression, genes that have a p-value < threshold and start with "MIR" or have an average_TxLen_1 lower than 300 are excluded from the highlighted points. NOTE: keep in mind that expressions are evaluated inside a dplyr::filter context.

Similarly, lambdas are passed to the filtering function but only operate on the column containing the gene symbol.

lambda <- ~ stringr::str_starts(.x, "MIR")


A plot

See Also

Other Plotting functions: CIS_volcano_plot(), HSC_population_plot(), circos_genomic_density(), integration_alluvial_plot(), sharing_heatmap(), sharing_venn(), top_abund_tableGrob(), top_cis_overtime_heatmap()


data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
aggreg <- aggregate_values_by_key(
    x = integration_matrices,
    association_file = association_file,
    value_cols = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate")
cis <- CIS_grubbs(aggreg, by = "SubjectID")
fisher <- gene_frequency_fisher(cis$cis$PT001, cis$cis$PT002,
    min_is_per_gene = 2

calabrialab/ISAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.