generate_Vispa2_launch_AF: Creates a reduced association file for a VISPA2 run, given...

View source: R/utility-functions.R

generate_Vispa2_launch_AFR Documentation

Creates a reduced association file for a VISPA2 run, given project and pool


The function selects the appropriate columns and prepares a file for the launch of VISPA2 pipeline for each project/pool pair specified.


generate_Vispa2_launch_AF(association_file, project, pool, path)



The imported association file (via import_association_file())


A vector of characters containing project names


A vector of characters containing pool names


A single string representing the path to the folder where files should be written. If the folder doesn't exist it will be created.


Note: the function is vectorized, meaning you can specify more than one project and more than one pool as vectors of characters, but you must ensure that:

  • Both project and pool vectors have the same length

  • You correclty type names in corresponding positions, for example c("PJ01", "PJ01") - c("POOL01", "POOL02"). If you type a pool in the position of a corresponding project that doesn't match no file will be produced since that pool doesn't exist in the corresponding project.



Required tags

The function will explicitly check for the presence of these tags:

  • cell_marker

  • fusion_id

  • pcr_repl_id

  • pool_id

  • project_id

  • subject

  • tag_id

  • tissue

  • tp_days

  • vector_id

The names of the pools in the pool argument is checked against the column corresponding to the pool_id tag.

See Also

Other Utilities: as_sparse_matrix(), comparison_matrix(), enable_progress_bars(), export_ISA_settings(), generate_blank_association_file(), generate_default_folder_structure(), import_ISA_settings(), separate_quant_matrices(), transform_columns()


temp <- tempdir()
data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
generate_Vispa2_launch_AF(association_file, "PJ01", "POOL01", temp)

calabrialab/ISAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.