
#' ggThemeAssist
#' \code{ggThemeAssist} is a RStudio-Addin that delivers a graphical interface for editing ggplot2 theme elements.
#' @details To run the addin, either highlight a ggplot2-object in your current script and select \code{ggThemeAssist} from the Addins-menu within RStudio, or run \code{ggThemeAssistGadget(plot)} with a ggplot2 object as the parameter. After editing themes and terminating the addin, a character string containing the desired changes is inserted in your current script.
#' @param plot A ggplot2 plot object to manipulate its theme.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # example for ggThemeAssist command line usage.
#' library(ggplot2)
#' gg <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = hp, y = mpg, colour = as.factor(cyl))) + geom_point()
#' ggThemeAssistGadget(gg)
#' }
#' @return \code{ggThemeAssist} returns a character vector.
#' @import miniUI
#' @import shiny
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import formatR
#' @import rstudioapi
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @name ggThemeAssist

ggThemeAssist <- function(text){

  SubtitlesSupport <- any(names(formals(ggtitle)) == 'subtitle')

  if (grepl('^\\s*[[:alpha:]]+[[:alnum:]\\.]*\\s*$', paste0(text, collapse = ''))) {
    text <- gsub('\\s+', '', text)
    if (any(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv) == text)) {
      gg_original <- get(text, envir = .GlobalEnv)
      allowOneline <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop(paste0('I\'m sorry, I couldn\'t find  object', text, '.'))
  } else {
    gg_original <- try(eval(parse(text = text)), silent = TRUE)
    allowOneline <- FALSE
    if(class(gg_original)[1] == 'try-error') {
      stop(paste0('I\'m sorry, I was unable to parse the string you gave to me.\n', gg_original))

  if (!is.ggplot(gg_original)) {
    stop('No ggplot2 object has been selected. Fool someone else!')

  # add rgb colours to the available colours
  colours.available <- c(colours.available, getRGBHexColours(gg_original))
  default <- updateDefaults(gg_original, default, linetypes = linetypes)

  ui <- miniPage(
    tags$style(type = "text/css", ".selectize-dropdown{ width: 200px !important; }"),

    gadgetTitleBar("ggplot Theme Assistant"),
    miniTabstripPanel(selected = 'Panel & Background',
      miniTabPanel("Settings", icon = icon('sliders'),
                   plotOutput("ThePlot5", width = '100%', height = '45%'),
                   miniContentPanel(scrollable = TRUE,
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                            headingOutput('Plot dimensions')
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            numericInput('plot.width', label = 'Width', min = 0, max = 10, step = 1, value = 10),
                                            numericInput('plot.height', label = 'Height', min = 0, max = 10, step = 1, value = 5)
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                            headingOutput("General options")),
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                              title = 'If enabled, formatR will be used. Set options(ggThemeAssist.formatR = FALSE) to disable it permanently.',
                                              checkboxInput('formatR', 'Use FormatR', value = getOption("ggThemeAssist.formatR", default = TRUE))
                                            if (allowOneline) {
                                                title = 'If multiline support is enabled, a theme function is returned for each element. To set this option permanently set options(ggThemeAssist.multiline = TRUE).',
                                                checkboxInput('multiline', 'Multiline results', value = getOption("ggThemeAssist.multiline", default = FALSE))
      miniTabPanel("Panel & Background", icon = icon('sliders'),
                   plotOutput("ThePlot2", width = '100%', height = '45%'),
                   miniContentPanel(scrollable = TRUE,
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                            headingOutput('Plot Background'),
                                            headingOutput('Panel Background'),
                                            headingOutput('Grid Major'),
                                            headingOutput('Grid Minor')
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectizeInput('plot.background.fill', label = 'Fill', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('panel.background.fill', label = 'Fill', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectInput('plot.background.linetype', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$plot.background$linetype, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('panel.background.linetype', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$panel.background$linetype, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('panel.grid.major.type', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$panel.grid.major$linetype, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('panel.grid.minor.type', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$panel.grid.minor$linetype, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            numericInput('plot.background.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$plot.background$size, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('panel.background.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$panel.background$size, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('panel.grid.major.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$panel.grid.major$size, min = 0, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('panel.grid.minor.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$panel.grid.minor$size, min = 0, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectizeInput('plot.background.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('panel.background.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('panel.grid.major.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('panel.grid.minor.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width)
      miniTabPanel("Axis", icon = icon('sliders'),
                   plotOutput("ThePlot", width = '100%', height = '45%'),
                   miniContentPanel(scrollable = TRUE,
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                            headingOutput('Axis text'),
                                            headingOutput('Axis text.x'),
                                            headingOutput('Axis text.y'),
                                            headingOutput('Axis line'),
                                            headingOutput('Axis ticks')
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectInput('axis.text.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$axis.text$family, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('axis.text.x.family', label = 'Family', choices = c('None' = 'NULL', text.families), selected = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('axis.text.y.family', label = 'Family', choices = c('None' = 'NULL', text.families), selected = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('axis.line.type', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$axis.line$linetype, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('axis.ticks.type', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$axis.ticks$linetype, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectInput('axis.text.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, width = input.width, selected = default$axis.text$face),
                                            selectInput('axis.text.x.face', label = 'Face', choices = c('None' = 'NULL', text.faces), width = input.width, selected = NULL),
                                            selectInput('axis.text.y.face', label = 'Face', choices = c('None' = 'NULL', text.faces), width = input.width, selected = NULL),
                                            numericInput('axis.line.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$axis.line$size, min = 0,width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.ticks.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$axis.ticks$size, min = 0,width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            numericInput('axis.text.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$axis.text$size, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.x.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = NULL, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.y.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = NULL, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('axis.line.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('axis.ticks.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectizeInput('axis.text.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('axis.text.x.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('axis.text.y.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            numericInput('axis.text.hjust', 'Hjust', value = default$axis.text$hjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.hjust.x', 'Hjust', value = NULL, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.hjust.y', 'Hjust', value = NULL, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            numericInput('axis.text.vjust', 'Vjust', value = default$axis.text$vjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.x.vjust', 'Vjust', value = NULL, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.y.vjust', 'Vjust', value = NULL, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            numericInput('axis.text.angle', label = 'Angle', min = -180, max = 180, value = default$axis.text$angle, step = 5, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.x.angle', label = 'Angle', min = -180, max = 180, value = NULL, step = 5, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.text.y.angle', label = 'Angle', min = -180, max = 180, value = NULL, step = 5, width = input.width),
      miniTabPanel("Title, Label & Facet", icon = icon('sliders'),
                   plotOutput("ThePlot4", width = '100%', height = '45%'),
                   miniContentPanel(scrollable = TRUE,
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                            headingOutput('Plot Title'),
                                            headingOutput('Axis Labels'),
                                            headingOutput('Facets Background'),
                                            headingOutput('Facets Text')
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('plot.title', label = 'Title', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$title), width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('plot.title.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$plot.title$family, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('axis.title.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$axis.title$family, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('strip.background.fill', label = 'Fill', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('strip.text.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$strip.text$family, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('axis.title.x', label = 'x-Axis label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$x), width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('plot.title.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, width = input.width, selected = default$plot.title$face),
                                            selectInput('axis.title.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, width = input.width, selected = default$axis.title$face),
                                            selectInput('strip.background.linetype', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$strip.background$linetype, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('strip.text.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, width = input.width, selected = default$strip.text$face)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('axis.title.y', label = 'y-Axis label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$y), width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('plot.title.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$plot.title$size, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.title.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$axis.title$size, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('strip.background.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$strip.background$size, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('strip.text.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$strip.text$size, step = 1, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('legend.colour.title', label = 'Colour', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$colour), width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('plot.title.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('axis.title.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('strip.background.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('strip.text.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('legend.fill.title', label = 'Fill label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$fill), width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('plot.title.hjust', 'Hjust', value = default$plot.title$hjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.title.hjust', 'Hjust', value = default$axis.title$hjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('strip.text.hjust', 'Hjust', value = default$strip.text$hjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width)

                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('legend.size.title', label = 'Size label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$size), width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('plot.title.vjust', 'Vjust', value = default$plot.title$vjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.title.vjust', 'Vjust', value = default$axis.title$vjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('strip.text.vjust', 'Vjust', value = default$strip.text$vjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width)

                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            textInput('legend.alpha.title', label = 'Alpha label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$alpha), width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('plot.title.angle', label = 'Angle', min = -180, max = 180, value = default$plot.title$angle, step = 5, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('axis.title.angle', label = 'Angle', min = -180, max = 180, value = default$axis.title$angle, step = 5, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('strip.text.angle', label = 'Angle', min = -180, max = 180, value = default$strip.text$angle, step = 5, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '33%',
                                            textInput('legend.linetype.title', label = 'Linetype label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$linetype), width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '33%',
                                            textInput('legend.shape.title', label = 'Shape label', value = preserveNewlines(gg_original$labels$shape), width = input.width)

      miniTabPanel("Legend", icon = icon('sliders'),
                   plotOutput("ThePlot3", width = '100%', height = '45%', click = 'legend.click'),
                   miniContentPanel(scrollable = TRUE,
                                    fillRow(height = heading.height, width = '100%',
                                            headingOutput('Legend position'),
                                            headingOutput('Legend Title'),
                                            headingOutput('Legend Text'),
                                            headingOutput("Legend Background"),
                                            headingOutput("Legend Keys")
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectInput('legend.position', label = 'Position', choices = legend.positions, selected = default$legend.position, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('legend.title.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$legend.title$family, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('legend.text.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$legend.text$family, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('legend.background.fill', label = 'Fill', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('legend.key.fill', label = 'Fill', choices = NULL, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                            selectInput('legend.direction', label = 'Direction', choices = legend.directions, selected = default$legend.direction, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('legend.title.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, selected = default$legend.title$face, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('legend.text.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, selected = default$legend.text$face, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('legend.background.linetype', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$legend.background$linetype, width = input.width),
                                            selectInput('legend.key.linetype', label = 'Type', choices = linetypes, selected = default$legend.key$linetype, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                              condition = "input['legend.position'] == 'XY'",
                                              numericInput('legend.position.x', label = 'X Coord', min = 0, max = 1, value = default$legend.position.x, step = 0.01, width = input.width)
                                            numericInput('legend.title.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$legend.title$size, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('legend.text.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$legend.text$size, step = 1, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('legend.background.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$legend.background$size, width = input.width),
                                            numericInput('legend.key.size', label = 'Size', step = 0.1, value = default$legend.key$size, width = input.width)
                                    fillRow(height = line.height, width = '100%',
                                              condition = "input['legend.position'] == 'XY'",
                                              numericInput('legend.position.y', label = 'Y Coord', min = 0, max = 1, value = default$legend.position.y, step = 0.01, width = input.width)
                                            selectizeInput('legend.title.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('legend.text.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('legend.background.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width),
                                            selectizeInput('legend.key.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = NULL, width = input.width)
      if (SubtitlesSupport) {
        miniTabPanel("Subtitle and Caption", icon = icon('sliders'),
                     plotOutput("ThePlot6", width = '100%', height = '45%'),
                     miniContentPanel(scrollable = TRUE,
                                      fillRow(width = '100%', height = heading.height,
                                      fillRow(width = '100%', height = line.height,
                                              tags$div(style="display:table; width:100%; margin:auto",
                                                       tags$textarea(id="plot.subtitle.text", label="Subtitle",
                                                                     rows=3, cols=80, gg_original$labels$subtitle,
                                                                     style="width:inherit; font-size:9pt; padding:5px"
                                      fillRow(width = '100%', height = line.height,
                                              selectInput('plot.subtitle.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$plot.subtitle$family, width = input.width2),
                                              selectInput('plot.subtitle.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, width = input.width2, selected = default$plot.subtitle$face),
                                              numericInput('plot.subtitle.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$plot.subtitle$size, step = 1, width = input.width2),
                                              selectizeInput('plot.subtitle.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = colours.available, selected = default$plot.subtitle$colour, width = input.width2, options = list(create = TRUE)),
                                              numericInput('plot.subtitle.hjust', 'Hjust', value = default$plot.subtitle$hjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width2)
                                      fillRow(width = '100%', height = heading.height,
                                      fillRow(width = '100%', height = line.height,
                                              tags$div(style="display:table; width:100%; margin:auto",
                                                       tags$textarea(id="plot.caption.text", label="Subtitle",
                                                                     rows=3, cols=80, gg_original$labels$caption,
                                                                     style="width:inherit; font-size:9pt; padding:5px"
                                      fillRow(width = '100%', height = line.height,
                                              selectInput('plot.caption.family', label = 'Family', choices = text.families, selected = default$plot.caption$family, width = input.width2),
                                              selectInput('plot.caption.face', label = 'Face', choices = text.faces, width = input.width2, selected = default$plot.caption$face),
                                              numericInput('plot.caption.size', label = 'Size', min = 1, max = 30, value = default$plot.caption$size, step = 1, width = input.width2),
                                              selectizeInput('plot.caption.colour', label = 'Colour', choices = colours.available, selected = default$plot.caption$colour, width = input.width2, options = list(create = TRUE)),
                                              numericInput('plot.caption.hjust', 'Hjust', value = default$plot.caption$hjust, step = 0.25, width = input.width2)


  server <- function(input, output, session) {

    colour.choices <- colours2RGB(colours.available)
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'plot.background.fill', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$plot.background$fill), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'panel.background.fill', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$panel.background$fill), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'plot.background.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$plot.background$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'panel.background.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$panel.background$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'panel.grid.major.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$panel.grid.major$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'panel.grid.minor.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$panel.grid.minor$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'axis.line.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$axis.line$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'axis.ticks.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$axis.ticks$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'axis.text.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$axis.text$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'axis.text.x.colour', choices = colours2RGB(colours.available, Inherit = TRUE), selected = 'NULL', server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'axis.text.y.colour', choices = colours2RGB(colours.available, Inherit = TRUE), selected = 'NULL', server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'plot.title.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$plot.title$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'axis.title.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$axis.title$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.background.fill', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.background$fill), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.key.fill', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.key$fill), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.title.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.title$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.text.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.text$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.background.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.background$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.key.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.key$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'panel.background.fill', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$panel.background$fill), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'legend.key.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$legend.key$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'strip.background.fill', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$strip.background$fill), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'strip.background.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$strip.background$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'strip.text.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$strip.text$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
    if (SubtitlesSupport) {
      updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'plot.subtitle.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$plot.subtitle$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))
      updateSelectizeInput(session = session, inputId = 'plot.caption.colour', choices = colour.choices, selected = NA2text(default$plot.caption$colour), server = TRUE, options = list(create = TRUE, labelField = 'name', searchField = 'colour', valueField = 'colour', render = jsColourSelector))

    gg_reactive <- reactive({
        need(is.validColour(input$plot.background.fill), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$panel.background.fill), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$plot.background.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$panel.background.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$panel.grid.major.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$panel.grid.minor.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$axis.line.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$axis.ticks.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$axis.text.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$axis.text.x.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$axis.text.y.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$plot.title.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$axis.title.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$legend.background.fill), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$legend.key.fill), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$legend.title.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$legend.text.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$legend.background.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$legend.key.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$strip.background.fill), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$strip.background.colour), ''),
        need(is.validColour(input$strip.text.colour), '')
      if (SubtitlesSupport) {
          need(is.validColour(input$plot.subtitle.colour), ''),
          need(is.validColour(input$plot.caption.colour), '')

      gg <- gg_original +
          title = checkInputText(input$plot.title),
          x = checkInputText(input$axis.title.x),
          y = checkInputText(input$axis.title.y),
          fill = checkInputText(input$legend.fill.title),
          linetype = checkInputText(input$legend.linetype.title),
          alpha = checkInputText(input$legend.alpha.title),
          size = checkInputText(input$legend.size.title),
          shape = checkInputText(input$legend.shape.title),
          colour = checkInputText(input$legend.colour.title)
             ) +
          axis.text = element_text(
            size = input$axis.text.size,
            colour = input$axis.text.colour,
            face = input$axis.text.face,
            family = input$axis.text.family,
            angle = input$axis.text.angle,
            hjust = input$axis.text.hjust,
            vjust = input$axis.text.vjust,
            lineheight = input$axis.text.lineheight),
          axis.text.x = element_text(
            size = setNull(input$axis.text.x.size),
            colour = setNull(input$axis.text.x.colour),
            family = setNull(input$axis.text.x.family),
            angle = setNull(input$axis.text.x.angle),
            hjust = setNull(input$axis.text.x.hjust),
            vjust = setNull(input$axis.text.x.vjust)
          axis.text.y = element_text(
            size = setNull(input$axis.text.y.size),
            colour = setNull(input$axis.text.y.colour),
            family = setNull(input$axis.text.y.family),
            angle = setNull(input$axis.text.y.angle),
            hjust = setNull(input$axis.text.y.hjust),
            vjust = setNull(input$axis.text.y.vjust)
          axis.line = element_line(
            linetype = input$axis.line.type,
            colour = input$axis.line.colour,
            size = input$axis.line.size),
          axis.ticks = element_line(
            linetype = input$axis.ticks.type,
            colour = input$axis.ticks.colour,
            size = input$axis.ticks.size),
          axis.title = element_text(
            size = input$axis.title.size,
            colour = input$axis.title.colour,
            face = input$axis.title.face,
            family = input$axis.title.family,
            angle = input$axis.title.angle,
            hjust = input$axis.title.hjust,
            vjust = input$axis.title.vjust,
            lineheight = input$axis.title.lineheight),
          plot.title = element_text(
            size = input$plot.title.size,
            colour = input$plot.title.colour,
            face = input$plot.title.face,
            family = input$plot.title.family,
            angle = input$plot.title.angle,
            hjust = input$plot.title.hjust,
            vjust = input$plot.title.vjust,
            lineheight = input$plot.title.lineheight),
          plot.background = element_rect(
            fill = input$plot.background.fill,
            colour = input$plot.background.colour,
            size = input$plot.background.size,
            linetype = input$plot.background.linetype
          panel.background = element_rect(
            fill = input$panel.background.fill,
            colour = input$panel.background.colour,
            size = input$panel.background.size,
            linetype = input$panel.background.linetype
          strip.background = element_rect(
            fill = input$strip.background.fill,
            colour = input$strip.background.colour,
            size = input$strip.background.size,
            linetype = input$strip.background.linetype
          strip.text = element_text(
            size = input$strip.text.size,
            colour = input$strip.text.colour,
            face = input$strip.text.face,
            family = input$strip.text.family,
            angle = input$strip.text.angle,
            hjust = input$strip.text.hjust,
            vjust = input$strip.text.vjust),
          panel.grid.major = element_line(
            linetype = input$panel.grid.major.type,
            colour = input$panel.grid.major.colour,
            size = input$panel.grid.major.size),
          panel.grid.minor = element_line(
            linetype = input$panel.grid.minor.type,
            colour = input$panel.grid.minor.colour,
            size = input$panel.grid.minor.size),
          legend.text = element_text(
            size = input$legend.text.size,
            face = input$legend.text.face,
            colour = input$legend.text.colour,
            family = input$legend.text.family
          legend.title = element_text(
            size = input$legend.title.size,
            face = input$legend.title.face,
            colour = input$legend.title.colour,
            family = input$legend.title.family
          legend.background = element_rect(
            fill = input$legend.background.fill,
            colour = input$legend.background.colour,
            size = input$legend.background.size,
            linetype = input$legend.background.linetype
          legend.key = element_rect(
            fill = input$legend.key.fill,
            colour = input$legend.key.colour,
            size = input$legend.key.size,
            linetype = input$legend.key.linetype
          legend.position = (if (input$legend.position == 'XY') {
            c(input$legend.position.x, input$legend.position.y)
          } else {
          legend.direction = input$legend.direction
      if (SubtitlesSupport) {
        gg <- gg + labs(
          subtitle = if (input$plot.subtitle.text == '') {NULL} else {input$plot.subtitle.text},
          caption = if (input$plot.caption.text == '') {NULL} else {input$plot.caption.text}
        ) +
            plot.subtitle = element_text(
              size = input$plot.subtitle.size,
              colour = input$plot.subtitle.colour,
              face = input$plot.subtitle.face,
              family = input$plot.subtitle.family,
              #angle = input$plot.subtitle.angle,
              hjust = input$plot.subtitle.hjust,
              #vjust = input$plot.subtitle.vjust,
              lineheight = input$plot.subtitle.lineheight),
            plot.caption = element_text(
              size = input$plot.caption.size,
              colour = input$plot.caption.colour,
              face = input$plot.caption.face,
              family = input$plot.caption.family,
              #angle = input$plot.caption.angle,
              hjust = input$plot.caption.hjust,
              #vjust = input$plot.caption.vjust,
              lineheight = input$plot.caption.lineheight)



    observeEvent(input$legend.click, {
      x.click <- input$legend.click$x / (input$legend.click$domain$right - input$legend.click$domain$left)
      y.click <- input$legend.click$y / (input$legend.click$domain$top - input$legend.click$domain$bottom)
      if (hasLegend(gg_original)) {
        updateSelectInput(session, 'legend.position', selected = 'XY')
        updateSelectInput(session, 'legend.position.x', selected = round(x.click, 4))
        updateSelectInput(session, 'legend.position.y', selected = round(y.click, 4))

    ThePlot <- renderPlot(width = function() {
          need(is.numeric(input$plot.width), ''),
          need(is.numeric(input$plot.height), ''),
          need(!is.null(input$ViewerWidth), ''),
          need(is.validColour(input$legend.key.colour), '')
        min(input$plot.width / input$plot.height * input$ViewerWidth * 45 / 100,

    output$ThePlot <- ThePlot
    output$ThePlot2 <- ThePlot
    output$ThePlot3 <- ThePlot
    output$ThePlot4 <- ThePlot
    output$ThePlot5 <- ThePlot
    output$ThePlot6 <- ThePlot

    observeEvent(input$done, {
      themeResult <- sapply(AvailableElements, compileResults, new = gg_reactive(), original = gg_original, std = default, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      themeResult <- themeResult[!is.na(themeResult)]

      labelResult <- construcThemeString('labs', original = gg_original, new = gg_reactive(), std = default, category = 'labels')

      if((!is.null(themeResult) & length(themeResult) > 0) | !is.null(labelResult)) {
        if (!is.null(input$multiline)) {
          if (input$multiline) {
            oneline <- FALSE
          } else {
            oneline <- TRUE
        } else {
          oneline <- TRUE

        result <- formatResult(text = text, themestring = themeResult, labelstring = labelResult, oneline = oneline, formatR = input$formatR)

    observeEvent(input$cancel, {


  viewer <- dialogViewer(dialogName = 'ggThemeAssist', width = 990, height = 900)
  runGadget(ui, server, stopOnCancel = FALSE, viewer = viewer)

#' @export
#' @rdname ggThemeAssist
ggThemeAssistGadget <- function(plot) {
  if (missing(plot)) {
    stop('You must provide a ggplot2 plot object.', call. = FALSE)
  plot <- deparse(substitute(plot))
  if (grepl('^\\s*[[:alpha:]]+[[:alnum:]\\.]*\\s*$', paste0(plot, collapse = ''))) {
  } else {
    stop('You must provide a ggplot2 plot object.', call. = FALSE)


ggThemeAssistAddin <- function() {
  # Get the document context.
  context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()

  # Set the default data to use based on the selection.
  text <- context$selection[[1]]$text

  if (nchar(text) == 0) {
    stop('Please highlight a ggplot2 plot before selecting this addin.')

calligross/ggthemeassist documentation built on June 17, 2019, 5:01 a.m.