generators | R Documentation |
Annual entries for each electric power generators in EIA form 860 over the years 2013-2020
Utility ID
, Utility Name
Unique identification codes and names of the electricity utilities.
Plant Code
, Plant Name
Numeric codes and names of the power plants.
Generator ID
The unique generator identification commonly used by plant management.
Prime Mover
The prime mover codes.
Code | Description |
BA | Energy Storage, Battery |
CE | Energy Storage, Compressed Air |
CP | Energy Storage, Concentrated Solar Power |
FW | Energy Storage, Flywheel |
PS | Energy Storage, Reversible Hydraulic Turbine (Pumped Storage) |
ES | Energy Storage, Other (specify in SCHEDULE 7) |
ST | Steam Turbine, including nuclear, geothermal and solar steam (does not include combined cycle) |
GT | Combustion (Gas) Turbine (does not include the combustion turbine part of a combined cycle; see code CT, below) |
IC | Internal Combustion Engine (diesel, piston, reciprocating) |
CA | Combined Cycle Steam Part |
CT | Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine Part |
CS | Combined Cycle Single Shaft (combustion turbine and steam turbine share a single generator) |
CC | Combined Cycle Total Unit (use only for plants/generators that are in planning stage, for which specific generator details cannot be provided) |
HA | Hydrokinetic, Axial Flow Turbine |
HB | Hydrokinetic, Wave Buoy |
HK | Hydrokinetic, Other (specify in SCHEDULE 7) |
HY | Hydroelectric Turbine (includes turbines associated with delivery of water by pipeline) |
BT | Turbines Used in a Binary Cycle (including those used for geothermal applications) |
PV | Photovoltaic |
WT | Wind Turbine, Onshore |
WS | Wind Turbine, Offshore |
FC | Fuel Cell |
OT | Other (specify in SCHEDULE 7) |
Unit Code
If this generator operates as a single unit with another generator (including as a combined cycle unit), enter a unique 4-character code for the unit. All generators that operate as a unit must have the same unit code. Leave blank if this generator does not operate as a single unit with another generator
Ownership for each generator using the following codes:
Code | Description |
S | Single ownership by respondent |
J | Jointly owned with another entity |
W | Wholly owned by an entity other than respondent |
Duct Burners
"Yes" if 1) the generator has a combined cycle prime mover code of "Combined Cycle Steam Part (CA)", "Combined Cycle Single Shaft (CS)," or "Combined Cycle Total Unit (CC)," and 2) if the unit has duct-burners for supplementary firing of the turbine exhaust gas. Otherwise, check "No."
Can Bypass Heat Recovery Steam Generator?
"Yes" if the generator has a combined cycle prime mover code of "Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine Part (CT)" or "Combined Cycle Total Unit (CC)" and 2) the combustion turbine can operate while bypassing the heat recovery steam generator. Otherwise, "No."
RTO/ISO LMP Node Designation
this generator operates in an electric system operated by a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) or Independent System Operator (ISO) and the RTO/ISO calculates a nodal Locational Marginal Price (LMP) at the generator location, then provide the nodal designation used to identify the price node in RTO/ISO LMP price reports.
RTO/ISO Location Designation for Reporting Wholesale Sales Data to FERC
If this generator operates in an electric system operated by a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) or Independent System Operator (ISO) and the generator’s wholesale sales transaction data is reported to FERC for the Electric Quarterly Report, then provide the designation used to report the specific location of the wholesale sales transactions to FERC.
Nameplate Capacity (MW)
the highest value on the generator nameplate in MW rounded to the nearest tenth, as measured in alternating current (AC). If the nameplate capacity is expressed in kilovolt amperes (kVA), first convert the nameplate capacity to kilowatts by multiplying the corresponding power factor by the kVA and then convert to megawatts by dividing by 1,000. Round this value to the nearest tenth.
Nameplate Power Factor
The power factor stamped on the generator nameplate. This should be the same power factor used to convert the generator’s kilovolt-ampere rating (kVA) to megawatts (MW) as directed for line 1a above. Solar photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, batteries, fuel cells, and flywheels may skip this question.
Summer Capacity (MW)
The net summer capacity
Winter Capacity (MW)
The net winter capacity
Minimum Load (MW)
Minimum load (MW) at which the unit can operate continuously
Uprate or Derate Completed During Year
“Yes” if an uprate or derate project was implemented during the reporting year. “No” if it was not. If both an uprate and derate were implemented during the reporting year
Month Uprate or Derate Completed
Year Uprate or Derate Completed
Operating and service statuses:
Code | Description |
OP | Operating – in service (commercial operation) and producing some electricity. Includes peaking units that are run on an as needed (intermittent or seasonal) basis. |
SB | Standby/Backup – available for service but not normally used (has little or no generation during the year) for this reporting period. |
OS | Out of service – was not used for some or all of the reporting period and is NOT expected to be returned to service in the next calendar year. |
OA | Out of service – was not used for some or all of the reporting period but is expected to be returned to service in the next calendar year. |
RE | Retired – no longer in service and not expected to be returned to service. |
Synchronized to Transmission Grid
If the status code is standby (SB), “Yes” if the generator is currently equipped to be synchronized to the grid when operating. “No” if it is not.
Operating Month
Month the generator began commercial operation
Operating Year
Year the generator began commercial operation
Planned Retirement Month
Month the generator retired
Planned Retirement Year
Year the generator retired
Associated with Combined Heat and Power System
“Yes” if this generator is associated with a combined heat and power system. “No” if it is not
Sector Name
Plant-level sector number, designated by the primary purpose, regulatory status and plant-level combined heat and power status
Plant-level sector name, designated by the primary purpose, regulatory status and plant-level combined heat and power status
Topping or Bottoming
If the generator is associated with a combined heat and power system, indicates whether the generator is part of a topping cycle or a bottoming cycle'
Energy Source 1, 2, 3, ... 6
The code representing the predominant (1-6) type of energy that fuels the generator
Startup Source 1, 2, 3, ... 6
The code representing the first, second, third or fourth start-up and flame stabilization energy source used by the combustion unit(s) associated with this generator
Solid Fuel Gasification System?
Indicates whether the generator is part of a solid fuel gasification system
Carbon Capture Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses carbon capture technology
Turbines, Inverters, or Hydrokinetic Buoys
Number of wind turbines, or hydrokinetic buoys
Time from Cold Shutdown to Full Load
The minimum amount of time required to bring the unit to full load from shutdown
Fluidized Bed Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses fluidized bed technology (Yes / No)
Pulverized Coal Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses pulverized coal technology(Yes / No)
Stoker Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses stoker technology (Yes / No)
Other Combustion Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses other combustion technologies (Yes / No)
Subcritical Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses subcritical technology (Yes / No)
Supercritical Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses supercritical technology (Yes / No)
Ultrasupercritical Technology?
Indicates whether the generator uses ultra-supercritical technology (Yes/No)
Planned Net Summer Capacity Uprate (MW)
Increase in summer capacity expected to be realized from the modification to the equipment
Planned Net Winter Capacity Uprate (MW)
Increase in winter capacity expected to be realized from the uprate modification to the equipment
Planned Uprate Month
Planned effective month that the generator is scheduled to enter operation after the uprate modification
Planned Uprate Year
Planned effective year that the generator is scheduled to enter operation after the uprate modification
Planned Net Summer Capacity Derate (MW)
Decrease in summer capacity expected to be realized from the derate modification to the equipment
Planned Net Winter Capacity Derate (MW)
Decrease in winter capacity expected to be realized from the derate modification to the equipment
Planned Derate Month
Planned effective month that the generator is scheduled to enter operation after the derate modification
Planned Derate Year
Planned effective year that the generator is scheduled to enter operation after the derate modification
Planned New Prime Mover
New prime mover for the planned repowered generator
Planned Energy Source 1
New energy source code for the planned repowered generator
Planned New Nameplate Capacity (MW)
The expected new namplate capacity for the generator
Planned Repower Month
Planned effective month that the generator is scheduled to enter operation after the repowering is complete
Planned Repower Year
Planned effective year that the generator is scheduled to enter operation after the repowering is complete
Other Planned Modifications?
Indicates whether there are there other modifications planned for the generator
Other Modifications Month
Planned effective month that the generator is scheduled to enter commercial operation after any other planned modification is complete
Other Modifications Year
Planned effective year that the generator is scheduled to enter commercial operation after any other planned modofication is complete
Cofire Fuels?
Can the generator co-fire fuels? (Yes / No)
Switch Between Oil and Natural Gas?
Indicates whether the generator switch between oil and natural gas(Yes / No)
Generator Technology
Turbines or Hydrokinetic Buoys
Number of wind turbines, or hydrokinetic buoys
Multiple Fuels?
Can the generator burn multiple fuels? (Yes/No)
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