net_generation: net_generation

net_generationR Documentation



Net monthly electricity generation in MWh over the years 2012-2020. From EIA Form 923, Page 4.


EIA-assigned plant code

Combined Heat and Power

Indicates whether the generator is associated with a combined heat and power system (Yes/No)


Plant name


Is the reporting entity an operator of power plants reported on Schedule 2 of the form?


ID of operator


State for owner


Census Region


North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)region in which the plant operates


North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 'that best describes the primary purpose of the plant.Electric utility plants and independent power producers whose primary purpose is generating electricity for sale will generally use code 22. For generators whose primary business is an industrial or commercial process (e.g., paper mills, refineries, chemical plants, etc.) and for which generating electricity is a secondary purpose, use a code other than 22.


Plant-level sector number, designated by the primary purpose, regulatory status, and plant-level combined heat and power status:

Number Description
1 Electric Utility
2 Independent Power Producer, Non-Combined Heat and Power
3 Independent Power Producer, Combined Heat and Power
4 Commercial, Non-Combined Heat and Power
5 Commercial, Combined Heat and Power
6 Industrial, Non-Combined Heat and Power
7 Industrial, Combined Heat and Power

Plant-level sector name, designated by the primary purpose, regulatory status and plant-level combined heat and power status


Generator identification number


EIA assigned code for the prime mover (i.e., the engine, turbine, water wheel, or similar machine that drives an electric generator):

Code Description
BA Energy Storage, Battery
CE Energy Storage, Compressed Air
CP Energy Storage, Concentrated Solar Power
FW Energy Storage, Flywheel
PS Energy Storage, Reversible Hydraulic Turbine (Pumped Storage)
ES Energy Storage, Other (specify in SCHEDULE 7)
ST Steam Turbine, including nuclear, geothermal and solar steam (does not include combined cycle)
GT Combustion (Gas) Turbine (does not include the combustion turbine part of a combined cycle; see code CT, below)
IC Internal Combustion Engine (diesel, piston, reciprocating)
CA Combined Cycle Steam Part
CT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine Part
CS Combined Cycle Single Shaft (combustion turbine and steam turbine share a single generator)
CC Combined Cycle Total Unit (use only for plants/generators that are in planning stage, for which specific generator details cannot be provided)
HA Hydrokinetic, Axial Flow Turbine
HB Hydrokinetic, Wave Buoy
HK Hydrokinetic, Other (specify in SCHEDULE 7)
HY Hydroelectric Turbine (includes turbines associated with delivery of water by pipeline)
BT Turbines Used in a Binary Cycle (including those used for geothermal applications)
PV Photovoltaic
WT Wind Turbine, Onshore
WS Wind Turbine, Offshore
FC Fuel Cell
OT Other (specify in SCHEDULE 7)
Jan ... Dec
Respondent Frequency

The plant's balancing authority




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