Man pages for carlopacioni/amplicR
An R package to process amplicon data

AIC.compCompute and compare AIC for different fasimcoal models
collate.seqsCollate sequences
dart2nexusConvert SNPs data from a genlight object (from Dart...
data.procData processing
data.proc.pairedData processing - paired ends
deconvSeparate reads by genes and deconvolute them based on...
detectDetect a reference sequence
fsc.bootstrapsCompute bootstrap confidence intervals for estimated...
fsc.estimateRun fastsimcoal to estimate parameters' values
fsc.multiple.estimateRun fsc over multiple models
getnFilteredReturn the number of filtered sequences from a derep obj
getnUniquesReturn the number of unique sequences in a derep obj
getRowExtracts rows from a matrix into a vector
getSeqFromDerepExtract sequences from a derep object
gl2sfsConvert a genlight object into a sfs input file
make.allelesBuild (possible) allele sequences based on genotypes
make.phyloseqCreate a phyloseq object
ndadaReturn the number of unique sequences in a dada obj
putnaReplace null values with NA
putzeroReplace null values with zero or x with x - 1
raw2data.procFrom raw data to data.proc()
replaceSNPReplace SNPs with IUPAC ambiguities
rmEndAdapterRemove end adapter
sel.matchSelect appropriate hits when searching a patter
setupSet up environment to use 'amplicR'
subsetDerepSubset a derep-class based on abundance of the reads
table2fastaWrite unique sequences to a fasta file for each sample where...
where2trimSelect position where a pattern has been found
write.nexusWrite a nexus file from a DNAStringSet object
carlopacioni/amplicR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 7:59 p.m.