
Sandpaper Lessons can be validated [plain]

  vhead <- snd$validate_headings()
  vlink <- snd$validate_links()
  ! There were errors in 2/3 links
  ( ) Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>

  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=18:: [needs HTTPS]: [the PuTTY terminal](http://example.com/putty)
  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=26:: [needs HTTPS]: [Terminal.app](http://example.com/terminal)

Sandpaper Lessons can be validated [ansi]

  vhead <- snd$validate_headings()
  vlink <- snd$validate_links()
  [33m![39m There were errors in 2/3 links
  ( ) Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>

  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=18:: [needs HTTPS]: [the PuTTY terminal](http://example.com/putty)
  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=26:: [needs HTTPS]: [Terminal.app](http://example.com/terminal)

Sandpaper Lessons can be validated [unicode]

  vhead <- snd$validate_headings()
  vlink <- snd$validate_links()
  ! There were errors in 2/3 links
  ◌ Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>

  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=18:: [needs HTTPS]: [the PuTTY terminal](http://example.com/putty)
  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=26:: [needs HTTPS]: [Terminal.app](http://example.com/terminal)

Sandpaper Lessons can be validated [fancy]

  vhead <- snd$validate_headings()
  vlink <- snd$validate_links()
  [33m![39m There were errors in 2/3 links
  ◌ Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>

  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=18:: [needs HTTPS]: [the PuTTY terminal](http://example.com/putty)
  ::warning file=learners/setup.md,line=26:: [needs HTTPS]: [Terminal.app](http://example.com/terminal)

Sandpaper lessons have getter and summary methods

  # A tibble: 5 x 12
    page      sections headings callouts challenges solutions  code output warning error images links
    <chr>        <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int> <int>  <int>   <int> <int>  <int> <int>
  1 intro.Rmd        6        6        6          1         2     3      0       0     0      0     1
  2 index.md         0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
  3 a.md             0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
  4 setup.md         2        2        3          0         2     0      0       0     0      0     2
  5 b.md             0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
  # A tibble: 1 x 12
    page      sections headings callouts challenges solutions  code output warning error images links
    <chr>        <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int> <int>  <int>   <int> <int>  <int> <int>
  1 intro.Rmd        6        6        6          1         2     3      0       0     0      0     1

Sandpaper lessons can read in built files

  # A tibble: 10 x 12
     page                sections headings callouts challenges solutions  code output warning error images links
     <chr>                  <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int> <int>  <int>   <int> <int>  <int> <int>
   1 intro.Rmd                  6        6        6          1         2     3      0       0     0      0     1
   2 index.md                   0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
   3 a.md                       0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
   4 setup.md                   2        2        3          0         2     0      0       0     0      0     2
   5 b.md                       0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
   6 site/built/a.md            0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
   7 site/built/b.md            0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
   8 site/built/index.md        0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
   9 site/built/intro.md        6        6        6          1         2     3      1       0     0      1     1
  10 site/built/setup.md        2        2        3          0         2     0      0       0     0      0     0
  # A tibble: 5 x 12
    page                sections headings callouts challenges solutions  code output warning error images links
    <chr>                  <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int> <int>  <int>   <int> <int>  <int> <int>
  1 site/built/a.md            0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
  2 site/built/b.md            0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
  3 site/built/index.md        0        0        0          0         0     0      0       0     0      0     0
  4 site/built/intro.md        6        6        6          1         2     3      1       0     0      1     1
  5 site/built/setup.md        2        2        3          0         2     0      0       0     0      0     0

Sandpaper lessons can create handouts

  ## Using RMarkdown

  ## Challenge 1: Can you do it?

  What is the output of this command?

  ```{r, eval=FALSE}
  paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")
  cat(snd$handout(solution = TRUE))
  ## Using RMarkdown

  ## Challenge 1: Can you do it?

  What is the output of this command?

  ```{r, eval=FALSE}
  paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")

  :::::::::::::::::::::::: solution

  ## Output

  ```{r, echo=FALSE}
  paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")


  ## Challenge 2: how do you nest solutions within challenge blocks?

  :::::::::::::::::::::::: solution

  You can add a line with at least three colons and a `solution` tag.
  cat(tinkr::yarn$new(tmp)$show(), sep = "\n")
  ## Using RMarkdown

  ## Challenge 1: Can you do it?

  What is the output of this command?

  ```{r, eval=FALSE}
  paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")

  :::::::::::::::::::::::: solution

  ## Output

  ```{r, echo=FALSE}
  paste("This", "new", "template", "looks", "good")


  ## Challenge 2: how do you nest solutions within challenge blocks?

  :::::::::::::::::::::::: solution

  You can add a line with at least three colons and a `solution` tag.

Lessons can be validated [plain]

  vhead <- frg$validate_headings()
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "For Loops" 
  +-## A for loop executes commands once for each value in a collection. 
  +-## A for loop is made up of a collection, a loop variable, and a body. 
  +-## The first line of the for loop must end with a colon, and the body must be 
  +-## Loop variables can be called anything. 
  +-## The body of a loop can contain many statements. 
  +-## Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers. 
  +-## The Accumulator pattern turns many values into one. 
  +-## Classifying Errors 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Tracing Execution 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Reversing a String 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Practice Accumulating 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Cumulative Sum 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Identifying Variable Name Errors 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Identifying Item Errors 
  \-## Solution  (duplicated)
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "Looping Over Data Sets" 
  +-## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
  +-## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
  +-## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
  +-## Determining Matches 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Minimum File Size 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Comparing Data 
  \-## Solution  (duplicated)
    \-### ZNK test links and images 
  ! There were errors in 13/37 headings
  ( ) Headings must be unique

  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=183:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=200:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=227:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=252:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=270:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=289:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=305:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=336:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=371:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=400:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=119:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=143:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=162:: (duplicated)
  vlink <- frg$validate_links()
  ! There were errors in 4/14 images
  ( ) Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ( ) Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=191:: [missing file]: [](../no-workie.svg)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=195:: [image missing alt-text]: https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=197:: [missing file]: [Non-working image](../no-workie.svg) [image missing alt-text]: ../no-workie.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=199:: [image missing alt-text]: { page.root }/no-workie.svg

Lessons can be validated [ansi]

  vhead <- frg$validate_headings()
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "For Loops" 
  +-## A for loop executes commands once for each value in a collection. 
  +-## A for loop is made up of a collection, a loop variable, and a body. 
  +-## The first line of the for loop must end with a colon, and the body must be 
  +-## Loop variables can be called anything. 
  +-## The body of a loop can contain many statements. 
  +-## Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers. 
  +-## The Accumulator pattern turns many values into one. 
  +-## Classifying Errors 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Tracing Execution 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Reversing a String 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Practice Accumulating 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Cumulative Sum 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Identifying Variable Name Errors 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Identifying Item Errors 
  \-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "Looping Over Data Sets" 
  +-## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
  +-## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
  +-## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
  +-## Determining Matches 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Minimum File Size 
  +-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  +-## Comparing Data 
  \-## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
    \-### ZNK test links and images 
  [33m![39m There were errors in 13/37 headings
  ( ) Headings must be unique

  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=183:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=200:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=227:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=252:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=270:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=289:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=305:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=336:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=371:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=400:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=119:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=143:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=162:: (duplicated)
  vlink <- frg$validate_links()
  [33m![39m There were errors in 4/14 images
  ( ) Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ( ) Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=191:: [missing file]: [](../no-workie.svg)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=195:: [image missing alt-text]: https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=197:: [missing file]: [Non-working image](../no-workie.svg) [image missing alt-text]: ../no-workie.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=199:: [image missing alt-text]: { page.root }/no-workie.svg

Lessons can be validated [unicode]

  vhead <- frg$validate_headings()
  ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  # Episode: "For Loops" 
  ├─## A for loop executes commands once for each value in a collection. 
  ├─## A for loop is made up of a collection, a loop variable, and a body. 
  ├─## The first line of the for loop must end with a colon, and the body must be 
  ├─## Loop variables can be called anything. 
  ├─## The body of a loop can contain many statements. 
  ├─## Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers. 
  ├─## The Accumulator pattern turns many values into one. 
  ├─## Classifying Errors 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Tracing Execution 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Reversing a String 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Practice Accumulating 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Cumulative Sum 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Identifying Variable Name Errors 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Identifying Item Errors 
  └─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  # Episode: "Looping Over Data Sets" 
  ├─## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
  ├─## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
  ├─## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
  ├─## Determining Matches 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Minimum File Size 
  ├─## Solution  (duplicated)
  ├─## Comparing Data 
  └─## Solution  (duplicated)
    └─### ZNK test links and images 
  ! There were errors in 13/37 headings
  ◌ Headings must be unique

  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=183:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=200:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=227:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=252:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=270:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=289:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=305:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=336:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=371:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=400:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=119:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=143:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=162:: (duplicated)
  vlink <- frg$validate_links()
  ! There were errors in 4/14 images
  ◌ Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ◌ Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=191:: [missing file]: [](../no-workie.svg)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=195:: [image missing alt-text]: https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=197:: [missing file]: [Non-working image](../no-workie.svg) [image missing alt-text]: ../no-workie.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=199:: [image missing alt-text]: { page.root }/no-workie.svg

Lessons can be validated [fancy]

  vhead <- frg$validate_headings()
  ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  # Episode: "For Loops" 
  ├─## A for loop executes commands once for each value in a collection. 
  ├─## A for loop is made up of a collection, a loop variable, and a body. 
  ├─## The first line of the for loop must end with a colon, and the body must be 
  ├─## Loop variables can be called anything. 
  ├─## The body of a loop can contain many statements. 
  ├─## Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers. 
  ├─## The Accumulator pattern turns many values into one. 
  ├─## Classifying Errors 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Tracing Execution 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Reversing a String 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Practice Accumulating 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Cumulative Sum 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Identifying Variable Name Errors 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Identifying Item Errors 
  └─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  # Episode: "Looping Over Data Sets" 
  ├─## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
  ├─## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
  ├─## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
  ├─## Determining Matches 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Minimum File Size 
  ├─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  ├─## Comparing Data 
  └─## Solution  [7m(duplicated)[27m
    └─### ZNK test links and images 
  [33m![39m There were errors in 13/37 headings
  ◌ Headings must be unique

  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=183:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=200:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=227:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=252:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=270:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=289:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=305:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=336:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=371:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/12-for-loops.md,line=400:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=119:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=143:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=162:: (duplicated)
  vlink <- frg$validate_links()
  [33m![39m There were errors in 4/14 images
  ◌ Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ◌ Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=191:: [missing file]: [](../no-workie.svg)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=195:: [image missing alt-text]: https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=197:: [missing file]: [Non-working image](../no-workie.svg) [image missing alt-text]: ../no-workie.svg
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=199:: [image missing alt-text]: { page.root }/no-workie.svg

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.