
Episodes with commonmark-violating liquid relative links can be read

  cat(tmp$show(), sep = "\n")
  Head here for [more examples of Icebreakers][icebreakers].

  Introduction materials are adapted from [Carnegie Mellon Eberly
  Center Teaching Excellence \& Educational Innovation][credits]

  [icebreakers]: {{page.root}}/icebreakers/ "spicebreaker"
  [credits]: https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/teach/firstday.html

Episodes can be converted to use sandpaper

  cat(e$tail(17), sep = "\n")
  <img src="https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg" alt="books as clubs">

  <img src="../no-workie.svg" alt="books as clubs">

  Link to [Home]({{ page.root }}/index.html) and to [shell]({{ site.swc_pages }}/shell-novice)

  ![Carpentries logo](https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg)

  ![Non-working image](../no-workie.svg)

  ![Non-working image with jekyll syntax]({{ page.root }}/no-workie.svg)

  This text includes a [link that isn't parsed correctly by commonmark]({{ page.root }}{% link index.md %})
  . The rest of the text should be properly parsed.

  {% include links.md %}
  cat(e$use_sandpaper(rmd = TRUE)$tail(17), sep = "\n")
  <img src="https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg" alt="books as clubs">

  <img src="no-workie.svg" alt="books as clubs">

  Link to [Home](index.html) and to [shell](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice)

  ![](https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg){alt='Carpentries logo'}

  ![](no-workie.svg){alt='Non-working image'}

  ![](no-workie.svg){alt='Non-working image with jekyll syntax'}

  This text includes a [link that isn't parsed correctly by commonmark](index.md)
  . The rest of the text should be properly parsed.
  cat(e$use_sandpaper(rmd = FALSE)$tail(17), sep = "\n")
  <img src="https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg" alt="books as clubs">

  <img src="no-workie.svg" alt="books as clubs">

  Link to [Home](index.html) and to [shell](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice)

  ![](https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg){alt='Carpentries logo'}

  ![](no-workie.svg){alt='Non-working image'}

  ![](no-workie.svg){alt='Non-working image with jekyll syntax'}

  This text includes a [link that isn't parsed correctly by commonmark](index.md)
  . The rest of the text should be properly parsed.

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.