
headings reporters will work without CLI

  res <- vh$validate_headings()
  ! There were errors in 5/7 headings

  - First heading must be level 2
   - Level 1 headings are not allowed
   - Headings must be sequential
   - Headings must be named
   - Headings must be unique

  validation-headings.md:5  (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  validation-headings.md:7  (non-sequential heading jump)
  validation-headings.md:9  (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:11  (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:18  (no name)
  # Episode: "Errors in Headings" 
  -# First heading throws an error  (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  ---### This heading throws another error  (non-sequential heading jump)
  --## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  --## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  ---### This heading is okay 
  --##   (no name)
  --## This last heading is okay
  res <- loop$validate_headings()
  ! There were errors in 3/10 headings

  - Headings must be unique

  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:119  (duplicated)
  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:143  (duplicated)
  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:162  (duplicated)
  # Episode: "Looping Over Data Sets" 
  --## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
  --## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
  --## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
  --## Determining Matches 
  --## Solution  (duplicated)
  --## Minimum File Size 
  --## Solution  (duplicated)
  --## Comparing Data 
  --## Solution  (duplicated)
  ---### ZNK test links and images

div reporters will work without CLI

  ! There were errors in 1/5 fenced divs

  - The Carpentries Workbench knows the following div types callout, objectives, questions, challenge, prereq, checklist, solution, hint, discussion, testimonial, keypoints, instructor, spoiler, tab, group-tab, caution

  validation-divs.md:26  [unknown div] unknown

links reporters will work without CLI

  ! There were errors in 2/10 images

  - Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  image-test.md:12  [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/102/102
  image-test.md:41  [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/109/109
  ! There were errors in 4/13 images

  - Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
   - Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:191  [missing file]: [](../no-workie.svg)
  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:195  [image missing alt-text]: https://carpentries.org/assets/img/TheCarpentries.svg
  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:197  [missing file]: [Non-working image](../no-workie.svg) [image missing alt-text]: ../no-workie.svg
  _episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md:199  [image missing alt-text]: {{ page.root }}/no-workie.svg
  ! There were errors in 31/45 links

  - Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.
   - Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>
   - Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing
   - Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
   - Some links were incorrectly formatted
   - Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
   - Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>

  link-test.md:18  [uninformative link text]: [link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:18  [uninformative link text]: [this link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:22  [missing anchor]: [absolutely incorrect](#bad-fragment)
  link-test.md:29  [missing file]: [this link is wrong](incorrect-link.html)
  link-test.md:37  [incorrect formatting]: [should be a relative link][rel-image] -> [should be a relative link](rel-image)
  link-test.md:41  [missing file]: [does not exist](files/ohno.txt)
  link-test.md:45  [invalid protocol]: gttps [needs HTTPS]: [link with a typo](gttps://example.com)
  link-test.md:47  [invalid protocol]: bitcoin [needs HTTPS]: [bitcoin link](bitcoin:FAKE-EXAMPLE)
  link-test.md:48  [invalid protocol]: javascript [needs HTTPS]: [javascript example](javascript:alert%28%27JavaScript%20Link!%27%29)
  link-test.md:53  [needs HTTPS]: [link uses http, which is no bueno](http://example.com)
  link-test.md:61  [uninformative link text]: [this](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:62  [uninformative link text]: [link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:63  [uninformative link text]: [this link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:64  [uninformative link text]: [a link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:65  [uninformative link text]: [link to](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:66  [uninformative link text]: [here](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:67  [uninformative link text]: [here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:68  [uninformative link text]: [click here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:69  [uninformative link text]: [over here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:70  [uninformative link text]: [more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:71  [uninformative link text]: [more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:72  [uninformative link text]: [for more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:73  [uninformative link text]: [for more info about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:74  [uninformative link text]: [for more information about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:75  [uninformative link text]: [read more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:76  [uninformative link text]: [read more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:77  [uninformative link text]: [read on](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:78  [uninformative link text]: [read on about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:79  [link text too short]: [a](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:80  [link text too short]: [](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:93  [missing anchor]: [missing anchor pointing to float](#floaty)

headings reporters will work [plain]

  res <- vh$validate_headings()
  ! There were errors in 5/7 headings
  ( ) First heading must be level 2
  ( ) Level 1 headings are not allowed
  ( ) Headings must be sequential
  ( ) Headings must be named
  ( ) Headings must be unique

  validation-headings.md:5 (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  validation-headings.md:7 (non-sequential heading jump)
  validation-headings.md:9 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:11 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:18 (no name)
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "Errors in Headings" 
  +-# First heading throws an error  (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  | +-### This heading throws another error  (non-sequential heading jump)
  | +-## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  | +-## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  | | \-### This heading is okay 
  | +-##   (no name)
  | \-## This last heading is okay 

headings reporters will work [ansi]

  res <- vh$validate_headings()
  [33m![39m There were errors in 5/7 headings
  ( ) First heading must be level 2
  ( ) Level 1 headings are not allowed
  ( ) Headings must be sequential
  ( ) Headings must be named
  ( ) Headings must be unique

  validation-headings.md:5 (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  validation-headings.md:7 (non-sequential heading jump)
  validation-headings.md:9 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:11 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:18 (no name)
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "Errors in Headings" 
  +-# First heading throws an error  [7m(must be level 2)[27m [7m(first level heading)[27m
  | +-### This heading throws another error  [7m(non-sequential heading jump)[27m
  | +-## This heading is okay  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  | +-## This heading is okay  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  | | \-### This heading is okay 
  | +-##   [7m(no name)[27m
  | \-## This last heading is okay 

headings reporters will work [unicode]

  res <- vh$validate_headings()
  ! There were errors in 5/7 headings
  ◌ First heading must be level 2
  ◌ Level 1 headings are not allowed
  ◌ Headings must be sequential
  ◌ Headings must be named
  ◌ Headings must be unique

  validation-headings.md:5 (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  validation-headings.md:7 (non-sequential heading jump)
  validation-headings.md:9 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:11 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:18 (no name)
  ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  # Episode: "Errors in Headings" 
  ├─# First heading throws an error  (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  │ ├─### This heading throws another error  (non-sequential heading jump)
  │ ├─## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  │ ├─## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  │ │ └─### This heading is okay 
  │ ├─##   (no name)
  │ └─## This last heading is okay 

headings reporters will work [fancy]

  res <- vh$validate_headings()
  [33m![39m There were errors in 5/7 headings
  ◌ First heading must be level 2
  ◌ Level 1 headings are not allowed
  ◌ Headings must be sequential
  ◌ Headings must be named
  ◌ Headings must be unique

  validation-headings.md:5 (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  validation-headings.md:7 (non-sequential heading jump)
  validation-headings.md:9 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:11 (duplicated)
  validation-headings.md:18 (no name)
  ── Heading structure ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  # Episode: "Errors in Headings" 
  ├─# First heading throws an error  [7m(must be level 2)[27m [7m(first level heading)[27m
  │ ├─### This heading throws another error  [7m(non-sequential heading jump)[27m
  │ ├─## This heading is okay  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  │ ├─## This heading is okay  [7m(duplicated)[27m
  │ │ └─### This heading is okay 
  │ ├─##   [7m(no name)[27m
  │ └─## This last heading is okay 

links reporters will work [plain]

  ! There were errors in 2/10 images
  ( ) Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  image-test.md:12 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/102/102
  image-test.md:41 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/109/109
  ! There were errors in 31/45 links
  ( ) Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.
  ( ) Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>
  ( ) Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing
  ( ) Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ( ) Some links were incorrectly formatted
  ( ) Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
  ( ) Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>

  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [this link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:22 [missing anchor]: [absolutely incorrect](#bad-fragment)
  link-test.md:29 [missing file]: [this link is wrong](incorrect-link.html)
  link-test.md:37 [incorrect formatting]: [should be a relative link][rel-image] -> [should be a relative link](rel-image)
  link-test.md:41 [missing file]: [does not exist](files/ohno.txt)
  link-test.md:45 [invalid protocol]: gttps [needs HTTPS]: [link with a typo](gttps://example.com)
  link-test.md:47 [invalid protocol]: bitcoin [needs HTTPS]: [bitcoin link](bitcoin:FAKE-EXAMPLE)
  link-test.md:48 [invalid protocol]: javascript [needs HTTPS]: [javascript example](javascript:alert%28%27JavaScript%20Link!%27%29)
  link-test.md:53 [needs HTTPS]: [link uses http, which is no bueno](http://example.com)
  link-test.md:61 [uninformative link text]: [this](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:62 [uninformative link text]: [link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:63 [uninformative link text]: [this link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:64 [uninformative link text]: [a link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:65 [uninformative link text]: [link to](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:66 [uninformative link text]: [here](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:67 [uninformative link text]: [here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:68 [uninformative link text]: [click here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:69 [uninformative link text]: [over here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:70 [uninformative link text]: [more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:71 [uninformative link text]: [more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:72 [uninformative link text]: [for more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:73 [uninformative link text]: [for more info about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:74 [uninformative link text]: [for more information about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:75 [uninformative link text]: [read more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:76 [uninformative link text]: [read more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:77 [uninformative link text]: [read on](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:78 [uninformative link text]: [read on about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:79 [link text too short]: [a](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:80 [link text too short]: [](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:93 [missing anchor]: [missing anchor pointing to float](#floaty)

links reporters will work [ansi]

  [33m![39m There were errors in 2/10 images
  ( ) Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  image-test.md:12 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/102/102
  image-test.md:41 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/109/109
  [33m![39m There were errors in 31/45 links
  ( ) Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.
  ( ) Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>
  ( ) Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing
  ( ) Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ( ) Some links were incorrectly formatted
  ( ) Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
  ( ) Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>

  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [this link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:22 [missing anchor]: [absolutely incorrect](#bad-fragment)
  link-test.md:29 [missing file]: [this link is wrong](incorrect-link.html)
  link-test.md:37 [incorrect formatting]: [should be a relative link][rel-image] -> [should be a relative link](rel-image)
  link-test.md:41 [missing file]: [does not exist](files/ohno.txt)
  link-test.md:45 [invalid protocol]: gttps [needs HTTPS]: [link with a typo](gttps://example.com)
  link-test.md:47 [invalid protocol]: bitcoin [needs HTTPS]: [bitcoin link](bitcoin:FAKE-EXAMPLE)
  link-test.md:48 [invalid protocol]: javascript [needs HTTPS]: [javascript example](javascript:alert%28%27JavaScript%20Link!%27%29)
  link-test.md:53 [needs HTTPS]: [link uses http, which is no bueno](http://example.com)
  link-test.md:61 [uninformative link text]: [this](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:62 [uninformative link text]: [link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:63 [uninformative link text]: [this link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:64 [uninformative link text]: [a link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:65 [uninformative link text]: [link to](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:66 [uninformative link text]: [here](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:67 [uninformative link text]: [here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:68 [uninformative link text]: [click here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:69 [uninformative link text]: [over here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:70 [uninformative link text]: [more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:71 [uninformative link text]: [more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:72 [uninformative link text]: [for more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:73 [uninformative link text]: [for more info about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:74 [uninformative link text]: [for more information about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:75 [uninformative link text]: [read more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:76 [uninformative link text]: [read more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:77 [uninformative link text]: [read on](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:78 [uninformative link text]: [read on about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:79 [link text too short]: [a](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:80 [link text too short]: [](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:93 [missing anchor]: [missing anchor pointing to float](#floaty)

links reporters will work [unicode]

  ! There were errors in 2/10 images
  ◌ Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  image-test.md:12 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/102/102
  image-test.md:41 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/109/109
  ! There were errors in 31/45 links
  ◌ Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.
  ◌ Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>
  ◌ Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing
  ◌ Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ◌ Some links were incorrectly formatted
  ◌ Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
  ◌ Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>

  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [this link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:22 [missing anchor]: [absolutely incorrect](#bad-fragment)
  link-test.md:29 [missing file]: [this link is wrong](incorrect-link.html)
  link-test.md:37 [incorrect formatting]: [should be a relative link][rel-image] -> [should be a relative link](rel-image)
  link-test.md:41 [missing file]: [does not exist](files/ohno.txt)
  link-test.md:45 [invalid protocol]: gttps [needs HTTPS]: [link with a typo](gttps://example.com)
  link-test.md:47 [invalid protocol]: bitcoin [needs HTTPS]: [bitcoin link](bitcoin:FAKE-EXAMPLE)
  link-test.md:48 [invalid protocol]: javascript [needs HTTPS]: [javascript example](javascript:alert%28%27JavaScript%20Link!%27%29)
  link-test.md:53 [needs HTTPS]: [link uses http, which is no bueno](http://example.com)
  link-test.md:61 [uninformative link text]: [this](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:62 [uninformative link text]: [link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:63 [uninformative link text]: [this link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:64 [uninformative link text]: [a link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:65 [uninformative link text]: [link to](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:66 [uninformative link text]: [here](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:67 [uninformative link text]: [here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:68 [uninformative link text]: [click here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:69 [uninformative link text]: [over here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:70 [uninformative link text]: [more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:71 [uninformative link text]: [more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:72 [uninformative link text]: [for more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:73 [uninformative link text]: [for more info about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:74 [uninformative link text]: [for more information about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:75 [uninformative link text]: [read more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:76 [uninformative link text]: [read more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:77 [uninformative link text]: [read on](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:78 [uninformative link text]: [read on about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:79 [link text too short]: [a](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:80 [link text too short]: [](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:93 [missing anchor]: [missing anchor pointing to float](#floaty)

links reporters will work [fancy]

  [33m![39m There were errors in 2/10 images
  ◌ Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>

  image-test.md:12 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/102/102
  image-test.md:41 [image missing alt-text]: https://placekitten.com/g/109/109
  [33m![39m There were errors in 31/45 links
  ◌ Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.
  ◌ Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>
  ◌ Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing
  ◌ Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ◌ Some links were incorrectly formatted
  ◌ Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
  ◌ Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>

  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:18 [uninformative link text]: [this link](#label-2)
  link-test.md:22 [missing anchor]: [absolutely incorrect](#bad-fragment)
  link-test.md:29 [missing file]: [this link is wrong](incorrect-link.html)
  link-test.md:37 [incorrect formatting]: [should be a relative link][rel-image] -> [should be a relative link](rel-image)
  link-test.md:41 [missing file]: [does not exist](files/ohno.txt)
  link-test.md:45 [invalid protocol]: gttps [needs HTTPS]: [link with a typo](gttps://example.com)
  link-test.md:47 [invalid protocol]: bitcoin [needs HTTPS]: [bitcoin link](bitcoin:FAKE-EXAMPLE)
  link-test.md:48 [invalid protocol]: javascript [needs HTTPS]: [javascript example](javascript:alert%28%27JavaScript%20Link!%27%29)
  link-test.md:53 [needs HTTPS]: [link uses http, which is no bueno](http://example.com)
  link-test.md:61 [uninformative link text]: [this](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:62 [uninformative link text]: [link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:63 [uninformative link text]: [this link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:64 [uninformative link text]: [a link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:65 [uninformative link text]: [link to](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:66 [uninformative link text]: [here](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:67 [uninformative link text]: [here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:68 [uninformative link text]: [click here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:69 [uninformative link text]: [over here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:70 [uninformative link text]: [more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:71 [uninformative link text]: [more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:72 [uninformative link text]: [for more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:73 [uninformative link text]: [for more info about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:74 [uninformative link text]: [for more information about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:75 [uninformative link text]: [read more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:76 [uninformative link text]: [read more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:77 [uninformative link text]: [read on](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:78 [uninformative link text]: [read on about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:79 [link text too short]: [a](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:80 [link text too short]: [](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  link-test.md:93 [missing anchor]: [missing anchor pointing to float](#floaty)

div reporters will work [plain]

  ! There were errors in 1/5 fenced divs
  ( ) The Carpentries Workbench knows the following div types callout, objectives, questions, challenge, prereq, checklist, solution, hint, discussion, testimonial, keypoints, instructor, spoiler, tab, group-tab, caution

  validation-divs.md:26 [unknown div] unknown

div reporters will work [ansi]

  [33m![39m There were errors in 1/5 fenced divs
  ( ) The Carpentries Workbench knows the following div types callout, objectives, questions, challenge, prereq, checklist, solution, hint, discussion, testimonial, keypoints, instructor, spoiler, tab, group-tab, caution

  validation-divs.md:26 [unknown div] unknown

div reporters will work [unicode]

  ! There were errors in 1/5 fenced divs
  ◌ The Carpentries Workbench knows the following div types callout, objectives, questions, challenge, prereq, checklist, solution, hint, discussion, testimonial, keypoints, instructor, spoiler, tab, group-tab, caution

  validation-divs.md:26 [unknown div] unknown

div reporters will work [fancy]

  [33m![39m There were errors in 1/5 fenced divs
  ◌ The Carpentries Workbench knows the following div types callout, objectives, questions, challenge, prereq, checklist, solution, hint, discussion, testimonial, keypoints, instructor, spoiler, tab, group-tab, caution

  validation-divs.md:26 [unknown div] unknown

headings reporters will work on CI

  res <- vh$validate_headings()
  ! There were errors in 5/7 headings
  ( ) First heading must be level 2
  ( ) Level 1 headings are not allowed
  ( ) Headings must be sequential
  ( ) Headings must be named
  ( ) Headings must be unique

  ::warning file=validation-headings.md,line=5:: (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  ::warning file=validation-headings.md,line=7:: (non-sequential heading jump)
  ::warning file=validation-headings.md,line=9:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=validation-headings.md,line=11:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=validation-headings.md,line=18:: (no name)
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "Errors in Headings" 
  +-# First heading throws an error  (must be level 2) (first level heading)
  | +-### This heading throws another error  (non-sequential heading jump)
  | +-## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  | +-## This heading is okay  (duplicated)
  | | \-### This heading is okay 
  | +-##   (no name)
  | \-## This last heading is okay 
  res <- loop$validate_headings()
  ! There were errors in 3/10 headings
  ( ) Headings must be unique

  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=119:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=143:: (duplicated)
  ::warning file=_episodes/14-looping-data-sets.md,line=162:: (duplicated)
  -- Heading structure -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Episode: "Looping Over Data Sets" 
  +-## Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names. 
  +-## Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern. 
  +-## Use glob and for to process batches of files. 
  +-## Determining Matches 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Minimum File Size 
  +-## Solution  (duplicated)
  +-## Comparing Data 
  \-## Solution  (duplicated)
    \-### ZNK test links and images 

links reporters will work on CI

  ! There were errors in 31/45 links
  ( ) Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.
  ( ) Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>
  ( ) Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing
  ( ) Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
  ( ) Some links were incorrectly formatted
  ( ) Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
  ( ) Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>

  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=18:: [uninformative link text]: [link](#label-2)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=18:: [uninformative link text]: [this link](#label-2)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=22:: [missing anchor]: [absolutely incorrect](#bad-fragment)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=29:: [missing file]: [this link is wrong](incorrect-link.html)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=37:: [incorrect formatting]: [should be a relative link][rel-image] -> [should be a relative link](rel-image)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=41:: [missing file]: [does not exist](files/ohno.txt)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=45:: [invalid protocol]: gttps [needs HTTPS]: [link with a typo](gttps://example.com)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=47:: [invalid protocol]: bitcoin [needs HTTPS]: [bitcoin link](bitcoin:FAKE-EXAMPLE)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=48:: [invalid protocol]: javascript [needs HTTPS]: [javascript example](javascript:alert%28%27JavaScript%20Link!%27%29)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=53:: [needs HTTPS]: [link uses http, which is no bueno](http://example.com)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=61:: [uninformative link text]: [this](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=62:: [uninformative link text]: [link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=63:: [uninformative link text]: [this link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=64:: [uninformative link text]: [a link](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=65:: [uninformative link text]: [link to](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=66:: [uninformative link text]: [here](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=67:: [uninformative link text]: [here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=68:: [uninformative link text]: [click here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=69:: [uninformative link text]: [over here for](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=70:: [uninformative link text]: [more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=71:: [uninformative link text]: [more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=72:: [uninformative link text]: [for more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=73:: [uninformative link text]: [for more info about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=74:: [uninformative link text]: [for more information about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=75:: [uninformative link text]: [read more about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=76:: [uninformative link text]: [read more](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=77:: [uninformative link text]: [read on](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=78:: [uninformative link text]: [read on about](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=79:: [link text too short]: [a](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=80:: [link text too short]: [](https://example.com/link-text#bad)
  ::warning file=link-test.md,line=93:: [missing anchor]: [missing anchor pointing to float](#floaty)

div reporters will work on CI

  ! There were errors in 1/5 fenced divs
  ( ) The Carpentries Workbench knows the following div types callout, objectives, questions, challenge, prereq, checklist, solution, hint, discussion, testimonial, keypoints, instructor, spoiler, tab, group-tab, caution

  ::warning file=validation-divs.md,line=26:: [unknown div] unknown

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.