
title: Link Tests

Internal links {#internal}

:crystal_ball: Heading with Emoji

Heading with long name that has a label {#label-1}

Another heading with a long name that has a label {#label-2}

Heading with a class, but no label {.challenge}

Heading with class and a label {.solution #label-3}

This is a link to the Heading with Emoji and a link to label 1 and a link and this link.

This link goes to the heading with class and a label.

This link is absolutely incorrect

This relative link goes to label 1

Cross-Lesson links {#cross-lesson}

This link will go to the image test, but this link is wrong.

This link also goes to image test and this link goes to image test as well This link also goes to image test, but with a slash, though this may not work for us because it implies that there is an index.html hiding in there.

This link should be a relative link. This link is a relative link that works

This link goes to an internal nested file, but this internal link does not exist

Invalid protocols

This is a link with a typo

This is a bitcoin link and this is a javascript example, both of which should never appear in lessons.

HTTP links

This link uses http, which is no bueno

Link text

If we have link text that is informative, it will pass.

If we have links like this link this link a link link to here here for click here for over here for more more about for more about for more info about for more information about read more about read more read on read on about, a, they will fail, but link text that is descriptive, albiet with a numeric anchor will work.


This is an [internal span]{#spanny style='color: red'} that we might want to link to.

[definition list]{#deffy .anchored} : This is a definition list item that has an anchor

We have examples of spans and definition lists. We also have an example of a missing anchor pointing to float

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.