
title: "testing post image tag" root: . layout: page

To create a new file from GitHub interface, click the Add file button and select Create new file from the dropdown.

Create a new file button in the GitHub interface{: .image-with-shadow width="900px" }

Next, type some text into index.md.

Create index.md file {: .image-with-shadow width="900px"}

We are now ready to start adding more content to our website. Let's do some exercises.

Exercise: Add New Content to the Website

Add a new section 'Description' to file index.md and add some description. 1. View the changes on the website.


  1. Edit index.md file to look something like:

~~~ # Building Websites in GitHub ~~~ {: .language-markdown }

  1. Go to your website. It should now look like: Add 'About' section to index.md file{: .image-with-shadow width="900px" } {: .solution } {: .challenge }

Both the pages built from README.md and index.md i.e. the file index.md is converted by Jekyll to a page called index.html.

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.